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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Clean & Simple Website Design Trends In 2014

Clean & Simple Website Design Trends In 2014 | Must Design |
Like the World Wide Web itself, the world of website design is constantly in flux as technologies change and design standards evolve. What worked in 2013 may

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Worth revisiting some of these web design trends. What is the engine behind these trends? Social / Mobile web. Like the "winners" and "losers" organization here.

Carlos Polaino Jiménez's curator insight, July 29, 2014 2:59 PM

En el momento en que me lo estoy planteando

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Beauty, Data Visualization & Web Design's Future - TED Video w/ David McCandless

View full lesson: David McCandless turns complex data sets, like worldwide milita...

Marty's Take On Web Design & Data Visualization
Had an interesting conversation with Curagami ( ) co-founder Phil Buckley at lunch yesterday. We were discussing my attempt to change the CSS on the Hack Headphones Shopify store I'm creating. 

I shared how I found a post on how to change the buy button. I wanted a bigger button. The problem was the post with the answer must have been 2 or more iterations behind the theme I'm using.

The change moved slightly unintelligible java to completely unintelligible code (at least for me). Where once there was a "height" variable now there were nested variables.

Welcome to the future of web design.

If a company with more Ph.Ds than almost anyone, Google, decides to float their index creating a responsive float that seems to wrap search results around searchers like a blanket WHY don't we lucky few Internet marketers realize that's the planet we are all in transit to?

The New Web Designer
Once a "website" becomes a series of interlocking "IF" "THEN" statements "designing" a website becomes an exercise in data visualization.  

Design in a variable world is different as this great data visualization TED video shares (stay with it as the visual candy gets better in the middle).  The skills need to be this "new designer" include but are not limited to:

* Spatial reasoning and intelligence.

* Ability to read and translate metrics into meaningful images (i.e. data visualization).
* Enough Javascript to choke a horse.

* Even more CSS as everything is floating in a variable galaxy.
* Understanding how variables and results should influence design, color, layout in order to increase engagement and conversion.

If this sounds like the silos between design, code, marketing, research, sales and customer service are coming down fast we agree.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

RETHINK Web Design: Unusual Web Navigations Inspire | AWWWARDS

RETHINK Web Design: Unusual Web Navigations Inspire | AWWWARDS | Must Design |
Beautiful Unusual Navigation Designs for Inspiration. Selection of Awwwards websites with a strong presence of unusual navigation. An effective navigation design is crucial for a website
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Navigation feels old and moldy. There are few things MORE critical than navigation. We've moved from left nav sitting firmly in the "golden triangle" to horizontal top navigation.

Neither of these options inspire and both are feeling long in the tooth and stupid. The social / mobile web requires a RETHINK about navigation. Can we find ways to make very page a homepage?

Can navigation be more relevant and less middle of the road boring? Here are some navigation examples from that don't solve the problem...yet. But the dialogue helps begin the process of reducing our dependency on static, boring, "has-been" ideas like left or horizontal nav.

Are you as surprised that navigation hasn't been on the "top changes" list for web design in 2014? Has to be on our 2015 list because every current option is BAD and getting worse.

BOUTELOUP Jean-Paul's curator insight, June 27, 2014 2:21 AM

Merci ! il est bon de repenser aussi le webdesign pour une nouvelle expérience utilisateur

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Apple In Numbers | video

Apple In Numbers | video | Must Design |
Apple In Numbers

How many iPads are sold every minute? Why did The Beatles sue Apple? How much money has Apple got stashed abroad? Find out here!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Hot Web Design Trends for 2014 | Script Tutorials

Hot Web Design Trends for 2014 | Script Tutorials | Must Design |

2014 Web Design Trends - Marty Note
Not a secret we are seeing flatter more responsive design in 2014, but I liked the format of the way Script Tutorials explained each trend with examples and wireframes.

2 of these ideas, Video Backgrounds and Interactive Infographics could be huge. Video backgrounds was a new idea to me even halfway through the year.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Your 2014 Website Can't Be Too RICH, THIN or FLAT - 40 Web Design Examples

Your 2014 Website Can't Be Too RICH, THIN or FLAT - 40 Web Design Examples | Must Design |
Flat web design has been a huge topic in the web, even Apple is adopting flat web design style and you need to make sure you upgrade your site too!
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Why so FLAT?
Mobile is the single word answer to why most websites are flattening out their designs. As phones outnumber desktops one of the manifestations of "mobile first" is we are adopting designs that look better on our phones and pads - FLAT designs.

Amazing how quickly this worm turned, but you won't have trouble finding hundreds of examples of great flat website design like these 40. My favorite is for its cascading windows feel and images that engage and point at CTAs.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

10 Reasons Visual Content Dominates 2014 - The Wishpond Blog

10 Reasons Visual Content Dominates 2014 - The Wishpond Blog | Must Design |

10 Reasons Visual Content will Dominate 2014 What marketing strategies will we focus on in 2014? What will we leave behind? This article takes a look at the rise of visual content - and why 2014 will dominate in 2014:

1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.

2. Videos on landing pages increase average page conversion rates by 86%.

3. Visual content is social-media-ready and social-media-friendly. It’s easily sharable and easily palatable.

4. Businesses who market with infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don’t.

5. Posts with visuals receive 94% more page visits and engagement than those without.

6. 60% of consumers are more likely to click on a business whose images appear in search results.

7. Clear, detailed images carry more weight than product information or customer ratings say 67% of consumers.

8. Visuals show your products without telling people about them. This allows viewers to make their own decisions without feeling pressure from your business.

9. Visuals express ideas quickly - in a snapshot. This breaks through the overwhelming clutter of online content.

10. Visuals are becoming easier and easier to create as photo editing tools become more accessible


Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I can think of a few more reasons visual marketing will dominate in 2014 including:

* Visuals are cross-cultural and global (don't have to speak english to understand visuals)..

* Mobile LOVES visuals and everything is going mobile 

* Visual marketing is more viral, more "shareable". 
*  Visual marketing is more fun. 

Wow, this post is  sparking a lot of great conversations including one on G+ about images and real estate thanks to Janis Bourgeuta: 

And this comment from Monida on

Grat Monica S Mcfeeters Comment:

This is one of the best reasons for art education. A visually or media illiterate citizen or consumer is very apt to be manipulated or make unwise choices.

From Wikipedia:

 Visual literacy includes in addition the ability to understand visual forms of communication such as body language, pictures, maps, and video.Evolving definitions of literacy often include all the symbol systems relevant to a particular community. Literacy encompasses a complex set of abilities to understand and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture for personal and community development. In a technological society, the concept of literacy is expanding to include the media and electronic text, in addition to reading and writing.


Lynn Pineda's curator insight, March 14, 2014 11:25 PM

All I can say, is thank goodness for Visuals in content!  I've always been a visual person being a visual learner. Information is easier to retain and comprehend when visuals are employed as it pulls you in.

The article's statistics further supports the importance of visuals. I love visuals!

mjboyce's curator insight, March 15, 2014 1:17 PM


Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, March 16, 2014 10:15 AM

10 Razones por las que los contenidos visuales dominarán el 2014


¿En qué estrategias de marketing nos vamos a centrar en el 2014? ¿Qué vamos a dejar atrás?


Este artículo echa un vistazo al ascenso del contenido visual y por qué 2014 será el año de los elementos visuales.


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

12 Web Features To Disappear in 2014 [+ Scenttrail Notes]

12 Web Features To Disappear in 2014 [+ Scenttrail Notes] | Must Design |
We asked 12 entrepreneurs which website features small businesses should avoid (or get rid of) at all costs.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Marty Notes:

1. Irrelevant Elements - Agree (every test I've ever run shows 20% of links on any page get 80% of clicks so lots of garbage and designing Mobile First on CrowdFunde (my first time) MAKES you toss the garbage.

2. Flash Intros - AGREE

3. Photo Carousel - I like photo carousels but use them sparringly.

4. Large Hero Images - Trend is other way and think this can be done well but agree risky.

5. Stock Photos - AGREE

6. Animated GIFs - AGREE (can't figure out VINE in this regard).

7. Autoplay Videos - AGREE

8. Automated Popups - YES & Popunders too (realize popunders get 1% of your traffic to sign up for email, but what about the 99%? If we want your email we will sign up otherwise stop popping stuff up at us.

9. 'Hello World' Blog Post - Agree but give newbies a break since this is WP default.

10. Sidebars - DISAGREE
Sidebar nav and feeds can be done well so I wouldn't toss the baby with the bathwater on this one.

11. Reloading Pages - Agree (don't know this well enough to comment really but sounds right).

12. Sites - Agree (same as #11

Mike Power's comment, March 9, 2014 3:29 PM
Agree with it all except the sidebars. It's not about whether there are sidebars or not, it's about how they areexecuted, just as it is for the rest of the page. And sidebars don't have to be narrow. And responsive designs have no problem placing the sidebar content below the main content. I love good single-column webpages but it's not the only game in town.
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

"Snowfall" Interative Web Design Storytelling 20 Examples | Web Directions

"Snowfall"  Interative Web Design Storytelling 20 Examples | Web Directions | Must Design |
Yesterday an article on Medium, Snowfallen, caught my eye. It's about a technique for presenting longform writing online, by embellishing it with integrated
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Not sure how I feel about "snowfall" design. My favorite is the Buzzfeed History of Pong. My concerns are:

* Gets boring to scroll that much.
* Pagespread - is it better SEO to have a single long page or many pages?

The issue of pagespread is tricky. The new Google cherishings engagement and long pages create longer engagement assuming people don't click off.

But Google also likes pagespread (more pages about a topic with social shares and links confirming their importance). I don't know the RIGHT answer her since each approach - long pages or many pages - have distinct SEO benefits.

I find the experience of that long page offputting and wonder how snowfall will play on mobile devices. Mobile may be easier because of the swipe.

In fact, snowfall design may have its roots in mobile (sure feels that way). Whether your website should be 100% snowfall designed is above my pay grade (lol). M  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

13 Whitespace in Web Design Examples Inspire

13 Whitespace in Web Design Examples Inspire | Must Design |
There are a many aspects of good web design, and whitespace is certainly one of them. Whitespace is the empty space around design elements such as images, text,
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

White space can be the most defining design element of any website. Hard to use well though. Here are 13 examples of how to use whitespace in your website designs.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

12 Examples of Flat Web Design Inspire ~ Creative Market Blog

12 Examples of Flat Web Design Inspire ~ Creative Market Blog | Must Design |
Buy and sell handcrafted, mousemade design content like vector patterns, icons, photoshop brushes, fonts and more at Creative Market.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Flat website design is a major 2014 web design trend. Here are 12 examples of the art of flat website design. My favorite is the last example .

Wondering why flat design is all the rage in 2014? Easy to answer in a single word - MOBILE.

Margaux Brachotte's curator insight, April 1, 2014 4:33 AM

Jeunes gens voilà du FLAT !!!

Cezame conseil's curator insight, April 28, 2014 3:06 PM

Quelques exemples de sites Internet dans la tendance du "Flat design"

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

25 Examples of Flat Design Inspire | Vandelay Design

25 Examples of Flat Design Inspire | Vandelay Design | Must Design |

It almost seems that this year flat designs have taken over the world of graphic design by force, but especially in the arena of mobile apps with the first industry-shaking flat design being for the iPhone5. Reality is that flat design has been around longer than the emergence of the iPhone5, but of course it was Apple that helped to bring such cross-industry awareness to the design style. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I was wrestling with why we are suddenly awash in "flat design". My first thought was flat design is more lean, easier to figure out where to go and what do do. Nope.

Flat design is upon us because of mobile as this excellent post and 25 examples shares flat transfers beautifully between desktop and mobile. Flat is the new black, so wear it well and find inspiration in these 25 examples.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

5 Web Design Trends on the Decline

5 Web Design Trends on the Decline | Must Design |
Buy and sell handcrafted, mousemade design content like vector patterns, icons, photoshop brushes, fonts and more at Creative Market.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Easy agreement here:

1. Flash Intros - not SEO or mobile friendly and effectively killed by Apple.
2. Complicated Forms - Don't ask for information you don't need and expect your email open rates to continue to decline even as your list grows.
3. Skeuomorphic 3D Design - Flat design is in.
4. Stock Photos - YES, finally we kill the Stepford people.

5. Pop Overs - Maybe, but pop unders are all the rage and they are gross and obnoxious, predict they will wane in 2014 too. Look at's much less offensive triggered, subtle popunder instead.


Rita Jordan's curator insight, January 15, 2014 10:43 AM

check out the additional links at the end of the article.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

70 Stunning Responsive Sites Inspire #responsive #webdesign

70 Stunning Responsive Sites Inspire #responsive #webdesign | Must Design |
Mobify is a mobile e-commerce optimization platform used by leading online retailers to deliver exceptional responsive shopping experiences.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Attending Search Exchange in Charlotte and MOBILE seems to be the dominant theme so here are 70 examples of responsive web design. On a laptop or desktop and want to see "responsive" design? Shrink your window and watch as the content adjusts to tablet and then phone size.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Time To Go Pageless? 8 Reasons Why Pageless Design is Future of Web Design

Time To Go Pageless? 8 Reasons Why Pageless Design is Future of Web Design | Must Design |

Pageless design frees websites from the outdated conventions of print design and fully utilizes the digital platform they’re built on. 

8 Compelling Reasons Why "Pageless' Web Design Wins (in the end):

* Tells a better story.

* Easier to "digest" or understand what to do.

* Emotionally more powerful.

* Higher Conversion Rates!!!
* Makes updating faster & easier.

* Lowers BOUNCE & encourages sharing.

* Looks great on all devices (mobile included).

* Lower cost to develop.

Marty Note
I confess to not being in love with the "infinite scroll" just yet. One modification we worked out for @Curagami, our Startup Factory funded startup, is to include a Call-To-Action at the top & Bottom.

CTAs help prepare the scroll. Remember "open book" tests? Putting a CTA on top of a waterfall of content helps prep a visitors mind. It "opens the book" for them. With this many impressive benefits I'm going to have to figure out how to start loving "pageless" design (lol).

I bet there are 5 (or so) similar modifications we can make to help us know how to create the paths and conversion we want by going "pageless".  

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Black and Blue Web Design Examples Inspire & Look Great on Smartphones

Black and Blue Web Design Examples Inspire & Look Great on Smartphones | Must Design |
What are two of the coolest colors in web site design? And do you think we've assembled a collection for you that will knock your socks off? Take a peek >>
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Mobile is forcing some good design upon us including:

* Simplified Color.
* Flat design.
* Better Fonts.
* Bigger Heroes.

These Black and Blue examples shows how limiting colors can create simple, more straightforward web designs.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

BLACK in Web Design 50 Examples Inspire via Speckboy

BLACK in Web Design  50 Examples Inspire via Speckboy | Must Design |
A common misconception is that black is thought of as a color in the same way that red, blue, purple or even green are. In actual fact, black is the complete absence of all color...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post reminds me of something I read about Andy Warhol.. "With Warhol there is always BLACK," the author said and went on to explain that it was Warhol's awesome use of black that made him a great artist.

Black is tough online. But here are 50 examples of how black can HELP not hurt web design.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

15 Best CSS3 Websites Inspire Consistent With 2014 Design Trends - via AWWards

15 Best CSS3 Websites Inspire Consistent With 2014 Design Trends - via AWWards | Must Design |
Fantastic CSS3 Website Designs for Inspiration. Selection of Awwwards winning CSS3 websites. CSS3 is a powerful tool for web designers to enhance the appearance of a website.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Strong first few pages of examples here. My favs include 

Cat Magnet for actually telling a fish story (nice large CTA too). 
Design Council - love the flat, few colors with red as accent. 

True - don't like blocking the face, but works here. 

Stealable Ideas ae consistent with 2014 design trends:

* Big heros (tells a better story).

* Limit color palette. 
* Flatten out the design so it looks good on mobile too.
* Large Call-to-actions (DECLARE what you want your customers to do).

That last bullet, using a clear CTA, seems to be the hardest one to sell designers who feel to DECLARE is to shout. I disagree. I view DECLARATION in this context as helping by MAPPING and POINTING.

No one wants their TIME wasted and when you point them in the right direction with a large, high contrast CTA you've created a helpful hint. Subtle, when you have seconds, seems an unsupportable luxury. When DON'T we want to be CLEAR and help our visitors know how to journey along our paths?

A: NEVER :). M  


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Hot, Flat, Colorful: 33 Examples of Ultra-Hot Flat Web Design Trend

Hot, Flat, Colorful: 33 Examples of Ultra-Hot Flat Web Design Trend | Must Design |
Currently, one of the biggest trends in the web design industry is the flat design style. In case you are not yet familiar with the term, flat design is essentially design without the drop shadows, gradients, and textures that have been common in web design for some time. Flat design uses solid colors and often typography figures prominently into the design. In this post we'll showcase 33 excellent examples of the flat web design trend. Hopefully they can provide some inspiration that can be put to use in your own work. Buffalo
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Mobile is the secret driver of many of 2014's hottest web design trends. One of the hottest is flattening out web design. Small screens can't handle shading and three dimensionality as well as bigger screens, so flat is one of the HOTTEST web design trends as these 33 examples share. .

Alaina Duty's curator insight, September 25, 2015 1:45 PM

Here are some great examples of some bold, attention-grabbing color combinations incorporated in flat design.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

125 Flat Web Design Examples Inspire | Designrazzi

125 Flat Web Design Examples Inspire | Designrazzi | Must Design |
This collection consist best of website design inspiration that mainly have flat website design examples like headlines, images or content areas. In this
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

My favorite is Heather Lynn.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Flattening Out Web Design In 2014: 23 Examples Inspire | Inspiration

Flattening Out Web Design In 2014: 23 Examples Inspire | Inspiration | Must Design |
Flat design is a concept that was pretty popular a couple years ago and it's back with full strength this year, causing some interesting buzz around the so
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Mobile is changing web design in many ways. One way is we are flattening out design. Flat designs look better on mobile so they are now winning across the web as these 23 examples show. My fav is William Leeks.

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Prescient Mashable Web Design Predictions (2012) Coming TRUE! via @dtelepathy

Prescient Mashable Web Design Predictions (2012) Coming TRUE! via @dtelepathy | Must Design |

Marty Note
Wow, you don't get much more money than Chuck Longanecker's 2012 predictions for web design's almost immediate future. 

Chuck is CEO of Digital Telepathy and boy does he have a copious amount of telepathy based on just how TRUE each of these trends is turning out. Talk about hitting the NAIL directly on its head.

We all need to get into Chuck's head (lol) because understanding how our design tectonic plates are shifting doesn't get any better:

* Lean Design (YES).
* Animation and more sophisticated HTML5 party tricks (YES).
* Less is More (YES).
* Multi-screen, multi-platform (YES!).

Great stuff every web designer and Internet marketer should walk and talk.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

18 Pivotal 2014 Web Design Trends [+ Scenttrail take]

18 Pivotal 2014 Web Design Trends [+ Scenttrail take] | Must Design |

What web design trends do you think we'll see in 2014? I'm betting on more simplicity, more cleanliness, and more focus on smaller screen sizes, among other things.

Marty Note

1. Flat UI - AGREE and general agreement.2. 'Mobile first' - AGREE! & trying to wrestle that pig to ground now with CrowdFunde.3. Yet more scrolling - Agree and coming from mobile too.

4. More HTML5 goodness - Agree.

5. More HTML5 badness - Yes goes hand-in-hand with #4

6. Micro UX - New to me, can't judge yet.

7. Less text - Agree we are moving to the visual web and lean content (more infographics, arresting images and graphics less text)

.8. Minimalist navigation - Agree and this is coming from MOBILE (working CrowdFunde's "mobile first" design right now and navigation is expensive in mobile.

9. CSS replaces images - Agree CSS Canvas is going to make many images needless weight on the page.

10. Video / moving backgrounds - AGREE!

11. Richer content experiences - Agree especially video.

12. Making the most of one page - Agree, but don't agree with single page sites (we aren't there yet).

13. Varied typography - Agree there is a lot happening on the server side with type.

14. Monochromatic design - New to me, but more likely than

15. Hypercolour - Not Sure color is easy to do BAD online and more color can make a mess.

16. Cards / tiles - Fascinating and new to me, read why cards are future of the web

17. Bigger, better imagery (Agree, cloud caching and CDNs making this possible).

18. Fixed position content / navigation - Agree as social widgets already doing this

Tyler Richendollar's curator insight, March 6, 2014 10:38 AM

Some seriously great design ideas and trends for 2014 and forward.  Really a solid summary of what the web looks like today, and will evolve through. 

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

Web Design: 20 Hottest 2014 Trends [+ Scenttrail Take On Each]

Web Design: 20 Hottest 2014 Trends [+ Scenttrail Take On Each] | Must Design |

2014 We Design Trends

1. Grid Layouts - Agree & Is Good!
Yes visual marketing + pinterest + mobile is making the grid ubiquitous. I created a Mondrian grid in 1999 when we launched (not gone sadly). Grids help share MORE information faster and in the same space than any other design element.

2. Image Captions - Agree and is GREAT
The area immediately under an image is HOT. Everyone looks there but few designers use captions to reinforce or explain the image. Paying more attention to keywords under images is a great idea.

3. Extended Form Elements with JQuery - Don't Know? Does anyone?
Can't comment on this trend as it is new to me and I don't program so its potential benefits are fuzzy at the moment.

4. Deeply Focused Landing Pages thanks to Mobile - Agree & Is Cool
Don't understand this trend except enough to say COOL and WANT ONE.

5. HTML5 Video Players - Agree and GLAD
Don't play your videos on YouTube only since you just make the rich get richer. Figuring out how to play videos "in your stack" is important and having your own HTML5 player is cool.

6. 3D vs. 7. Flat Design - I come down on Flat Design as the winner due to mobile.

8. Personal Portraits - Agree and Like

9. SVG Vector sweeps web as browser support escalates. Agree & Glad.

10. Fonts get cool thanks to server advance - cool and like but not a religion or anything lol.

11. Lazy Loading Animations - cool and can think of several uses.

12. Customized Image Galleries - cool and we need.

13. Mega Navigation Menus - Don't know but don't like idea, seems confusing where confusion can really hurt.

14. Expanding Search Bars - cool and will use.

15. Featured Detail List - LIKE and is cool and new to me.

16. Mobile First Design - Agree and am doing my first now with CrowdFunde.

17. HTML5 Canvas - cool and new to me.

18, Pixel Sprites and Browser Games - New to me but COOL!

19. Quick Registration via social - AGREE!

20, CSS3 Keyframe Animation - Cool, want one.

Monica S Mcfeeters's curator insight, February 22, 2014 10:05 AM

Here are some current WEB designing programs.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith!

14 "Out There" Web Design & Mobile Trends for 2014 via Gizmodo

14 "Out There" Web Design & Mobile Trends for 2014 via Gizmodo | Must Design |
Just as we did a year ago, I'm kicking off 2014 with a list of design trends I expect to gain ground over the next twelve months.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This great Gizmodo post had me at Theming Apps. 10 very cool and "out there" web and mobile design trends for 2014.

1. Theming Apps

2. Color as Affordance

3. Layers and Depth Within Apps4.

* 7 more in the linked post. Must Read. M

Lori Wilk's curator insight, January 17, 2014 1:01 AM

What a great list to start the New Year

Your Inspiration Web's curator insight, January 17, 2014 6:25 AM

add your insight...

Annica Widlert's curator insight, January 17, 2014 1:39 PM

14 trends to keep an eye out for. Relating to web design, to app design, and some to ideas over visual elements.