Branch Out in Belize | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Kinga Phillips, the Travel Channel writer that recently visited Cayo, wrote an amazingly accurate and vivid explanation of Actun Tunichil Muknal.   It really says it all.  She visited Cayo, where she got to explore caves, visit Mayan archaeological sites, and sleep 'amid the treetops at Parrot Nest Lodge.'  Of course she did, Cayo is the best.

"This isn’t some Pirates of the Caribbean Disney tour.  This is the real deal.  This is you as Indiana Jones exploring something remarkable.  No cameras are allowed in the cave, so staying present is a bonus side effect.  That’s not a difficult task when you are standing next to a shimmering calcite crystal coated skeleton of a child, hunched in final position, left in the dark in exchange for rain.  Take in the gravity of that when your group turns off their headlamps to experience the engulfing blackness."