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Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever

Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever | Must Design |

Squishy Bendy Color 
A new project from Adobe Research and the University of Toronto may take things a step further. Their Playful Palette lets you mix colors in a stretchy, blended puddle. The effect is downright beautiful. Each color mix is like its own little snapshot of wall-ready abstract art. But crucially, as you work putting colors to the virtual canvas, you automatically save the colors that you’ve already used around the wheel.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Sounds very cool great tool matched with a better UI from Adobe seems incongruous but we can't wait to try bendy squishy colors. 

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Adding Flipboard to Curagami Was Easy, Here's How

Adding Flipboard to Curagami Was Easy, Here's How | Must Design |

"Adding Flipboard to Was Easy
Adding Flipboard to our blo was easy. Grab the embed code, put the code into a page and you generate the small linked chip in the post. We decided to create a large image and link that too. 

We wish the flipping experience was on WP, but there are plugins that provide a flipping experience. 

Read More"

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Won't Find A Better UI Share Than @edumicro @Feedly Share on Medium

Introducing feedly's New Explore Experience - Coming up in feedly - Medium

Marty Note - Great Lesson In User Interface
The user interface is the great overlooked design element. Overlooked because lousy UI can literally cost millions or worse. Tick off today's mobile empowered surfers and they may make letting their friends know how bad your site sucks their mission for the day. 

Eduardo is fixing what is becoming a favorite tool - Feedly. Feedly is how I discover content now their current UI notwithstanding (it is bad). Eduardo's full share tells everything he and Feedly are thinking. Much of it is brilliant and should be copied. 

His post was so inspiring I had to weigh in leaving a comment about not presuming too much how I / we use their tool. Best to ASK FOR HELP :). 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

50 free web design tools that rock! | Creative Bloq

50 free web design tools that rock! | Creative Bloq | Must Design |
Gary Marshall shares 50 of the best free web tools to help build your site, from well known tools as WordPress and Drupal through to some you may have never considered
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Lots of "new to us" tools on this comprehensive list of free tools to use in web design. "Free", in some cases, means freemium or you get to start for free and need to upgrade for more advanced features. Nothing wrong with this "try and get addicted" model since you don't invest in tools that don't get traction.

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Web Design On A Budget: 21 Free Tools via Hubspot

Web Design On A Budget: 21 Free Tools via Hubspot | Must Design |
Check out these 21 free and easy-to-use visual content creation tools.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great Hubspot list of free tools. One caveat. There is no free lunch. Most of these tools are using a "freemium" model. They develop a robust tool and then give away a stunted version free in the hope they will hook users enough they pay to continue using the tool.

Most freemium models know where their marketing sweet spot resides. They will and can provide value. As you scale you will need to upgrade or lose your investment. Free tools require a learning curve too.

Smart move is to have the free tool be so simple anyone can use it. That limits any tool's ability to do more advanced things. "More advanced things" only happens every now and then, so never buy a tool for "every now and then".

Do protect your investment. If you learn a tool well enough to be comfortable with its use and it provides value AND you've outgrown the free version upgrade assuming the ASK isn't out of line with the market. The tricky thing to know is when to JUNK your time investment and move on and when to double down.

No hard and fast rules for "junking" a tool and moving on, but here are reasons I leave tools I've previously invested in:

* They don't listen or care about my input.
* They don't champion how my team and I are using their tool (see Haiku Deck's Featured and Popular galleries for great examples of SUPPORT for use of their tool).

* No easy to tap Applications Program Interface (API).
* The upgrade costs are not aligned with perceived benefits.
* Something easier, better and cheaper came along.
* Something more technically advanced was invented.

Those last two points are connected. Money isn't usually the most important of first consideration when thinking about tools that we use. We don't pay for enterprise level tools (say $30K a year and up), so everything is between $300 and $2K a year.

Biggest reason we change is something new creates efficiencies or is more aligned with our ideas and philosophy. Don't think your ABOUT page matters? Yeah you wluld be WRONG about that (lol).

If you are using or do use any of HubSpot's free design tools please report back as most are new to us.

Thanks, Marty

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Designing For GooglePlus: Top 10 Brand Pages on Google+

Designing For GooglePlus: Top 10 Brand Pages on Google+ | Must Design |

We've had a HUGE Day over on GPlus today. I wrote a post about why G+ is magical thinking ( ) and my post got picked up by my friend Mark Traphagen (@MarkTraphagen) and it BLEW up into an amazing conversation.

Given the MONSTER day we've had I thought it would be a great idea to share some of the most successful G+ Brand pages. GPlus is a massive Blue Ocean for most.  Blue Oceans are where your content gets MORE traction with less work. Red Oceans are where your content requires more investment to generate LESS return.

GPlus is really a set of TOOLS. Incorporating Hangouts, maps, communities and other widget-like tools. The first website or agency to figure out how to combine those powerful tools in unique combinations is going to WIN big. Some of these examples approach the top of the mountain, but G+ has more power than even anyone here captures.

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11 Resources Help You Create a Flat & Responsive WebSite Design

11 Resources Help You Create a Flat & Responsive WebSite Design | Must Design |

Learn why flat design responsive sites are so popular, and get 11 resources for getting the design elements you need to create your own.

Marty Note
Flat and responsive are the two 2014 pillars your website should be designed or re-designed with. This post shares 11 great resources to help with Flat & Responsive (most of these 11 resources were new to me).

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Ten Cool Wireframing Tools To Help ROCK Your Web Designs via Shopify  

Ten Cool Wireframing Tools To Help ROCK Your Web Designs via Shopify   | Must Design |

Wireframing Is A Pain But Less So
Wireframing, the act of prototyping web designs before writing code, is a pain. Less of a pain with these 10 wireframing tools all new to us. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

We have used any of these tools, but xeroxing our wireframing template is old, hard to share, and takes too long. 

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Tools For Creating Web Designs of the Future via Smashing Magazine

Tools For Creating Web Designs of the Future via Smashing Magazine | Must Design |

Future Tools
This is a great web design post. Don't worry if you don't know or understand only about half of it. Importance is in the tools suggested to test, design and pivot toward a future of more flexible web design.

But there's a problem.

I created my first highly static website in 1999. Not static in the sense we didn't update it since we updated it all the time. Static in the servers and code we used. Today and especially true tomorrow your websites will need to fly around the web curating information from the 4 corners of the web.

The more "flying around" your website does the greater the stress on your backend serving architecture and the more the need for the cool web design tools outlined in this Smashing Magzine post.  

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How To Add Haiku Decks To WordPress Blog via @Scenttrail

How To Add Haiku Decks To WordPress Blog via @Scenttrail | Must Design |

Adding Haiku Decks To WordPress

I love  Haiku Deck tool and figured out a way to add our decks to our blog:

I've been prodding  Adam Traitt, one of Haiku's founders, for a user profile (done) and more control over display (Haiku Deck team is working on it). In the mean time I decided to add my decks to Curagmai's  blog. Here's how we did it. 

*How To Add Haiku Deck To Your WP Blog*

1. Create a new Haiku Deck category on your blog. 

2. Create posts for every Haiku Deck to be added. You may want to use a date from last year or the year before to fool WordPress into moving your new Haiku Deck posts to the back of your stack. 

3.Create a grid we used WP Ultimate Post Grid and we upgraded to premium for the ability to filter by category. 

4. Redirect your WP posts to your Haiku Deck (we cheated and used the Twitter links, better to grab the nasty URL you can find in the embed area since we will drive up our Twitter share numbers artificially) we used Redirection plugin by John Godley. 

We wrote copy into this page mostly for   reasons. You can see a grid without copy here; ;

We also use embedded  feeds behind the "Magazines" link. Each "Magazine" is firing from our feeds. This is how we see "websites" changing. Instead of a place where you creating everything tomorrow's sites will share your creations from all over and encourage visitors to collaborate and share too. If that sounds like we suggest you create online community you win a cookie (and I'm writing this from  so just tell me what kind you want :). Marty 

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Haiku Deck Zuru Sure to ROCK Content Marketing & Design

Haiku Deck Zuru Sure to ROCK Content Marketing & Design | Must Design |

Haiku Deck Zuru uses the power of artificial intelligence to transform your ideas into polished presentations. Become a charter member to get 6 months free.

Marty Note
Haiku Deck is one of my favorite visual marketing tools. Our 41 "decks" have generated more than 100,000 views. We got the idea about slides being a new marketing channel by working with this magic wand of a tool.

Now they've got something new up their sleeve and the entry fee is a whopping $30 bucks (lol). Let's see, 100K views for $30 bucks, we signed up today and suggest you do the same. Whenever their new tool comes out of beta we know it will be worth many multiples of $30 bucks :). M

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Design G+ In For The Win via @Curagami

Design G+ In For The Win via @Curagami | Must Design |

Designing G+ In
Crazy to suggest using G+ as a tool to power your online marketing right? Maybe not. Greatest return always comes from the least understood ideas. GooglePlus is a "least understood" idea these days.

Their leader left and TechCrunch said G+ the social net is dead. They may be right, but that is beside the point. G+ has always been more than a social net. G+ is a suite of tools marketers can use to find blue oceans.

Blue oceans are the as yet unspoiled places where marketers can still swim without fear of a herd of sharks. Oceans where sharks eat themselves are "red oceans" such as Facebook.

We suggest designing G+ into your marketing and site. Hold weekly hangouts, you don't need a G+ profile to use hangouts now, and created a branded community if only so you rule your name in #seo. Finally we suggest curating the great comments you will receive on G+ as a source of future content.

We've never been able to figure out how to use circles in a unique way, but they too beckon with possibility. By creating weekly content based on Hangouts and Community you get lots of GoogleJuice, the least expensive #videomarketing we know about and great community development tools that cost you NOTHING.

The linked post discusses Mark Traphagen's call to use G+ as a hub of your marketing. That's a great call since the price is RIGHT (free though you may spend some making G+ play the way you want it in your design). Designing G+ tools INTO your community creates the cheapest, biggest and best online win we can think of.

So the death of G+ is greatly exaggerated and, if you are smart, you will find a way to design the tool's many possibilities into your marketing.

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30 Web Design Tips Makes Life Easier

30 Web Design Tips Makes Life Easier | Must Design |
Every web designer has a secret or two. Hard-won workflows, hidden hacks, and insider knowledge that are the mark of true experience and the stuff that separates great web design training from good. Here, we've managed to persuade some of the web's busiest devs and designers to part with their most closely guarded tricks and tips.
Monica S Mcfeeters's curator insight, April 19, 2014 8:50 PM

Here are tips to help you with your web designing.