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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

10 Amazing Examples of Math Inspired Architecture & Why Web Designers Are Bedouin Surfing An Endless Wave of Change

10 Amazing Examples of Math Inspired Architecture & Why Web Designers Are Bedouin Surfing An Endless Wave of Change | Must Design |

The link between math and architecture goes back to ancient times, when the two disciplines were virtually indistinguishable. Pyramids and temples were some of the earliest examples of mathematical...

Marty Note
I share these amazing pictures of architecture inspired by math because Web 3.0 feels less wireframes and more movable feast. As the social conversation becomes the medium of exchange online we are LESS likely to GO TO A PLACE and more likely to seek the warmth of conversations with friends.

Math will become a building block of our web architecture just as the only way to imagine these buildings was with math. The math that will matter will be the predictive analytics of Wall Street combined with the artistic beauty of Gehry, the music of jazz and smooth surface of an Alex Katz or the broken plates of an early Julian Schnabel.

As we move into the web's social future our place will be where there are relevant conversations. We will be Bedouins moving from one conversational camp to another, brewing tea in the dessert and listening to the wind as we appreciate the rarity of rain.

More on web designers as Bedouin on G+

Architect's curator insight, May 8, 2014 4:31 PM

Arquitectura se remonta a tiempos antiguos. Esta un sito de la Matematicas incluir en arquitectura. La sito tenga muco pictures de la arte. Edificio es un reflexion de la paisaje. Es un muy bien sito.


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 NEW Revolutionary Web 3.0 Design Features Of

5 NEW Revolutionary Web 3.0 Design Features Of | Must Design |

Didn't ASK for a Web 3.0 site (necessarily) from the design and UX team at Atlantic BT, but they built me one anyway. Here are 5 Web 3.0 features they built into :

* Cloud Content Management via CDN.

* Control to "Users" and math. 
* Control to "Visitors" & MVP. 
* Highly Responsive. 
* Framework to Unique Backends. 

Cloud Based Content Delivery Network
I used to have to worry about image "weight". Now talented programmers can use the cloud and caching to keep page load snappy even as the traditional "weight" of the page is high. Large images with large file sizes can be stored and cached in ways so they look great and don't slow the page presentation.  

Control To Cancer Centers & Algorithms
The IDEA of is to create a framework with more and more control available for "users", a term I hate but in this case users=cancer research centers. Even things like Hero image management will be managed by the framework code and an algorithm (when we have hundreds of cancer research campaigns on the website). The key is to design with as small a "designer" footprint as possible passing more and more "control" over via the Content Management System (CMS). 

Control to Visitors and MVPs
Visitors will be cancer patients, their friends and families so we created personas for our main groups of donors. Personas help understand the behaviors of any websites archetypes, something very important with donations. We are lacking a few features such as the ability to donate in someone's name and the ability to create tribes (groups and sub-groups), but the framework ASSUMES these features are coming (i.e. Atlantic BT's team coded a flexible framework capable of moving in any number of directions). We got something UP and LIVE (Ries stresses MVPs in The Lean Startup). 

Highly Responsive
We are working to make the framework SWIPE so IOS devices aren't compatible yet, but the site plays like an accordion (moves to meet the device looking at it be it phone, pad or computer). 

4 Unique Backends We Can't See
Perhaps's most revolutionary idea is to take the Facebook Framework idea and extend it via to an individual backened for each platform user (cancer center). pipes donations directly into the account of a cancer center. 

We pass the ball over to the cancer centers and so 100% of donations go to them. This pass does mean we are helpless when UNC has trouble setting up their environment (as they are now), but they will work it out with the bank and then the GENIUS of Mark Foulkrod's idea comes to the front - it is possible to divorce merchandising from payment systems with this methodology. 

I want to add commerce features to, Facebook and GPlus, but haven't been able to figure out a seamless way to do so. Once the environment is established it is AGNOSITIC to where transactions come from. This means ecommerce is simply a matter of a link, some graphics and an individual can accomplish the same thing as PayPal (easily transportable shopping cart). 

Explaining that is the Charge To if you are on my may be needed, but the ability to easily add commerce into any corner means the distance between content and conversion just got shorter. 

KUDOS to the programmers and designres at They rocked this one!  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Web 3.0 Design Inspirations Pinterest Board From @Pupixel

Web 3.0 Design Inspirations Pinterest Board From @Pupixel | Must Design |

Showcase of web 3.0 web sites (html5, css3, parallax, ecc...)

Great board from @Pupixel (an Italian web designer) sharing examples of web design leading the way to Web 3.0 - a semantic real time web.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Responsive Website Design & Web 3.0 [Infographic]

Responsive Website Design & Web 3.0 [Infographic] | Must Design |
Website design Vancouver from Mystified By Social Media. We make responsive web design for Vancouver, Delta, Surrey and BC with free hosting. All of Canada can have a responsive web design!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Responsive & Web 3.0
Put aside the SEO benefits, creating responsive design is beyond important because the future is about having your content look great no matter what type of devices is receiving.

Responsive design also forces a new framework on your content marketing THINKING. Your content marketing begins to get away from the static and more toward the dynamic.

Since the future of web design is dynamic making this move now has many benefits.


Web 3.0

Snippets and Tags (Responsive)

Yes (Web 3.0)

Flexible images (Responsive)

Yes & controlled by code (Web 3.0)

Focus on the visual (Responsive)

Yes (Web 3.0)

No but easy to modify (Responsive)

Dynamic create in real time on fly (Web 3.0)


Internet marekting consistently shows those who embrace the future earliest and strongest reap the benefits. The time for your website to be responsive is now.

Judy Cannon's curator insight, May 4, 2013 11:53 AM

I am writing a class on Responsive Web Design and Cross-Browser Compatibility that will be available in the Webmaster Certificate Program in the fall.



Dolly Bhasin 's curator insight, May 5, 2013 11:54 PM

The way to go for both web and mobile web!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

A Brief History of Time and Web 3.0

A Brief History of Time and Web 3.0 | Must Design |
If you ask some, they'll tell you Web 2.0 as we know it is probably on its way out the door.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Web 3.0 Sure TO ROCK
Great primer on the difference between the structured Web 2.0 and the vastly less structured Web 3.0. Mobile, the cloud and WE are shaping web 3.0. 

We are different. We've been using the web for years now. Some of our children ONLY know a web enabled world. Web 3.0 will detach the presentation layer from its current pre-conceived and static code. 

In less than two years such static presentation will seem old hat and ancient. Web 3.0's on demand structure will create frameworks and what if statements where static HTML structures a presentation layer now. 

In Web 3.0 a website's presentation will be controlled by branching AI-like algorithms and trimmed paths developed from analytics that fit to the behaviors and personas moving through the ecosystem. In fact path creation will be so fast and seamless novel combinations of elements is possible on the fly. 

The future converts better because we will "surf" environments that anticipate our needs and use wisdom of crowds and analytics to fit any website to our experience like hand to glove.  

Web 3.0's implications for designers and web developers include:

* Need to understand conditional logic (If/Then).

* Understanding of predictive analytics will help.

* Creative right brain skills + left-brain analytics.

* Presentation and program layer are connected twins.


It may be hard to have visual creators become more analytical and vice versa, but that is the journey Web 3.0 is on. Until the next generation, the generation who will only know this kind of hybrid web mashup, arrives teams will need to round out the skills needed to win with Web 3.0 designs.  

see Also
Website Design In 3 Dimensions  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

What is conversation and How can we design for effective conversations?

What is conversation and How can we design for effective conversations? | Must Design |

The social web is about conversation. This is a fascinating post about exactly what is a conversation and how we can design an environ,ent that supports them.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Designing For WHAT IF: Why Website Designers Are About TO DESIGN LESS

Designing For WHAT IF: Why Website Designers Are About TO DESIGN LESS | Must Design |
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Working on has been a lesson in web 3.0. Not QUITE here yet but BIG hints of What's Next include:

* The Cloud changes what and how we store.
* When you change what we store you change information architecture.
* You can see the beginning of "appification" of everything (smaller amounts of code executed faster and then updated frequently).
* Websites are becoming contingent on two THEMS (visitors and users of the Content Management System backend).

This last bullet is where the real design revolution lives. Once we design "what if, then..." contingent frameworks based on the needs of visitors (fully modeled based on personas and segments) and those using the CMS we've built we are DESIGNING less and THINKING more.

Each time we've placed limits on how our CMS will be used we've seen the need for LESS structure and more freedom. The logic of WHAT IT, THEN.... dictates a different approach to "designing a website".

This new approach will be less DESIGN and more flexibility, frameworks and user controlled functionality. Web designers, and this is not a new idea from me LOL, are becoming more like video game designers creating environments and contingent presentations.

So prepare to DESIGN less and LISTEN more as you use the new tools of web 3.0 to think in terms of contingencies and environments.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Why Email Marketing Key to Web 3.0 Website Design

Why Email Marketing Key to Web 3.0 Website Design | Must Design |

Website design is about to change about as much as something can change and email marketing is already half way there. Email marketers such as @Bronto move massive amounts of information in real time.

Welcome to the future.

The future of web design will happen in real time, be logic based and require a mountain of creative controlled by predictive analytics in real time. If that sounds like email marketers are sitting pretty you win a cookie.

Bronto became Cure Cancer Starter's ( email marketing and marketing automation partner today ( ).  Bronto joins Atlantic BT and the Story of Cancer Foundation (501c3) in the Tech Cures Cancer Movement. 

This deck is about where web design is headed (at light speed) and why thinking like an email-marketer is a good idea. 

Folllowedbthisvdeck up with Future of web Design 2: 

#TechCuresCancer @CureCancerStart


Dolly Bhasin 's curator insight, July 13, 2013 11:53 PM

works well with customer facing sites, not B2B.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 15, 2013 12:23 PM
Dolly, disagree. The biggest myth is the significant difference between B2B and B2C marketing online, a myth you may believe. I've been an Ecom Director and now run marketing for an agency. The process of read the cookie, fire the creative is going to be very important for B2B websites for much the same reason as the tactic will be critical for B2C. MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction says if a competitor is firing more relevant information faster than your website they win. The logic discussed here applies equally well to B2B or B2C websites. The main difference is the conversion funnel. B2B conversion funnels are LONGER in time, but the advantage of wrapping a website around a visitor and then following with persona based email marketing is the key to web 3.0 no matter what side of the Rubicon your website resides upon (B2B or B2C). Feel free to support your statement with links or further posts, but your assertion hasn't been true to my B2C and now B2B experience. I still see read the cookie or behavior and fire the creative / content as one of the most valuable HTML5 and CSS3 advances. The fact few B2B relationship based sellers are there yet doesn't mean the tactic isn't beyond valuable.
Robin Martin's comment, July 15, 2013 3:28 PM
Thanks for sharing Marty!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

How Facebook Graph Search Is Example Of Web 3.0's Smarter Infrastructure

How Facebook Graph Search Is Example Of Web 3.0's  Smarter Infrastructure | Must Design |
Web 3.0 will enable an unprecedented level of intelligence in almost all systems and applications.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Interesting take on Facebook's graphic search an example of the new, more flexible and intuitive Web 3.0 design. 

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