Ecom Revolution
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New SEO Looks Like Old SEO
Thanks to David Kutcher we've embarked on a 3 part journey. Our goal is to show how and why the "NEW SEO" is beginning to look a lot like the OLD SEO.  Our journey has three parts that all start here:

 After that we move to:

* Brands ( )
* Love (coming soon)

* Community  (coming soon)

I'm in Columbus at Ohio State for my year anniversary of being treated by the great Doc Byrd. Will finish Why The NEW SEO is Looking Like The OLD SEO when I get home.

In the meantime BRANDS is live.!
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See your Google organic visit data overlaid with Google's major algorithm updates, and then dig into your data.

Marty Note
One of our favorite Free Tools is Panguin. Panguin overlays Google algorithm changes on your Google Analytics taking the mystery out of what has happened to all of your traffic.

We've seen well established sites take a 30% traffic haircut due to all of Google's changes. Hope your site isn't in that group, but if it is know that working your way back is possible, but change is necessary (it doesn't get better on its own).!
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Love this cool memory game from Iron Yard instructor Chris Davies (@chrisdaviesgeek ). Easy to adapt to any business and great time on site builder so helpful to the new SEO.!
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There is a new invisible giant, a giant using 5 "tricks" so the "new seo" is hard and harder to see and understand. This Haiku Deck and Curatti blog post is about how to see the invisible giant. How to win hearts, minds and loyalty online.

We've named the hard to see new seo The Invisible Giant. Thousands have now seen, interacted with, shared and commented on The Invisible Giant. Have you?

Haiku Deck

Curatti Blog Post!
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The Simple Truth About SEO
A couple weeks ago, I got a call from one of our portfolio company's CEOs, who was frustrated by his confusion around SEO. He felt like he just couldn't get a straight answer.
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Agree with @Marilyn Moran SEO is many things "simple" not the first idea that jumps to mind. Realize the Forbes writer thinks he can make SEO "simple" for the C-level and maybe he does in the sense that they know SEO exists, but based on this article they have no capacity to DRIVE there themselves.

Problem with this web stuff is if you half to pay me or my tribe to interpret for you you've done two bad things at once - 

* Doubled or more your content marketing costs.

* Become dependent. We have to fish for you forever.

For example, I love this line, " but 90 percent is merely about consistently doing what feels natural and testing." I heard the process of SEO and testing defined better by Tobias Walter from @Shoeboxed team at Triangle Startup Factory today:

Traffic, Conversion, Revenue (TCR)

The big idea is those three ideas are connected . Biggest impact comes from working on one at a time. First you increase traffic. Once that goal is achieved you work on increasing conversion. Once that goal is bet you increase revenue.

Once you've made the turn through all three you go around the horn again rinsing and repeating ad infinitum. Much better explanation and more true to my experience as a Director of Ecommerce fo 7 years ( mad $30M+, AOV never over $62) and then Director of Marketing for an agency for 2 years (Klout up 292% and 2 record years).

When isolating the three key ideas of TCR (Traffic Conversion Revenue) from each other you don't get wound up in the wrong conversation. Yes you can attempt to knock down traffic and conversion at once. Chances are you will die trying or drown in attribution. Better to isolate, improve and then circle around again. 

Much more CLEAR explanation of SEO At Triangle Startup Factory today by Tobias Walter from Shoeboxed. We won't have to fish for Tobias or the Shoeboxed team any day soon :). Marty!
Marilyn Moran's curator insight, April 23, 2014 10:17 PM

I beg to differ on this article, slightly. SEO is anything BUT simple. Let's face it; it takes work. You can't just create a website and expect it to magically appear on page one especially if you have competition. :)

Marilyn Moran's comment, April 24, 2014 11:30 AM
Thank you for the mention @Martin (Marty) Smith!

Netflix data shows "binge watching" is up. How do we create content marketing to encourage a binge?

Creating Binge Worthy Content for Ecommerce sites helps master the New SEO, but the process is different than for B2B because:

* B2C ecom content needs more UGC (User Generated Content).
* Ecom content needs to tell great stories fast so VIDEO.

* UGC needs engagement support so gamification.

* Tribal key for ecommerce, so needs to be highly social.

* Don't like to pull attention away from HERO, so selectively visual.

* Need to curate more "binge worthy content" from UGC and social. 

That last bullet demonstrates the core difference. B2C ecommerce is an act of curation as much as creation. Customers trust each other often MORE than the websites they visit. The more UGC an ecom website has the richer it is.

UGC can take many forms on an ecommerce site such as:

* Reviews. 
* Profiles (MyAccount). 
* Comments. 
* Response to contests and games. 
* Review the reviewer (was this review helpful?). 
* Social shares.
* Blog or social commentary (use only with permission as you will have to rake into your website with an Online Reputation Management tool). 

Stories and content are no less important to an ecommerce website, but there are distinct difference in the type of content that will help and not hurt conversions.!
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Friends run a great online women's apparel store. This post discusses 5 tips to help aligned their store with the new SEO including:

1. Great First Person About Page.

2. Adding Cross Sale (to help with inventory fluctuation).

3. Create Content Silos (to help with New SEO).

4. Use and Pinterest (great visual merchandising tools).

5. Content Contests (to generate UGC).

These tips could work for almost any online #ecommerce retailer since engagement is the new black in terms of post Panda and Penguin SEO.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith