Google Rankbrain: Scorched Earth? - Curagami | BI Revolution |

2 + 2 = Zebra
When we are trying to explain the unexplainable crazy digital marketing business we use a dada-like math and art analogy. Two plus Two equal Zebra speaks to the surreal nature of what we do, the clash of art, science, reason, understanding, serendipity and random BUMMERS and joy every SEO knows and doesn't know. 

We're riffing Larry Kim's great RankBrain Judgement Day post for SearchEngine Watch. We only understood parts of Kim's brilliant post, but all the right ducks are in the right rows. Kim's post feels like the future of seo's math even if we only understand it half as well as that differential calculus class that kicked our butt in college.


Why is Rankbrain, Kim's post and the future of SEO important?

2 + 2 = Zebra :). Marty