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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake

QDF - Quality Deserves Freshness & "Fixing" An Editorial Mistake | Curation Revolution |

What Is QDF
Google has a favorite core concept - Quality Deserves Freshness. The concept changes content marketing in many ways such as:

* Content is publish & done.
* Content that sparks comments is prized.

* Content that promotes links and shares is good.

* Static Content is bad.

On Monday I made an editorial mistake. @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comwrote a great guest blog post for Curagami about content curation. My mistake was building a reference into an embedded slide deck in the title.

That editorial decision assumes too much. Any post MUST live up to its title and this one DID if a reader looked at Cendrine's great slides. If you didn't it was confusing. I added to the confusion by using a numbered list in the title and then NOT numbering the tips contained in Cendrine's slides.

We received a comment noting the dissonance my editorial decisions made. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO? Change the title back to Cendrine's better title and destroy the ripples the post earned. Change the blog title without changing the URL and Google sees and punishes the dispariety.

Better to ADD CONTENT IN because of QDF. I wrote in a couple of hundred words and re-shared the post on social as an object lesson in my need to become a better editor and QDF. NEVER take something away from Google they've indexed, has been shared or is inside your website's modeled evaluation.

Taking things away creates suspicion. Adding in new content helps with QDF and provides a new hook to share on social. QDF can be helped by:

* Comments.
* Feeds (if structured and embedded properly).
* Curation (of comments or other material).
* User Generated Content (UGC) such as social shares, comments, reviews and forms.

* Questions - great because "new to them" evergreen content promotes UGC for years.

* Polls - voting brings customers back and creates new social share hooks too.

If this information sounds like you really can't "fix" an editorial mistake as much as you create, curate and surf you way out of it you understand implications of QDF. Content in Google land is forever, but content in the new QDF world isn't static, unchanging and inviolate either.

Promise to write a post on QDF and how Google's search for the latest greatest and most relevant content means your content marketing needs to shift from "publish and done" to "publish, curate and publish again".

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Haiku Deck May Be Most Important Internet Marketing Tool You AREN'T Using via @Curagami

Why Haiku Deck May Be Most Important Internet Marketing Tool You AREN'T Using via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Haiku Decks Create Shares & Community
If we told you there was a tool that would generate 3,200 views of your content on average and produce almost 60,000 views and over 700 shares for 34 uses (of the tool) you would USE IT right? This Curagami post shares why Haiku Deck is a powerful Internet marketing tool you should start using NOW.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO Is So Hard To See via @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail

Invisible Giant: Why New SEO Is So Hard To See via @HaikuDeck by @Scenttrail | Curation Revolution |

There is a new invisible giant using 5 "tricks" so the "new seo" is getting harder and harder to see and understand. This Haiku Deck and Curatti blog post is about how to see the invisible giant. How to win hearts and minds online.

Why New SEO So Hard To See
* Google Float & Filter Bubbles.
* Social Media Marketing's Disappearing Act.

* Friends of Friends Marketing.

* Multi-channel Marketing.

* Web's "Fabric" Like Space/Time.

Adding a Curatti blog post at midnight tonight too.

malek's curator insight, August 5, 2014 7:37 AM

Thought provoking on many fronts. The notion of need of predictive models (and other tools) to link content with visitors.

donhornsby's curator insight, August 5, 2014 8:02 AM

(From the article): Content Marketing is a tricky idea. You need to create authoritative content, but just enough that community is forming comfortably. Talk to much, in the wrong voice or at the wrong time sand you kill your fledgling community (easy to do). 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami

Is Social Media Marketing Dead? Yep & Here's Whats Next - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Jeff Fromm in a great post for TBJ makes Curagami's tactical marketing is dead argument beautifully. Social Media Marketing is dead & here's what's next.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Brian Yanish -'s curator insight, July 23, 2014 8:05 AM

As we consume more and more content via our mobile devices, both content marketing and social media marketing strategies need to be re-examined.


The end user, your consumer now has Notification Distraction, be it from a game or text message your content has limited engagement time of these devices. Getting a share has become even harder. 

Connecting content to product engagement is the new marketing.

Dr. Karen Dietz's comment July 23, 2014 5:43 PM
I really enjoyed this article Marty and am going to reference it for another kind of story project I'm working on. Good stuff! Thanks for finding and sharing.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

7 Focused Tactics For Content Curation Success via IM guru Heidi Cohen

7 Focused Tactics For Content Curation Success via IM guru Heidi Cohen | Curation Revolution |

Want to excel at content curation? Here are 7 tactics for content curation success:

1. Provide editorial selection expertise.2. Add commentary to augment existing information.3. Write attention-grabbing headlines.4. Package your content to attract attention and facilitate consumption.5. Offer curated content on regular schedule.6. Distribute curated content effectively across channels, platforms and devices.7. Track results of curated content to achieve your objectives.

Marty Note
My favorite is the idea of "packaging" your content. Fascinating.

Marilyn Moran's comment, May 14, 2014 5:21 PM
Awesome tips on content curation. Heidi Cohen rocks.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing

Why We Are All Content Curators Now - ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

This post shares a story, a story of a piece of content written for @ janlgordon How did Startup Trends 2014 II go from being a laggard at social shares to outshining its brother post (Startup Trends 2014 I)?

Ongoing curation and GPlus provide the answers and proving why we are all content curators now. The piece also shares some "down the SEO rabbit hole" content curation and creation perspective.

Promise to write more "down the SEO rabbit hole" content soon.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing

Content Curation and SEO Response - ScentTrail Marketing | Curation Revolution |

What is content curation and how can it help SEO? This post shares how content curation creates more reach faster and protects your Internet marketing.

This post is a response to Your Guide To Conent Curation for SEO by @jaysondemers (Jayson DeMers) for Search Engine Journal. Jayson's post is dissonat to my content curation experience in several important ways.

Your Guide To Content Curation For SEO is brilliant, includes orginal thinking and cagegorization I haven't thought of or about and gets more right than wrong.

That said, it felt important to sit on the ground and discuss where my content curation experience over the last three years differs from Jayson's declarations.

I linked his post and be sure to read mine and his, comment and share your thoughts since understanding what content curation IS and how it relates to SEO feels important :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami

Invisible Giant of the New SEO via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |
Invisible Giant of the New SEO shows why Google, appification, mobile and other trends are making the new SEO hard to see, understand or create tactics for.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Will Widgets Inherit the Web? via @HaikuDeck

Will Widgets Inherit the Web? via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Creating a distributed content network with widgets is a vast blue ocean of low cost, high reward Internet marketing today. Won't be that way for long.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Overwhelmed? Enter #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps via @Curagami

Overwhelmed? Enter #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Overwhelmed Is the word we keep hearing from Small to Medium Sized business. They feel overwhelmed by Internet marketing's ever changing environment and accelerating demands. Yeah, we can help with that

Nothing so motivated as a sinner seeking redemption. We've been marketing online so long, more than 30years combined in team Curagami, we sometimes hear "overwhelmed" after we speak to customers.

As penance we are going to help one lucky company create a plan. See we know something about feeling overwhelmed. When I heard "cancer" and my name in the same sentence "overwhelmed" was the right word. I worked my way out by planning to ride a bicycle across America.

DON'T DO THAT (lol), but do enter our #IMoverwhelmed Sweeps and we guarantee you will begin to feel less overwhelmed NOW. Remember you are not alone and keep turning the crank :). Marty

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

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Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis

Social Media Publishing is dead - SMB Survival Guide: 3 Rays of Hope via @Curagami & @gdecugis | Curation Revolution |

Lions, Tigers, Bears & Content Shock & SMB Survival
Small to Medium Sized Businesses are overwhelmed. The clearest message we've received during our first six months creating our Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami is a clear protest. "Overwhelmed" is the most common adjective SMBs use to describe their situation.

Not hard to see why SMBs are feeling overwhelmed. Tactics that used to insure consistent yearly growth are sick. Tactics are drying up faster than ever.

SMB Marketing Tactics Costing More, Getting Less:

* Yellow Pages (near death).
* Print ads (near death).

* Val-u-pak coupons (near death).

* Coupons of any kind (losing relevance with smartphone users)..

* Groupons (blows brands up almost beyond repair).
* Email marketing (sick due to social / mobile web).
* Social Media Marketing (sick and getting sicker fast).
* Content Marketing.(content shock sick).

* Ecommerce (too many stores, same offerings).
* PPC (paying more to get less).
* Retargeting (cat out of bag, so sick efficacy declining).
* Video Marketing (steep learning curve, expensive).
* Viral Marketing (everyone has that cold now & hit or miss).
* Cause Marketing (not as unique as once was & live or die with partner).

* Celebrity Marketing (expensive and live or die with branded celeb).

* SEO (don't even get us started, all but gone, baby, gone).

3 Rays of Hope

1. Content Curation
Discussed by CEO @Guillaume Decugisin Social Media Publishing Is Dead As We Know It ( ).

2. Community
Banding and binding tribes of contributors, advocates and supporters to your cause.

3. Friends of Friends marketing.
Reaching new customers via WOM (Word-of-Mouth) supplied by fans, brand advocates and social marketing Sherpas willing to sacrifice and help your cause.

Curagami ( ) is focused on helping SMBs create sustainable community via the Friends-of-Friends marketing community generates.  

Am Scooping Guillaume's post to use in our Curagami board meeting tomorrow and we are working on 3 cool ideas:

* Curagami SMB Survival Guide - one page "action focused" recommendations on the tapestry of marketing tools and tactics needed to know where online "success" lives these days.

* Curagami $25,000 SMB Survival Contest - Help in seo, content marketing and community building to make this holiday online selling season great.

* Curagmai SMB Survival School - 1 day training to support SMBs at the American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

What Is Long-Form Content and Why Does It Work?

What Is Long-Form Content and Why Does It Work? | Curation Revolution |
Ask two content marketers about long-form content and you’ll likely get two completely different responses. The first might say that long-form content is a gamble, given audiences’ supposedly min…
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Storify Long Form Content To Win
Great post explaining why SHORT or LONG form content works and the middle drags. Amazing charts and graphs supporting why long form works ins a heuristic TIME ON SITE time (like this one). If your readers are ENGAGED they are more valuable than if they are "one and done" and long form content creates more engagement.

The post speculates on why, but my theory is its easier to tell a better story. It takes me 500 words just to get my scene set (lol). I'm kidding, but I do like to "storify" my content.

In this context "storify" means to find a larger story I can riff INTO the post or share a personal but relevant story that provides the same kind of "backbone" content.

malek's curator insight, May 12, 2014 5:04 PM

A great piece of reading about adding more value with more content.  The examples are highly illustrative, turning a dry rock into live rock.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Great Content Curators See Patterns Others Don't So Curation Is Highly Disruptive

Great Content Curators See Patterns Others Don't So Curation Is Highly Disruptive | Curation Revolution |
What Is Content Curation Curation is an active filtering of the web’s infinite content and it may be the most disruptive Internet marketing tactic. Curators do more than simply assign meta value via categorization.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Disruptive & Exploding Content Curation
Wish I could tell you I plan to write sentences that will resonate and define something like content curation in a helpful way. The plan is to LOVE what I do and want to share it as often and as many ways as possible almost everything after that is accident (lol). 

Content curation is about to explode. It has too, as's CEO Guillaume noted a good argument could be made that all content that ever needs to be created already has. This means the shift is to the curators.

I read something attributed to uber-curator Maria Popova. She supposedly said each time an Internet marketer uses the word "curator" real curators kill a kitten. Popova was being dramatic, but I take her point. 

Our "curation" is digital curation - the active filtering, theming and organizing of a monster fire hose of content pointed at all of us. Our ability to read and make sense of the world may mean we are all "curators". A contemporary life requires curation. 

Wish I could plan my day to create another piece of content as well received and helpful as this post, but it doesn't work that way. Better to focus on digging the ditch that needs digging than worrying too much about "viral marketing" or "legacy" content (is my thinking :). M  


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Suggested by Agnipravo Sengupta!

'Layering' Is The New SEO

'Layering' Is The New SEO | Curation Revolution |
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is no longer what it was a couple of years back. Now, an SEO specialist needs to widen his skill-set to survive in his profession, and shift towards Search Marketing Integration or SMI.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Have you noticed a trend toward calling everything the "new SEO"? I'm guilty too with my Storytelling Is The New SEO deck on Slideshare ( ). We are wrestling with what the absence of so much busy work creates.

I agree with this well written statement about the "new SEO":

"Search Marketing Integration merges the world of marketing with keyword themes and link building to get soaring organic visibility and better ROI. SMI is all about effective use of cross-departmental initiatives. In short, success in an SEO campaign will no longer come from the irrelevant and redundant tactics. The caliber to integrate SEO with the marketing initiatives (branding, press releases, events, products, etc.) of an organization will measure true SEO success."

Not sure about the "soaring" part, but I know any website I manage makes more money with a Phil Buckley or a Bill Ross along for discussions about "blue oceans", keywords and content.

Phil never loved the busywork anyway. Now he, and his fellow SEO experts have more time for thinking BIG PICTURE and helping to create content strategies, new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), strategies and tactics that can WIN and WIN FAST in this new "social shares rule all" post SEO Is Dead world.

Agnipravo Sengupta's comment, January 1, 2014 12:38 AM
I read an interview of Rand Fishkin where he pointed out that SEO should not remain as an independent sector. It should play a greater role by taking active part in every other sectors of an organization and act as a "layer" over them.