Why UCA Is The New USP: Share YOUR Input On A New Marketing Concept | Curation Revolution | Scoop.it

Unique Customer Aspirations
UCA stands for Unique Customer Aspirations. I am creating this idea right now on Atlantic BT's blog. The concept is a mashup of an idea discussed in Seth Godin's new book The Icarus Deception and Jim Stengel's book about how brand ideals should drive called Grow (both highly recommended).

I was taught to sell by P&G back in the day. P&G stressed USP, or unique selling propositions. USPs was the unique brand quality of P&G products such as Ivory soap's "so pure it floats". 

The concept of USPs was matured by Kim's book Blue Ocean Strategies. Kim stressed the development of Unique Value Propositions or UVPs such as how Cirque du Soleil changed the concept of "circus". I've discussed the importance of USPs and UVPs on a ScentTrail Marketing Video.


Marketing has changed so much, but our understanding of those changes is running behind. I believe there is a new concept called Unique Customer Aspiration or UCA and undrestanding UCAs is critical to successful Internet marketing. 

UCAs are about how your product or services change, empower and help people, customers, friends and so create brand advocates. I'm writing about this new UCA idea now for Atlantic BT's blog.

Want to help define a new concept? Want to lend your ideas to UCA? Share your thoughts in comments here or email Martin.Smith(at)Atlanticbt.com. 

Look for my first draft tomorrow.  

Great comment by Phil Buckley (@1918) about UCA on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102639884404823294558/posts/fsR8GLTC6g5