5 NEW Revolutionary Web 3.0 Design Features Of CureCancerStarter.org | Must Design | Scoop.it

Didn't ASK for a Web 3.0 site (necessarily) from the design and UX team at Atlantic BT, but they built me one anyway. Here are 5 Web 3.0 features they built into http://www.curecancerstarter.org :

* Cloud Content Management via CDN.

* Control to "Users" and math. 
* Control to "Visitors" & MVP. 
* Highly Responsive. 
* Framework to Unique Backends. 

Cloud Based Content Delivery Network
I used to have to worry about image "weight". Now talented programmers can use the cloud and caching to keep page load snappy even as the traditional "weight" of the page is high. Large images with large file sizes can be stored and cached in ways so they look great and don't slow the page presentation.  

Control To Cancer Centers & Algorithms
The IDEA of CureCancerStarter.org is to create a framework with more and more control available for "users", a term I hate but in this case users=cancer research centers. Even things like Hero image management will be managed by the framework code and an algorithm (when we have hundreds of cancer research campaigns on the website). The key is to design with as small a "designer" footprint as possible passing more and more "control" over via the Content Management System (CMS). 

Control to Visitors and MVPs
Visitors will be cancer patients, their friends and families so we created personas for our main groups of donors. Personas help understand the behaviors of any websites archetypes, something very important with donations. We are lacking a few features such as the ability to donate in someone's name and the ability to create tribes (groups and sub-groups), but the framework ASSUMES these features are coming (i.e. Atlantic BT's team coded a flexible framework capable of moving in any number of directions). We got something UP and LIVE (Ries stresses MVPs in The Lean Startup). 

Highly Responsive
We are working to make the framework SWIPE so IOS devices aren't compatible yet, but the site plays like an accordion (moves to meet the device looking at it be it phone, pad or computer). 

4 Unique Backends We Can't See
Perhaps CureCancerStarter.org's most revolutionary idea is to take the Facebook Framework idea and extend it via Authorize.net to an individual backened for each platform user (cancer center). CureCancerStarter.org pipes donations directly into the Authorize.net account of a cancer center. 

We pass the ball over to the cancer centers and so 100% of donations go to them. This pass does mean we are helpless when UNC has trouble setting up their Authorize.net environment (as they are now), but they will work it out with the bank and then the GENIUS of Mark Foulkrod's idea comes to the front - it is possible to divorce merchandising from payment systems with this methodology. 

I want to add commerce features to Scoop.it, Facebook and GPlus, but haven't been able to figure out a seamless way to do so. Once the Authorize.net environment is established it is AGNOSITIC to where transactions come from. This means ecommerce is simply a matter of a link, some graphics and an individual can accomplish the same thing as PayPal (easily transportable shopping cart). 

Explaining that StoryofCancer.org is the Charge To if you are on my Scoop.it may be needed, but the ability to easily add commerce into any corner means the distance between content and conversion just got shorter. 

KUDOS to the programmers and designres at Atlanticbt.com. They rocked this one!