Bert Oliva and his Motivational Missionaries Tour came through Cayo a few weeks ago.  They've uploaded videos from the tour, which they had in Benque(Cancha Marshalleck) and San Ignacio(San Ignacio Resort Hotel).  When is the best time to change your life?  Now! 

They've uploaded a series of videos on their youtube channel, and videos 9 through 11 are in Cayo, with 9 being a drive through Cayo.

"Social change will only occur when a large enough group of people are made aware of, informed about and motivated to be upset by a specific issue.  That is why we are creating a world tour.  The Motivational Missionaries Tour is about educating the world's young adults and empowering them to take steps in personal growth.  On our latest tour, we traveled around the entire country of Belize for the third year in a row while speaking to over 8,000 students."