SIRH Responds to Hotel Award | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The San Ignacio Resort Hotel won the Hotel of the Year award from the Belize Tourism Board, and they put out a great response, commending their employees for making it happen.  They explained it nicely and humbly.  Congratulations once again!


"Accepting the award on behalf of the San Ignacio Resort Hotel were Operations Manager Paulita Bedran Figueroa and Managing Director Mariam Bedran Roberson.  Both sisters say their employees put the San Ignacio Resort Hotel on top: 'Collectively, they are the most incredible asset any hotel management team could ask for.  This award reflects the years of hard work that the San Ignacio Resort Hotel family has invested into making the hotel one of the best experiences guests can enjoy in Belize.'"