React & Web Development
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React & Web Development
Ressources about React, Typescript, and awesome JavaScript libraries that help us every day.
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Optimizing Performance in A React Application

Optimizing Performance in A React Application | React & Web Development |

Internally, React uses several clever techniques to minimize the number of costly DOM operations required to update the UI. For many applications, using React will lead to a fast user interface without doing much work to specifically optimize for performance. Nevertheless, there are several ways you can speed up your React application

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React component code smells 

React component code smells  | React & Web Development |

The smells �

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10 React security best practices

10 React security best practices | React & Web Development |

10 React security best practices

  1. Default XSS Protection with Data Binding
  2. Dangerous URLs
  3. Rendering HTML
  4. Direct DOM Access
  5. Server-side Rendering
  6. Detecting Vulnerabilities in Dependencies
  7. Injecting JSON State
  8. Detecting Vulnerable Versions of React
  9. Configuring Security Linters
  10. Avoiding Dangerous Library Code
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8 awesome features of styled-components

8 awesome features of styled-components | React & Web Development |

styled-components is the leading framework in CSS-in-JS libraries all over the world. It provides a simple and elegant way to implement inline styled-components in React projects.

styled-components has some cool features that many devs don’t know about. In this guide, we’ll describe some of these features and show you how you can use them to spruce up your next project.

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React - Myths about useEffect

React - Myths about useEffect | React & Web Development |

The biggest struggle I've observed is developers who have experience with React class components and lifecycle hooks like constructor, componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. You can definitely map these to function components with hooks, but that's a big mistake.

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Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Introduction to Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) | React & Web Development |

In web development practice, it is common for web apps to separate their front-end from back-end services. As such, accessing resources from the back-end requires the understanding of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS for short. It is an essential part of understanding web infrastructure for developers.

Hello everyone! In this article, let's discuss CORS, why we need it and how we can implement it. We'll also look at related concepts such as the Same-Origin Policy.

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Gatsby vs. Next.js

Gatsby vs. Next.js | React & Web Development |

Over the past few months, I’ve moved as much code as possible away from Gatsby. While I see why people are attracted to it and its growing ecosystem, I am no longer sipping the KoolAid. Next.js, while not perfect either, provides a better abstraction layer on top of Webpack that is more than adequate for the vast majority of projects.

In this post, I am going to share my personal opinions about the two projects as they relate to making static websites1.

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 TypeScript Template Literal Types 

TypeScript string types:

Let's start with what I already know.

  • TypeScript has a string type. It covers all strings like const hello = "Hello World";, or const myName = `My name is ${name}`;.
  • You can also use a string literal type, such as type Hello = 'hello', which only matches that specific string.
  • You can use Union Types to be combine string literal types to be more precise about allowed string inputs. One good example is type Events = 'click' | 'doubleclick' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | ...;
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Front-end Architecture: Stable and Volatile Dependencies

Front-end Architecture: Stable and Volatile Dependencies | React & Web Development |

Designing correctly the dependencies is an important skill to architect Front-end applications. The first step to creating a good design is to identify the stable and volatile dependencies and treat them accordingly. In this post, you’re going to find out how.

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React: Good Props/Bad Props

React: Good Props/Bad Props | React & Web Development |

Have you ever written components with props names such as “isFirstElement”, “fromAuthenticationScreen”, “v2”, “adminVersion”? I did, and I regretted it months later when I had to add a new functionality 

William delmas's insight:

Props should describe what a component does, not what a component is.

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React Native Team Principles 

React Native Team Principles  | React & Web Development |
The React Native team at Facebook is guided by principles that help determine how we prioritize our work on React Native. These principles represent our team specifically and do not necessarily represent every stakeholder in the React Native community. We are sharing these principles here to be more transparent about what drives us, how we make decisions, and how we focus our efforts.
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Building a fullstack React app ,GraphQL, Express, Couchbase & Recoiljs 

Get your ticket to our conference and workshops here

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Talk topic: Building a fullstack React app with GraphQL, Express, and Couchbase - Eric Bishard aka @httpJunkie

Paul will be talking on how to work with product/management on "selling" to them that paying back technical debt and investing in developer experience can impact the monetary return from users/customers.
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State of Frontend 2020 

State of Frontend 2020  | React & Web Development |

When you look at the results of the State of Frontend survey, one thing is certain: React dominates JavaScript framework mind share today. However, at the same time, it seems that next-generation reactive frameworks may soon rise as lean alternatives to the React ecosystem. And it all has much to do with the rising popularity of TypeScript.

strykb's curator insight, May 27, 2021 12:15 PM
Pod tym linkiem znajduje się książka "State of Frontend 2020", która została napisana na podstawie ankiet przeprowadzonych wśród dużej grupy Frontend Developerów. W ciekawy sposób za pomocą wykresów i krótkich opisów przedstawia ona odpowiedzi na najważniejsze pytania dotyczące przyszłości frontendu i nie tylko.
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React is slow, what now? 

React is slow, what now?  | React & Web Development |

Table of Contents

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10 Insights from Adopting TypeScript at Scale

10 Insights from Adopting TypeScript at Scale | React & Web Development |


Let’s outline three key principles we’re striving for.

⚖️ Scalability: Development speed should be kept high as more packages adopt TypeScript. Time spent installing, compiling, and checking code should be minimized.

☮️ Ecosystem Coherence: Packages should work together. Upgrading dependencies should be pain-free.

� Standards Alignment: We want to stick with standards, such as ECMAScript, and be ready for where they might go next.

The discoveries that surprised us usually came down to cases where we weren’t sure if we could preserve these principles.

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Epic React by Kent C. Dodds

Epic React by Kent C. Dodds | React & Web Development |

'm still a fan of CSS-in-JS, and in recent years, the CSS spec has evolved and improved a lot and modern browsers have too (unfortunately, Internet Explorer is NOT a modern browser in this or any context). Often I'd use a ThemeProvider (like those found in emotion), but turns out there aren't a whole lot of advantages to that kind of component for many use cases and there are several disadvantages.

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React v17.0 

React v17.0  | React & Web Development |

The React 17 release is unusual because it doesn’t add any new developer-facing features. Instead, this release is primarily focused on making it easier to upgrade React itself.

In particular, React 17 is a “stepping stone” release that makes it safer to embed a tree managed by one version of React inside a tree managed by a different version of React.

It also makes it easier to embed React into apps built with other technologies.

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React Hooks vs Vue 3 Composition API 

React Hooks vs Vue 3 Composition API  | React & Web Development |

When React Hooks were introducted in late 2018, they revolutionized the developer experience by introducing a new way to share and reuse "React-ful" logic. Even the creator of Vue aknowledged this and wanted to allow Vue users to leverage the power of this new concept in way that complements Vue's idomatic API. Today, I want to compare the result of this work in the form of the Vue 3 composition API to React hooks by implementing a sample app. We will examine if Vue's transparent reactivity based approach really is simpler than React's immutability based approach and what benefits the React team aims to get in the long term by taking a look at React Concurrent Mode.

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Make fetch better and your API request methods easier to implement 

Make fetch better and your API request methods easier to implement  | React & Web Development |


So why go through this process? Well, first of all, it will make your code easier to read. You will get all the code from fetch hidden behind explanatory method calls. Like backend.get.users(), that makes sense and is short.

Sure you could extract the logic into a function named getUsers() and make the fetch call in there. But then here is the next benefit: don't repeat your self. Without a good structure for your back end requests, you will definitely repeat your self. Setting authorization and other headers in multiple places, or just to see if the fetch call is ok everywhere...

You could also move this code outside into a library for use in your web apps and Node services without a hassle.

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React State - 5 Ways

React State - 5 Ways | React & Web Development |

In this post I'm going to walk through how to implement global state management in a React application using the same pattern across 5 of the most popular libraries and APIs using the most modern and up-to-date versions of the libraries.

  1. Recoil
  2. MobX
  3. XState
  4. Redux (with hooks)
  5. Context
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 10 Tips to Architect & Implement Design System

 10 Tips to Architect & Implement Design System | React & Web Development |

We’ve spent so much effort trying to get design out of our variables — those most atomic of reusable code bits — I felt instantaneously attracted to the idea of putting design back in.

Here’s how we evolved, architected, and implemented tokens throughout design, code and collaboration.

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Why I Love React

Why I Love React | React & Web Development |

The fact that React shuns mutation as an API for changing state and instead state updates are explicit function calls was a huge improvement for me. I can't tell you how much time I spent wondering what was causing my state to change incorrectly. My software was complected by the "ease" of state updates.

strykb's curator insight, May 26, 2021 7:35 PM
Autor tego wpisu opowiada o tym jak dowiedział się o bibliotece React oraz dlaczego jest to ciekawa i ułatwiająca tworzenie stron internetowych technologia.
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Morphing SVG With react-spring

When I create SVG documents, I use the exact proportions. I find that it’s better to be precise. For me, it helps my perception of what I want to create when I use the same coordinate system in the vector editor as in the browser and the code editor. For example, let’s say you’re about to create a 24px ✕ 30px SVG icon, including padding. The best approach is to use the exact same size — an SVG document that is 24 pixels wide by 30 pixels tall. Should the proportions turn out to be wrong, then they can always be adjusted later on. SVG is forgiving in that sense. It’s scalable, no matter what you do.

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Futuristic Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Graphical User Interface Framework for Web Apps

Futuristic Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Graphical User Interface Framework for Web Apps | React & Web Development |
Futuristic Sci-Fi and Cyberpunk Graphical User Interface Framework for Web Apps - arwes/arwes
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React Native Team Principles 

React Native Team Principles  | React & Web Development |
The React Native team at Facebook is guided by principles that help determine how we prioritize our work on React Native. These principles represent our team specifically and do not necessarily represent every stakeholder in the React Native community. We are sharing these principles here to be more transparent about what drives us, how we make decisions, and how we focus our efforts.
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