The recent generations have been bathed in connecting technology from birth, says futurist Don Tapscott, and as a result the world is tran...


****** The Internet is becoming a giant computer allowing new kinds of collaboration according to one of the authors of one of my favorite books Macrowikinomics. This video almost made my top 10 TED videos for the summer on Thank You Revolution ( ). Rewatching it his morning it probably should have. The open sourcing of the gold mine is a favorite story (The Gold Court Challenge).

Social media is becoming "social production" is another favorite idea from this video. This is the truth many are walking by on social. They see the one thing, the surface thing of sharing and curating, without understand that process of curation is the new creation. I'm drawn to artists who curate on canvas such as Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters and Lari Pittman because they create the visual represention of what I love about Internet markeing - the big mashup quality of it.


Via Ana Cristina Pratas, midmarketplace