Tarde de Oro | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

The Benque House of Culture is having the annual Tarde do Oro this afternoon, starting at 2:00.  Orquidea Negra will be performing, and they'll have live Marimba music.  It's Benque Fiesta time!


"Celebrate la Fiesta del Carmen with the annual Tarde de Oro, bringing back the traditional games and embracing our Cultural Heritage, showcasing the Hog Head Dance, Greasy Pig, El Torrito, Greasy Pole, Live Marimba Music 'Vos de la Selva', La Chatona y los Cabezones, in addition folklore dance presentation by Orquidea Negra, and sealing the evening away with a 'Proverb Competition.'"