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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Six Heartfelt Truths of Social Media via @NickKellet & @CendrineMedia

These are 6 hard earned heart felt truth I've learned about Social and Digital Media.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This great share from @Cendrine Marrouat - of the founder of's desk about social media includes the best discussion of the 1:9:90 Rule I've ever seen. A #mustread!

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Creation, Curation, Management!

Why I Stopped Curating From Top Content Blogs Like Mashable

Why I Stopped Curating From Top Content Blogs Like Mashable | Curation Revolution |

Neil's Note
Let start off with a question: Why would you share the most popular content from high traffic content sites that most people are already reading and sharing?

Marty 's Note: Why I Stopped Curating From The Big Boys
Interesting conversation broke out on @Neil Ferree's excellent share on G+. I agree with Neil's point and have long since stopped sharing posts from Mashable et al. I've stopped curating off of "big blogs" for several reasons including:

* Find these sites stop being BLEEDING edge and became more mainstream. My tribe and I live on the razor's edge of what's next.
* I share stuff that is too middle of the road and my curation reputation takes a hit and I lose audience.
* Mostly the BIG BLOGS BORE ME now (see note below about Gwen Stefani).
* No way to add value to curation from BIG sites because a. they start from some reasonable and KNOWN place and b. they are going to get 500 comments and a million shares anyway.
* My friends aren't there anymore.

That last bullet is the most telling. I'm part of a nomadic tribe of Internet marketers. Look at homepage today:

* Apple & U2.
* CC hacks at Home Despot.

* Gwen Stefani gives Jimmy Falon a lap dance...

BORING and CELEBRITY BORING. I don't have time to watch Jimmy Fallon (unless there is a laptop on my stomach lol) and could care less about the latest BIG whatever. That is NOT where my tribe lives.

Where My Tribe Lives - In the Desert
Imagine a long, broad desert. The sand whirls and wraps like water. It feels like you could walk for a generation before seeing anything other than what you are seeing right now. Suddenly there is an ornate tent. Inside the tent the strange is mixed with the surreal as monitors glow and keys click.

This is my tribe. Far from the celebrity obsessed too big and boring (to us) now for their own good BIG blogs we compare notes about a semantic future, community, content shock and the implications of wiki-ification and appification.

We have our own publications. We have our own tools to publish too. Tools such as, Haiku Deck and G+ are used in creative ways daily if only so we can smile and cheer each other on. We know and learn about what matters to us from people we've come to know, trust and love.

We don't read Mashable or HuffPost unless one of US is writing or being written about.

We LIVE, BREATHE and THINK about little else than what is glowing now in that tent in the desert where our tribe is busy clicking, thinking and changing the web and Internet marketing. These are the things we care about.

While Mashable discusses what Gwen Stefani did to Jimmy Falon we are thinking about semantic web, content marketing, curation and what Mark did to Phil (or other way around). Unless Gwen created a new startup, app or is publishing something cool and different we could care less what she did to Jimmy.

Oh & U2's new album sounds cool and we are sure we will hear it one night LATE when the desert winds blow and the only sound other than U2 is the sound of a million fingers clicking, writing, thinking, collaborating and doing.

The future is different. In the future we collaborate more and care less about the lap dance someone named Gwen gave someone named least in that tent far off in the desert.

Via Neil Ferree, massimo facchinetti
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

add your insight...

Neil Ferree's curator insight, September 18, 2014 1:43 PM

Why you should Share Content From Lesser Known Authors?

Social media has a considerable amount of “noise”.

If you are going to be successful using content curation, then you need to be able to cut through the noise effectively.

If you are curating the same content everyone else is, from sources that everyone is already reading and sharing themselves, you end up amplifying the noise, not cutting through it.

This is how to How to Increase Your Social Media Presence 

Marco Favero's curator insight, September 18, 2014 4:43 PM

aggiungi la tua intuizione ...

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content curation trends!

Thought Leaders Share Content Marketing & Curation

Thought Leaders Share Content Marketing & Curation | Curation Revolution |

Lee Odden CEO at Toprankblog interviewed 10 thought leaders on content marketing and curation. The article was published one year ago but is still really relevant, probably even more. I love the approach of Brian Solis who asks the good questions :

"Obviously you (as a company) have something to contribute, something to say, something of value to offer which is mostly likely why you’re in business. I need to hear about that."


Curation offers the opportunity to settle this dialogue between a brand and its users, becoming always more engaging. It's not enough to be here, you have to be here to say. As says Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at @marketingprofs, "All organizations are now publishers — meaning, the company with the most engaging and interesting content is the one who wins."

Via janlgordon, axelletess
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 1:00 PM
@Internet Billboards
Getting ready to launch in the next couple of weeks - it's way more than a blog:-) I will be writing original articles as well as curating. Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it.
Robin Good's comment, December 4, 2011 1:53 PM
Hi Jan, thank you for sharing this. :-)

I wanted to let you know that your last link, the one isn't good. It has an extra square bracket at the end making it unusable.

Also: I think it would be very appropriate when curating something that is over a year old to say so explicitly as it is an extra element of immediate evaluation for the reader.

Keep it up!
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 2:32 PM
@Robin Good
Hi Robin,

Thanks for letting me know about the link, I just fixed it.

I will add your revision to the post, you're absolutely right, an oversight here:-)
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Curation Revolution |
Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Red Bull Branding 2: Friends of Friends Marketing vs. Groupon

Red Bull Branding 2: Friends of Friends Marketing vs. Groupon | Curation Revolution |
Red Bull Branding shared how we are all media companies now. Red Bull Branding 2 is about how to build online community via Friends of Friends. Marketing.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Community 70% Vs. Mercenary 30%
Once again today we saw an example of why we are creating our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami. Today the account created a business using Groupon.

The problem with "drastic deal" sites is they destroy brands even as they appear to be building them. Stopping applying margin eroding deals and business declines. Every "drastic deal" site operates on the premise of "burnout".

Like a vampire drastic deal sites bring clients in and get as much money as fast as possible. They pitch their services as "Internet marketing" when what they really are is a plague of locusts.

The single remaining asset created with lots of ad buys today was a solid mailing list. This is GOOD, but three transitions must happen now:

1. Content Must Be More UGC (User Generated Content) via contests, games and curation. Gamify and value UGC too.  

2. Engage the 70% of socially altruistic vs. 30% mercenary deal seekers. 

3. Curate, Curate and CURATE. 

Read Drive by Daniel Pink. In this MUST read Pink explains our misconception about what motivates MOST people. When a Swiss blood drive offered to PAY their conversions went DOWN. When they offered to give a donation to a charity donations went backup. 

Even when the MAIN instrument used to build a site is DEAL DEAL DEAL inside there list are people more moved by social altruism and doing the right thing than scratching for the lowest price.

If you see on PRICE you are doomed. Someone will always create a better offer. The irony of this company's positioning which was high end trying to create enough DEAL FLOW to keep their doors open with GroupOn only to find the truth - Groupon is the cocaine of the Internet.

Pivoting back toward what makes them BETTER and SPECIAL vs. their competition COMMUNITY is what jumped up out of the water as we spoke (once again). Problem is the now desperate person we were talking too could hear anything since his need for a cocaine fix is now so HUGE he is worried about losing his business altogether (and rightfully so since he asked the brand killer into his home).

Can drastic deal sites serve a purpose? Perhaps, but the infrastructure of COMMUNITY better be firmly in place before spending dollar one on GroupOn or sales will go UP and then come right back down.  

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Rise of Great Content Curators

Rise of Great Content Curators | Curation Revolution |

This a great blog post from Rian van der Merwe , describing the noise you can find on the web now, and especially content just created for SEO purposes or advertisers. As many, Rian is tired of it.

Rian speaks for many of us who are overwhelmed, overloaded with content that gives us no value at all. This is the problem


"I used to believe that if you write with passion and clarity about a topic you know well (or want to know more about), you will find and build an audience. I believed that maybe, if you’re smart about it, you could find a way for some part of that audience to pay you money to sustain whatever obsession drove you to self-publishing"'

Here's what caught my attention:

****The wells of attention are being drilled to depletion by linkbait headlines, ad-infested pages, “jumps” and random pagination, and content that is engineered to be “consumed” in 1 minute or less of quick scanning – just enough time to capture those almighty eyeballs[2]. And the reality is that “Alternative Attention sources” simply don’t exist.

The Scoopit team agrees!

My input:

****The Opportunity: This is the time for all good curators to come forward - 2012 will be the year of the content curator -

**Know your audience

**Know their pain points

**Find and select the best content, add your own opinions, information or anything that will provide more value for your audience

**Select only the best content, don't just aggregate links that add to the noise

**Become a trusted resource - many opportunities will come to you, it's your time to shine

Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"

Read full article here: []

Via axelletess, janlgordon
Dr. Karen Dietz's comment December 4, 2011 12:23 PM
Great post and comments Jan! Looking forward to 2012.
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 2:59 PM
@Karen Dietz

Thanks Karen! 2012 is going to be an amazing year for all of us!!
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 14, 2013 7:39 AM

Quality Matters!

A MUST read!!!

Check also: