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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Understanding Your New SEO Ecosystem - Atlantic BT

Understanding Your New SEO Ecosystem - Atlantic BT | Curation Revolution |
Want to understand your website's SEO strengths & weaknesses? Create an "ecosystem view" with your website next to top organic competitors. Here's How...
Jeff Sieh's curator insight, June 24, 2013 11:06 PM

his is a great article that needs to be bookmarked for reference.  Top Notch!

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Web Analytics and Web Copy!

Responsive Email Marketing An Ecom MUST In A Mobile World [Tips]

Besides a quick explanation of what responsive email design is; I take a look at what’s possible, going through some of the responsive layout patterns we’ve

Via paulo oliveira
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Email The Register Of Ecommerce
Email out performed all other channels when I was an Ecom director. Email contributed more margin to the bottom line and was the cash register of other "lost leader" channels such as PPC. 

Email also creates important diversification. People on YOUR list put you in control at least as far as you don't irritate or spam. If more than a tiny group on your list complains you are marketing insensitive to their needs (spamming in other words) and your ISP will black ball your website and it can be hellish to get off. 


Email As Mobile Life Curator
Email marketing is not without its new challenges. Batch and blast the same message means conversion will go down as spam complaints go up. Email's role is changing with the dominance of smart phones.

Smart phones and pads are the easiest way to manage emails. Email deletion is easiest on mobile and mobile fills up the free time of waiting in lines and sitting on the subway. Wonder why your open rates are going DOWN? A: Smart phones. 

All of this means you need personas and segments AND responsive emails in your email marketing these days. You MUST create relevant messages. Use personas, fully articulated archetypes for between 3 and 7 "super groups" within your list. 

Know what segments within your list such as "multi-buyers" or VIPs are the most profitable. Combine personas, which THEY ARE with your financial segments what THEY MEAN to you to create campaigns that will appeal to THEM and make money for YOU. 

Email Marketing In Mobile World Tips
* Subject Line is beyond important.

* Create responsive email (email must look great on all devices).  

* Use PERSONAS and SEGMENTS together.

* Tell STORIES over TIME.

* Curate User Generated Content INTO your email marketing.

* Count and trend unopens as a NO.

* Create & Trend new KPIs such as $ / sent, $ / opens.

* Keep emails OFF your website (dupe content and hurt heuristics).


This last bullet needs some explanation. Your email marketing needs a "can't see this email view it here" link, but keep your creative in a NON-SPIDERED folder.


Allowing your emails to get spidered can cause duplicate content problems and the heuristics of your emails don't help since, if you are creating great Call To Action emails, your audience will not spend much time on your emails as they are simply attention getter pass through to points of conversion. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, April 21, 2013 4:57 PM
Thanks for the Scoop Massimo. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World

Swarm Storms – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World | Curation Revolution |

Swarms, Storms and Flocks

As a Director of Ecommerce I became fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks. Things happen inside the world’s largest content network for reasons that are beyond logical explanation. As the founder of Cure Cancer Starter, a crowdfunding platform for cancer research, I am fascinated with swarms, storms and flocks again. 

Swarm Storms is my name for the strange combination sentient mob behavior. Much like ants and bees the web forms with a collective consciousness that can feint and move like a school of fish or a flock of birds. 

If you've ever been fishing just prior to a storm you know the activity gets fast and furious before stopping almost entirely. Fish feel changes in pressure and react. Storms influence the creation and path of swarms.

Much of Internet marketing is weather forecasting. You model and predict where you thin your Internet marketing and website need to go. Sometimes you want to be out of the path of the storm while other storms you want to ride like a wave. 


All Internet marketers are weather forecasters and swarm storm creators. The linked post is the first post on swarm creation from Swarmise, a new book by Swedish political activist Rick Falkvinge. His a piece from the post describing a "swarm organization":

"A swarm organization is a decentralized, collaborative effort of volunteers that looks like a hierarchical, traditional organization from the outside. It is built by a small core of people that construct a scaffolding of go-to people, enabling a large number of volunteers to cooperate on a common goal in quantities of people not possible before the net was available.


Working with a swarm requires you to do a lot of things completely in opposite from what you learn at an archetypal business school. You need to release the control of your brand and its messages.


You need to delegate authority to the point where anybody can make almost any decision for the entire organization. You need to accept and embrace that people in the organization will do exactly as they please, and the only way to lead is to inspire them to want to go where you want the organization as a whole to go."


Rick is sharing the book one chapter at a time online. Stay tuned and buy the book when it comes out in the summer.  

Robin Good's comment, March 9, 2013 9:35 AM
Right on Marty.

I have something I wrote eight years back that you may like and that is quite relevant to this very topic:
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, March 10, 2013 8:12 AM
Robin, wow massively cool piece. I love the concept of BioTeaming. Specifically the recognition that a team is a force, an organic thing that must be managed, thought about, protected and curated with process, care, respect and trust. By calling out the goal of creating a high performance team and setting up a specific process to do so this piece increases the chances of that result (the creation of a high performance team) 100x. I also agree with your assertion that technology per se can quickly distane the goal of creating high performance teams. The idea that technology HELPS and doesn't HINDER is a priori and absurd. By starting with team architecture you provide a check list, an easy way to know if tech is contributing or not. Well Done and thanks for the SHARE. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How To Become A Social Business - Marty Talks To's Founder

How To Become A Social Business - Marty Talks To's Founder | Curation Revolution |
Marty's fist Free Internet Marketing Consulting Office Friday discussed how to become a social business with
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Realized a couple of things today about social process, about how to start small and build. Not the way I would do it, I'm all in, but all in freaks people out.

Testing and pilot programs allow the perception of incremental acceptance. Which would you rather do? Jump into a cold lake or ease your way into it? I'm a jumper but respect people who must ease in too (don't understand, but have empathy for LOL).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words

SEO Writing Tip - How To Avoid STOP Words | Curation Revolution |

Better SEO Writing

Just Scooped a great #infographic about SEO Writing that didn't mention some of my favorite tips or anything about "stop words" so I added 5 tips to the Scoop and wrote a quick ScentTrail Marketing post about Stop Words:

15 SEO Writing Tips (10 Infographic, 5 from me)

SEO Writing - Eliminate Stop Words (ScentTrail Marketing)


There is great news about the elimination of stop words. When you tune your writing to use shorter sentences, smaller paragraphs and reduces stop words your copy reads faster and so becomes more engaging. Win Win.

Kathy Lenard's curator insight, May 1, 2013 11:26 PM

I sometime write long sentences; so when I saw these tips about the elimination of STOP words, I had to Scoop this.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 2, 2013 7:36 AM
Thanks for the Rescoop Kathy. Shortening your sentences, more Hemingway than Faulkner, can have positive impacts on SEO and visitor engagement. Marty
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Tips For Safer SEO Meme Marketing [Marty Note]

5 Tips For Safer SEO Meme Marketing [Marty Note] | Curation Revolution |
How to boost your SEO using memes and give your readers a dose of humor and information they'll make go viral!

See my note about the linked content - Marty

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Meme Marketing Can WIN or HURT
This post is a little fast and loose with their definition of a "meme". When Richard Dawkins coined the term he had something more robust than cultural ephemera in mind. 

The use of Nirvana's lyric is not what made Nirvana a meme. Nirvana came to represent a tribe of angry disaffected youth raised on irony and lied to repeatedly by authority figures from parents to politicians. Trying to tease art from inspiration is a fool's errand, so Nirvana and Kurt Cobain became archetypes representing a movement and a tribe.

The author may be fuzzy on what a meme is, but they have the viral power of memes just right. Memes live to do one thing - transfer cultural ideas. Think of the May Fly who lives for a single day. Memes live for as long as the act of transfer is met with ever increasing amounts of transfer. 

Meme Creation Tips

* Keep ideas simple.

* New Via Known - Use Made To Stick idea and connect NEW ideas to familiar (think of the duct tape on the book's cover) ones. 

* As Memes go sideways tweak YOUR messaging. 

* If Meme is WRONG stop feeding it (and hope others follow your lead).

* NEVER fight a meme. 

The reason you don't fight a meme is TO FIGHT is to add transfer energy. The more you attempt to restate the more ingrained the meme becomes. If your meme goes so sideways it is dead wrong STOP FEEDING IT. 

Often if the originator of a meme stops the feed it will slowly die. Note the use of "slowly". if your boss says they want that fixed tell them sure no problem and DO NOTHING. Do anything and you increase your problem. 

Memes vs. Cultural Ephemera
Memes have more backbone than cultural ephemera. Dawkins "Selfish Gene" idea is an example of a meme with powerful reach and robustness. Despite many leading authors including Wright (NonZero), Benkler (Penguin and Leviathan) and Shermer (Mind of the Market) the concept of man's innate selfishness is a strong meme. 

Dawkins must appreciate the irony since the book he wrote in 1976 The Selfish Gene that created or reinforced or given name to the "selfish man" meme doesn't say man is innately selfish. In fact, The Selfish Gene has a detailed discussion of The Prisoner's Dilemma where competitive collaboration is discussed. 

This misinterpretation brings up an important point. Memes transfer ideas FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSFER not accuracy. Expect your meme marketing to go a little sideways when exposed to the world. The smart move, when your memes go a little sideways, is to adjust your messaging to be consistent with how the meme has stripped your ideas down for transfer. 

If this is starting to sound like playing the MEME SEO game can be a tad dangerous you win a cookie. Just as Dawkins's amazing title created its own meme that was only partially related to his book your memes will take on a life of their own. 


BE CAREFUL with "Meme Marketing" and respect the power of the mob and you can WIN big as the author of this post shares. Memes are LIVE AMMUNITION so think about your end goals and test ways your memes will go sideways. If you can't live with a meme going sideways DON'T CREATE MEME MARKETING. 

David Meerman Scott writes how to ride fast breaking cultural ephemera and memes to your marketing advantage in The New Rules Of Marketing and PR and NewsJacking.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail

5 Easy SEO Tips From ScentTrail | Curation Revolution |

SEO Doesn’t Have To Be Hard Just shot a video with our resident photographer Andrew Bartlett. Our conversation reminded me Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be so HARD.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

After shooting a video with our resident photographer, Andrew Bartlett, I realized that SEO in a post Panda and Penguin world is easier than ever. Do the basics well, connect everything so Google knows YOU and be consistent and life is good. 

Here are the 5 SEO Tips this piece shares: 

* Keywords in URL.

* Keywords in image Alt text.
* Tell a story with Keywords.

* Content With Call To Action is King

* Be consistent With Other Marketing

Easy right? What are your 5 favorite EASY SEO Tips? 

Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, January 10, 2013 9:19 PM

Great article Marty. Wasn't long ago I'm talking to fellow website designer who said SEO is dead because of social media. I told him, funny how Google hasn't stopped telling website owners to do many of the items you cover in your article.  

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, January 11, 2013 8:14 AM
Spiders still need context Brian so you note to the designer was correct. Correct alt text has been a particular challenge for me with many designers. I prefer to have file names with keywords too, but good luck selling that idea to a designer (lol). M