StoryBranding Part II-How it works- Learn about how the persuasive powers of story can be applied to your brand.


This is the second video about story branding from Jim Signorelli. It is short, sweet and to the point -- focusing on WHY.


By WHY, Jim means -- what is the 'why' behind your business? What is the cause behind what you do? Understanding, articulating, and communicating the WHY of your business is the first critical step in story branding.


Because remember -- people don't buy the 'what', they buy the WHY.

 Enjoy this video and if you haven't already, start figuring out your WHY!

***** When I worked at P&G we called "Why" our USP or Unique Selling Proposition. Now I prefer UVP or Unique Value Proposition since no one "sells" anything anymore at least not in the old way. People buy with emotion and justify with logic another important P&G idea. I think "emotional buying" challenges dry UVPs to incorporate "save the world" ideas.

The other thing I would change ever so slightly is the idea of people buying things. Just as we don't "sell" anything anymore now we JOIN more than we buy. Author Faith Popcorn was prescient when she said, "People don't BUY brands they JOIN them." If that was true then (90's) it is even more so now after Facebook, Twitter, SumbleUpon et al.


Via Brian Yanish -