Do Cool Stuff, Change World, Cure Cancer: Cure Cancer Starter on Is Your Bid In? | Curation Revolution |

Cure Cancer Starter - Crowdfunding Cancer Research
Loaded to after our Atlantic BT team got overbooked. If you are a developer/designer and want to change the WORLD here is your chance. 

How cool would that be?


Imagine you are sitting at a bar and an attractive woman (or handsome man) asks the inevitable, "What do you do," question. You take a sip of beer slowly, look away for a moment and then hold their eyes as you say, "I helped cure cancer". 

Doesn't get any cooler than that. The project listing includes a summary, functional specifications and several revisions. If you've always wanted to be that guy (or girl) in that bar having that conversation then we are looking for YOU :). 

Not that guy or girl but KNOW that guy or girl? If you know cool developers who love to stretch and do amazingly awesome things please give them a nudge and come along for a magical mystery tour. There is plenty of work to go around :).  

Thanks, Marty