5 Under Used Secret Internet Marketing Weapons Hiding In Plain Sight | Curation Revolution | Scoop.it

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Marty Note

I've been on vacation this week. When on vacation your mind starts to cycle differently. Today my mind was thinking about things I know are secret weapons, things that are sitting there waiting for someone to understand well enough to use for good purpose (hopefully). Here is my list of 5 weapons in waiting: 

1. The Keyword Tag

When we move to a semantic web the lowly tag will be our guide. We will learn to tag things fast with clear hierarchy and connection across a galaxy of content. Those who can tag will be able to curate and create an order of magnitude more content so the skill will go Darwin and become an epidemic.

2. The #Hashtag

If keyword tags are powerful the #Hashtag has super powers. Since #hashtags are attached to one of the best real time search engines, Twitter, the hashtags largely under utilized POWER is begging to have a hybrid brain, enough left brain to understand mixed with enough right brain creative to know what to do, to pick the #hashtag up and make it sing a special song.

3. Paper.li (http://paper.li/)

Perhaps the best of the "do more with less" tools (http://www.atlanticbt.com/blog/internet-marketing-5-magical-do-more-with-less-curation-tools/ ) Paper.li combines the power of the tag and #hashtag with magic, with the ability to create a beautiful auto-magazine with minimal curation and oversight. The opportunities for feedback and interaction are so expanded by @SmallRivers tool that the first group to really know how to plug and play Paper.lis across their segments and keywords will be dangerous.

4. The Mobile App

Google reported lower than expected earnings this week (http://www.scoop.it/t/digital-revolution-leaderboard/p/2980796143/why-google-missed-earnings-today-in-a-single-word-mobile) showing a loose brick in the dam. For the first time ever the number, in absolute terms, of searches DECREASED.

This is HUGE as it is the realization of the Mobile First movement (http://www.scoop.it/t/mobile-revolution/p/1277764146/a-book-apart-mobile-first ). Mobile represents a viable shadow government and it is creating havoc for the digital mafia (Facebook, Google, Amazon). No one knows what is next, but it is going to be DIFFERENT and MOBILE.

5. Scoop.it (http://Scoop.it )

The brilliance of the Scoop.it strategy is coming into view. Scoop.it knows we need a hub to clean up our social mess. Scoop.it is waging an intelligent campaign to become the way we organize every other social tool, content and site.

The people who made the real money in the gold rush in the 1800s? Not the miners. If you dollar cost averaged all of their "killings" across all the chasers the miners made little. The people who helped the miners get organized, file claims and provided the pitchforks made the real money. Scoop.it's strategy to sell digital pitchforks is brilliant, intelligent and I like using their pitchfork more and more (something that can't be said for most pitchforks that tend to create the opposite reaction). 

Now back on vacation for one last weekend :). 

Related Reading: 5 Magical Do More With Less Curation Tools http://www.atlanticbt.com/blog/internet-marketing-5-magical-do-more-with-less-curation-tools/