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Crowdfunding is a new powerful marketing channel similar to what email marketing used to be - high profit, low cost with big social and UGC benefits.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

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One of the most important elements of email marketing is writing subject lines that get people to open your emails. 

Martin (Marty) Smith:

My favorite is #4 TELL don't SELL. Other solid email marketing tips in this deck. I would add:

* Never one than one thing unless NEWSLETTER.

* Ask a question in our subject you partially answer in the email (their tip #5). 

* Always include social share button in prominent position.

* Always include a "can't see" URL as that promotes social shares too. 
 * Always have a LIVE FROM address not "NoResponse@YourURL ...but you must monitor responses too.!
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight, March 6, 2014 11:18 AM

If you've been using email marketing, chances are you're already familiar with some if these. But I'm sure you'll also find new ones and it's a good checklist for inspiration to have available for your next campaign. 

Amy Hollingsworth's curator insight, March 6, 2014 12:34 PM

Great article, especially for educators. I think a lot of students don't read our emails either, because the titles sound so boring!

How your inbox is becoming an app. The final conversion of the old internet's last holdout.
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Great post here by John Herman for BuzzFeed (@jwherrman). Email made more money than any other marketing channel when I was a Director of Ecommerce by a full ten points so its evolution is a CSF (Critical Success Factor) for e-commerce shops.

John's intelligent response to WHAT IS NEXT is worth a CAREFUL read for anyone who depends on email marketing to pay the bills. Do I think we are THERE yet (i.e. where John is), no but we are trending in that direction.

If John is a vanguard we Internet marketers need to form up around his ideas. What I would NEVER argue with is how the ubiquitous mobile web is changing email. We know many customers use mobile devices to curate their lives (and throw away non-interesting or poorly designed emails).

The problem with John's future is email is the list that protected the kingdom. Google doesn't own your email list as they do your organic and PPC destiny. How to continue to diversify your Internet marketing profits and portfolio is going to be a challenge.!
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Email marketing is important for many reasons – as long as you use it properly it can give your business a boost with very little resources invested.
Martin (Marty) Smith:

There is no doubt email marketing remains a major conversation provoker, traffic generator and relationship builder. This article doesn't address the NEW realities of email marketing such as:

* Better look good on mobile.

* Mobile changes CTA and email construction.

* Mobile is the gatekeeper of email marketing now.

* Email better be organized by personas and segments.

* Batch and Blast days are long gone.

* How to support email marketing with social and mobile.

But it is a very solid article on why email marketing is far from disappearing. Different yes, gone not even a little bit.!
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Take a look at some of the best email marketing campaigns out there, and learn what makes them so amazing!

Marty - Yeah not so much as it turns out. These emails suffer from three common email marketing problems:

* They try to do too much.

* They aren't visually arresting enough.

* They don't use PEOPLE well.

Promise to write a full post on what makes for great email marketing on soon.

Martin (Marty) Smith:

Hubspot Whiff
Hubspot is an amazing content marketer. Almost everyday they create great relevant content I want to read. Hubspot is a favorite among my Internet marketing friends too, so keep my praise in mind as I detail why this post misses the mark.

Email Marketing Rules The World
The death of email marketing is greatly exaggerated. Yes MOBILE is messing with delivery as many people use mobile to curate their email (deciding what to keep and what to toss is easier on mobile devices), but email's importance to any Internet marketer's bottom line can't be overstated.

These campaigns are too noisy and CTA's way too hidden. Email is an IMMEDIATE medium. Don't send email marketing talking about anything happening in a month. Email is about RIGHT NOW.

The creative is FLAT for me too. PEOPLE sell things and many of these emails lead with graphics. BIG MISTAKE. The best converting email in thee examples would be the ModCloth.

ModCloth's lower half is solid. The models are looking at the Call To Action and it feels fun. Problem is the top. Never combine SALES with process-oriented stuff. If you want me to clean up my profile make that the ONLY CTA on that email.

ModCloth is upside down. Lead with the girls playing and put all those process messages on the bottom OR send another email to discuss process. Illustrates why HubSpot whiffed - too much noise in these emails.

If you are trying to accomplish 2 things in an email that is one too many. Emails are short bursts of fun and inspirations. They have to FIGHT their way through mobile gate keeping and how overwhelmed everyone feels.

Best tactic to achieve high open rates I know are:

1. Short and punchy subject lines (10 words max).

2. Big hero with PEOPLE doing cool things (view out at the reader OR down into a CTA).

3. ONLY ONE idea at a time.
4. Limit other navigational options (keep them relevant to Today’s message).

5. Arresting visuals (PEOPLE are best but graphics can work).

I promise to elaborate more on what makes for GREAT email marketing on soon. Can't be critical of HubSpot without supply a How To email marketing lessons learned from making MILLIONS (not hyping this either, or not too much anyway) from email marketing.!
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Email is alive and well as a proven inbound marketing channel, and converts better than both search and social. Find out how to increase conversions from email marketing with proven methods used by...
Martin (Marty) Smith:

So much talk about how Email Marketing is FAR from dead in my most recent Scoops I thought it a good idea to revist this excellent infographic from!
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Looking for “The Scoop on Email Marketing”? ProMarketing Leads has created an infographic outlining just how important email marketing is for your
Martin (Marty) Smith:

Email Makes The Money
When I was a Director of Ecommerce email marketing produced the highest MARGIN (i.e. dollars to the bank) of any marketing channel by far. Email is under attack these days.

Email marketing is different and changing. Different because relevance is demanded so personas and segments are a must. Different because mobile devices increasingly curate email so your emails must look great on mobile AND be formed "mobile friendly".

Mobile friendly means:

* Strong visuals.
* Few words and less copy.
* Tease the click or tease the "keep for later".
* Strong offers and clear CTAs.

If you run an ecommerce website and are NOT email marketing and making subscriptions into your list your A priority I'd love to know what is :).M!
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Scoop it Creator

Martin (Marty) Smith