Ecom Revolution
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Market Makers
Market makers have a special ability to synergize seemingly disparate information into a coherent and seductive story. My friends at Moon-Audio ( are market makers. 

Helps that they make great products. Their Silver, Black and Blue Dragon audio cables get thumbs up reviews from buyers around the world because they WORK (they make even the best headphones sound better).

But there is more to being a market maker than making great products. I was married to a market maker for more than twenty years so I'm familiar with the strange alchemy needed to find, explain and convince the rest of us about THE NEXT BIG THING.

We humans are skeptical and  over marketed to and preached at. But we depend on market makers to filter our too chaotic world inot NEED TO KNOW and CAN IGNORE. Drew Baird is a NEED TO KNOW and NEED TO LISTEN TO market maker. This guest post (by me) on their site shares tips on becoming a market maker and the special benefits won when achieved.!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith