Ecom Revolution
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Web Migration Trauma
Website migration creates seo, traffic and money trauma. We share 5 website migration tips so your next web heart / lung transplant helps you gain not lose:

  • Up Your PPC Spend.
  • Tighten Your Site Maps & create SILO based maps (advanced).
  • 301 never 302 and Watch Webmaster Tools like a hawk for 494 Page Not Found.
  • Create highly social & shareable content like contests and games.
  • Know your 80:20 Rule and creating supporting content BEFORE the migration.

Included ADVANCED tips too in case you are a high risk player OR more advanced in your SEO knowledge.!
malek's curator insight, May 28, 2015 10:16 AM

Ok, for now I'd rather have a web site migration than a root canal.

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, May 28, 2015 2:02 PM
Let's see ROOT CANAL or website migration? ROOT CANAL by a large margin for me. At least a bad root canal isn't going to cost me my JOB unless so painful I go nuts in which case I have other problems LOL. Thanks @malek. Marty

Ecommerce is changing fast. This Scenttrail Marketing post shares and explains 30 "must master" to win ecommerce strategies and tatics.!
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30 Things You Must Master To Create Great Online Commerce #infographic

Martin (Marty) Smith

30 Ecom Strategies & Tactics To Master
No wonder most ecommerce teams feel overwhelmed. Off the top of our heads we came up with 30 complex "mini-systems" that must be mastered to create greatness in online commerce.

Gone are the days when a little of this and that could win the day in online retail. Today all 30 of these tactics and strategies dance together requiring sophisticated understanding of individual trends, tools and ideas to win.

Things change too fast to really KNOW anything. Instead teams must surf waves, learn and fail fast and then wax up their boards for another wild ride.

Did we miss any BIG IDEAS your ecommerce team is managing. Soon we will support this infographic with a post to further explain each strategy and tactic. In the meantime let us know what we missed in comments or email martin(at)

Thanks and remember DEEP SLOW BREATHES and if you aren't having FUN your visitors will know. They will feel it.

Read more!
William Caleb Rodgers's curator insight, May 3, 2015 10:36 AM

Do you have what it takes to be a master of online commerce?

Get your Free Internet Marketing Strategy Gifts here...

There's some great data out there on marketing channel ROI. This infographic pulls together industry studies and surveys on how marketing channels compare.

Marty Note
Somewhat disingenuous to separate channels like this. Everything is everything now and that means results in one channel are influencd in many ways by other channels. That is an important caveat for the "all or nothing" crowd who may read these results thinking they can reduce or eliminate commitment to social or PPC.

Yeah we wouldn't do that.  Your site is MODELED and substantial changes to any part of your current model could take down all the dominoes. That doesn't mean this knowledge isn't important though your results may be different. Knowing what channel is contributing profit and what channel is contributing traffic allows you to invest in the blend. Remember it is the blend that wins so don't go cutting off your nose to spite your website.!
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One of the most important elements of email marketing is writing subject lines that get people to open your emails. 

Martin (Marty) Smith:

My favorite is #4 TELL don't SELL. Other solid email marketing tips in this deck. I would add:

* Never one than one thing unless NEWSLETTER.

* Ask a question in our subject you partially answer in the email (their tip #5). 

* Always include social share button in prominent position.

* Always include a "can't see" URL as that promotes social shares too. 
 * Always have a LIVE FROM address not "NoResponse@YourURL ...but you must monitor responses too.!
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, March 6, 2014 11:18 AM

If you've been using email marketing, chances are you're already familiar with some if these. But I'm sure you'll also find new ones and it's a good checklist for inspiration to have available for your next campaign. 

Amy Hollingsworth's curator insight, March 6, 2014 12:34 PM

Great article, especially for educators. I think a lot of students don't read our emails either, because the titles sound so boring!

From tweets to posts and even likes, this webinar covers the basics of social media marketing. Learn how your peers are leveraging social media in their practices and hear what works - and what doesn't.

Marty Note

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Received an email I can't show you other than the graphic from CIO White Papers that points to  some easy things to change to make your email marketing more effective.

The link on this post goes to the "landing page" presented after clicking on the Call To Action (Click Here To Read This Report Now) button on the email.

The landing page is confusing. I couldn't figure out how to either share my information or get the report and who has the time to figure out YOUR landing page? A: No One!

Tip #1: Make your FORM easy to fill out and only ask for things you REALLY need (name, email).

I can't share the email because there is no social share widgets and there isn't a "Can't see this email, see it on the web" option. Always include social share widgets above the fold and include a server based email URL since that is what most publishers will share.

Tip #2: Always include a server URL and social share widgets.

I love the size of the Call-to-Action (CTA), but blue copy on orange wouldn't be my first choice since it makes the button hard to read.

Tip #3: Big CTAs with clearly contrasting colors.

The email, the one I can't show you because there is no URL, goes on and on and on. Never do that. Never share more than a single idea in an email. No one reads your emails the way you do. People have LIVES and when you put 8 things in an email with a long scroll you look out of touch with real people. Not a good thing.

Tip #4: Never market more than one thing in an email.

The subject line lives within my 7 word rule "

Saavy Social Media: From Facebook to Twitter

Not a bad subject line except for the spelling. Ouch! Little things undercut credibility. Little things like a site called CIO White Papers misspelling savvy.

Tip #5: Check Your Spelling before you mail 50,000 people.!
Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, February 21, 2014 9:39 AM

5 Consejos fáciles para mejorar tu Email Marketing.


Consejos que ayudarán a tu email marketing a romper la barrera cada vez más artificial entre el social media marketing y el email marketing.

Step by step, detailed case studies on getting traffic from Neil Patel, Jeff Bullas, Jon Morrow and many more.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

Traffic's Drug
Here is the thing about TRAFFIC. A lot of peple will tell you nonconvertig traffic hurts more than it helps. I'm not so judgementa and it depends on how we GOT the traffic and how expensive it was.

Traffic, by itelf, is a metric of nothing.

Traffic plus conversion (money) plus source, plus content = cool let's do it again realizations. Each of these experts have great ideas, ideas where I like some more than others. Will try to remember to circle back around and pick my favorite 10 GET TRAFFIC IDEAS and why I like them over others.

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Five Quick Content Marketing Tips For SMBs
SMBs (Small to Medium Sized businesses) are feeling overwhelmed. Instead of saying, "You Must Know Everything." maybe we should start with five quick tips:

SMB Content Marketing Tip 1: There Is No THEM
SMB Content Marketing Tip 2: Email Marketing With Personas
SMB Content Marketing Tip 3: Blog Q&A Content
SMB Content Marketing Tip 4: Conversations Not Lectures
SMB Content Marketing Tip 5: Have Fun and Create Fun!
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Looking for “The Scoop on Email Marketing”? ProMarketing Leads has created an infographic outlining just how important email marketing is for your
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Email Makes The Money
When I was a Director of Ecommerce email marketing produced the highest MARGIN (i.e. dollars to the bank) of any marketing channel by far. Email is under attack these days.

Email marketing is different and changing. Different because relevance is demanded so personas and segments are a must. Different because mobile devices increasingly curate email so your emails must look great on mobile AND be formed "mobile friendly".

Mobile friendly means:

* Strong visuals.
* Few words and less copy.
* Tease the click or tease the "keep for later".
* Strong offers and clear CTAs.

If you run an ecommerce website and are NOT email marketing and making subscriptions into your list your A priority I'd love to know what is :).M!
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RSR and Bronto Software survey provides insights into use of consumer path-to-purchase data (New report provides insights into use of consumer path-to-purchase data #retail...
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Ecom Retailers Need To Plug Holes, Make Money
Wow, this study from my favorite email platform (@Bronto) will blow your hair back. Plug even a few of these gapping holes and it could mean millions in sales for ecom retailers. 

Follow any two of the ideas in this study and ecommerce retailers could be using email marketing to profitably increase sales. Amazing with all the new shinny things how blocking and tackling is still the best place to MAKE MONEY NOW.

Great study and tips from Bronto. BTW, email is under pressure from mobile and hyper local, but still beyond valuable to ecommerce.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith