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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Imagine There Are No "Websites", Now Create A Website - David Merrill & Siftables

Imagine There Are No "Websites", Now Create A Website - David Merrill & Siftables | Must Design |

Websites Are Dead Men Walking
At our Startup Factory Funded startup Curagami ( we've been thinking about the end of tactical marketing. When we were helping The Man make millions online we could do so with TACTICS.

When our team was 2% better at SEO, PPC or email marketing we made millions. "Catch up" time, the time it took competitors to zero out the tactical advantage, took a long time. Sometimes we had YEARS on tactics such as content marketing.

We started content marketing in 2003 and NO ONE CARED until about 2010 / 2011. Oh, our traffic, the traffic that comes from Google, is related to our content. Whoops, okay NOW we care.

As websites become more mission critical in all companies the time an elite priesthood can have a tactic to themselves is shrinking fast. Now extend our thinking about tactics and you begin to understand why the web of boxes, borders and "sites" is so OVER.

As social media scales our loyalty is increasingly to EACH OTHER. Think of how your life changes as your personal network scales:

* Search less, ask more (ask friends, followers and friends of friends).
* Consume less, collaborate more.
* Understand MORE & FASTER.
* Curate More Than Create.
* Engineer, Quant and Artist.

NOW, imagine how you DESIGN a non-website website. Here are some things you will need:

* ASKS are legitimate ONLY in a sea of legitimacy (create that).
* Collaboration depends on EASE and TRUST (get those).

* Images, Copy, Navigation & Social ARE THE SAME THING.
* Leave ROOM for their notes (user generated content).
* Curate more than you create.
* Create Siftable-like "blocks" & relate them to each other & US.

That last bullet is where artist (web designers), engineers (programmers) and quants (data analysts) collide to create an artistic experience capable of correcting itself via flexible business rules and "on call" creative.

Now imagine how to TEST in such a dynamic POOL of content, curation and near real time reactions (thanks to the social / mobile web). Today we test and validate conclusions. The orange add to cart button beats the green button.

Tomorrow we test POSSIBILITIES. Once we test "possible" Multivariate testing wins. Once MVT testing wins you MUST mashup a cross functional team (designers, quants, marketing) because A/B testing will be to static and yesterday's news.

What about you? What do you think is next in web design?

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Designing For WHAT IF: Why Website Designers Are About TO DESIGN LESS

Designing For WHAT IF: Why Website Designers Are About TO DESIGN LESS | Must Design |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Working on has been a lesson in web 3.0. Not QUITE here yet but BIG hints of What's Next include:

* The Cloud changes what and how we store.
* When you change what we store you change information architecture.
* You can see the beginning of "appification" of everything (smaller amounts of code executed faster and then updated frequently).
* Websites are becoming contingent on two THEMS (visitors and users of the Content Management System backend).

This last bullet is where the real design revolution lives. Once we design "what if, then..." contingent frameworks based on the needs of visitors (fully modeled based on personas and segments) and those using the CMS we've built we are DESIGNING less and THINKING more.

Each time we've placed limits on how our CMS will be used we've seen the need for LESS structure and more freedom. The logic of WHAT IT, THEN.... dictates a different approach to "designing a website".

This new approach will be less DESIGN and more flexibility, frameworks and user controlled functionality. Web designers, and this is not a new idea from me LOL, are becoming more like video game designers creating environments and contingent presentations.

So prepare to DESIGN less and LISTEN more as you use the new tools of web 3.0 to think in terms of contingencies and environments.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Web Design's What If Future In Pictures

Web Design's What If Future In Pictures | Must Design |

I've discussed web design's "What If" future before. Friends challenged me to explain what I see in pictures instead of words. The Google presentation here explains the cross functional team we will need to create great websites soon. 

Tomorrow's websites will be crated by:

  * Graphic Designers.
  * Quants.
  * Content / Social / Video Marketers.
  * Financial support so creative costs don’t drain profits.

And probably 5 other skill sets I'm forgetting. There is no going back. Our What If web design future is sure and coming soon to a website near you. BTW, you don't want to be 4th or 5th to this party :).  

Public Google Doc is here  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

A Brief History of Time and Web 3.0

A Brief History of Time and Web 3.0 | Must Design |
If you ask some, they'll tell you Web 2.0 as we know it is probably on its way out the door.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Web 3.0 Sure TO ROCK
Great primer on the difference between the structured Web 2.0 and the vastly less structured Web 3.0. Mobile, the cloud and WE are shaping web 3.0. 

We are different. We've been using the web for years now. Some of our children ONLY know a web enabled world. Web 3.0 will detach the presentation layer from its current pre-conceived and static code. 

In less than two years such static presentation will seem old hat and ancient. Web 3.0's on demand structure will create frameworks and what if statements where static HTML structures a presentation layer now. 

In Web 3.0 a website's presentation will be controlled by branching AI-like algorithms and trimmed paths developed from analytics that fit to the behaviors and personas moving through the ecosystem. In fact path creation will be so fast and seamless novel combinations of elements is possible on the fly. 

The future converts better because we will "surf" environments that anticipate our needs and use wisdom of crowds and analytics to fit any website to our experience like hand to glove.  

Web 3.0's implications for designers and web developers include:

* Need to understand conditional logic (If/Then).

* Understanding of predictive analytics will help.

* Creative right brain skills + left-brain analytics.

* Presentation and program layer are connected twins.


It may be hard to have visual creators become more analytical and vice versa, but that is the journey Web 3.0 is on. Until the next generation, the generation who will only know this kind of hybrid web mashup, arrives teams will need to round out the skills needed to win with Web 3.0 designs.  

see Also
Website Design In 3 Dimensions  


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