Curate All of Your Social Media Content and Integrate It in Your Website with Postano | Content and Curation for Nonprofits |

Robin Good: Postano is a social media content aggregation and curation platform that can be integrated in your web site or Facebook page. 

Through its internal dashboard it can be set to agregate coming from any of your social media channels. From Wordpress or Tumblr blogs to Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest accounts, Postano offers a comprehensive array of social media sources to tap into. Additionally you can add any RSS feeds that may be relevant to you.

Postano allows you to pick and select which content you want to publish and how you want to it look and appear. Your curated channel can be finally integrated as a full embed in your website and/or added as a tab to your Facebook page.

One great key feature available as a WordPress plugin but also usable with any other publishing platform allows for all of the content and links "embedded" in your site via POstano to be also fully indexed by standard search engines.



More info:

(Opening image from

(*I have added Postano to tools-map)

Via Robin Good