“This is how to do (Facebook) social marketing,” comScore says [study] | Curation Revolution | Scoop.it

ComScore released a new study with Facebook today explaining “how social marketing works.” If that sounds to suspicious minds like the fox explaining how to guard the chickens, that’s because it pretty much is. However, the study does contain a huge amount of useful information for social marketers.

Here are some highlights.


You’re more popular on Facebook


Social profiles on Facebook routinely get more attention than brands’ own websites. The example comScore gives is Skittles, which had 320,000 visitors to its Facebook page in March 2012, versus only 23,000 visitors to its corporate website. And that’s just visitors to the brand page; it does not count impressions of the company’s updates in fans’ news feeds.


The clear message from Facebook: pay attention to your Facebook presence.


Read more: http://bit.ly/Oyskmu

***** Saw interview on CNBC last night and was impressed with 1. Facebook's understanding that they had a developing PR problem and 2 Using comScore to plug the hole in the dike. Smart marketing. Still not sure how to make money on Facebook, but the lack of that knowledge is starting to feel like it is on me not them. Marty

Via Martin Gysler, donhornsby