'Dragon Tattoo' girl is at heart of Ridley Scott's ‘Prometheus’ | The Creative Mind | Scoop.it
Noomi Rapace is the star of the new Ridley Scott film "Prometheus." Casting her as the lead character Elizabeth Shaw...


Rapace said that to make the character of Shaw believable, she felt the need to reconnect to her spiritual upbringing in Iceland, to a time when her belief system felt more certain. “I felt I had to face myself and find her in me,” Rapace said. “There’s a line in the movie, ‘That’s what I choose to believe,’ and I think that’s a key sentence in her life. She lost her dad when she was 9, her mother when she was a baby, and she’s been on her own. It’s like you have a choice: to either be destructive or to say everything happens for a reason and I just have to find the reason. She is driven by passion and an almost naive obsession to find out who made us.”


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