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Ex-Google CBO says AI is now IMPOSSIBLE to stop with Mo Gawdat - SLOW DOWN AND BECOME PRODUCTIVE

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Pavel Barta's insight:
What is meditation all about? It is getting your mind from active to focused. Contemplative BRAIN.
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Confidence Matters

William Shakespeare said, "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." Low self-confidence can have a paralyzing effect, just consider the following scenarios: Dating 'I will not ask him out because I am ...' - Career 'I will not apply for this job because I am ..., I will not start my business because I am ... ' - Skills I' will not try to learn French because I am ... '....

Pavel Barta's insight:
Self-Confidence is as important as skills. Here is how you can grow it 
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Navigating the Path to Wellness: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Burnout

Introduction   In today's fast-paced and demanding world, burnout has become an all-too-common phenomenon, affecting individuals across various professions. Recent studies have revealed tha
Pavel Barta's insight:
Take Care of yourself! A few tips on how to manage burnout...
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​Mastering the Art of Meaningful Questions: Enhancing Communication and Discovery

​Mastering the Art of Meaningful Questions: Enhancing Communication and Discovery. Questions are a powerful tool in communication, capable of evoking emotions, sparking curiosity, and leading to discovery.

Pavel Barta's insight:
Source of insightful questions.
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Carl Jung - How To Realize Your True Potential In Life (Jungian Philosophy)

In this video we will be talking about how to realize your true potential in life from the philosophy of Carl Jung. He found his own school of psychology, called analytical psychology and his philosophy is dubbed as “Jungian philosophy”.

So with that in mind, here are 8 ways to realize your full potential in life from Carl Jung -
01. Don’t let others define you
02. Understand your passions
03. Focus on who you want to be
04. Give up your addictions
05. Be honest about your capabilities
06. Make strengths from your weaknesses
07. Find a connection to the infinite
08. Make time for deep reflections
I hope you enjoyed watching the video and hope these 8 ways to realize your full potential in life from the philosophy of Carl Jung will add value to your life.

Pavel Barta's insight:
Discover who you are, follow your values and aspirations and use them as your personal compass throughout life. 
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Self Regulation - step by step process

The Power of Emotional Intelligence is linked to our capacity to self-regulate.
Pavel Barta's insight:
Self-regulation is the key to success, the link contains a scientifically validated self-regulation process. 
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Carl Jung - Ending Your Inner Civil War (read by Alan Watts)

Alan Watts had a radio show in the 60s where he read this passage of Jung's work after Jung died. Alan Watts was a tremendous admirer or Jung and his passage really stuck out in his mind.

In this passage, which Jung read to a group of clergy, he talks about what it takes to successfully heal someone and oneself -- that one must come to terms with your own dark side, before you can accept the dark side of another.

Once this happens, which - Jung says - is a moral achievement, then you see how egoism and neurosis in yourself or something else actually LEADS to change.

"The demon of egoism is the royal road to that in-gathering that religious experience is about."

Full lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr_20uEVOiE

Pavel Barta's insight:
Acceptance of oneself is a key to change.
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Grit or Quit

Grit or Quit | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
Many of us have that one stubborn goal we've been trying to accomplish for weeks, months—maybe even years. Maybe it's joining the C-Suite, taking that professional development course, or improving your golf game. Goals are important. They're helpful motivational tools that can carry us to new heights. But we can also become so stuck on achieving a goal that we miss out on a variety of other things we could be doing. Perhaps you realize that your dream of becoming an executive at your organization doesn’t align with who you want to be anymore. You discover you'd actually prefer to stay in your current position and have fewer managerial responsibilities. The following questions can help you reevaluate your goals to make sure they're the right ones for you. (Phd. Susan David) https://www.linkedin.com/posts/susanadavidphd_many-of-us-have-that-one-stubborn-goal-weve-activity-7084880917650919424-OucL?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Pavel Barta's insight:
Being stubborn is not a grit!
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Leadership and Emotional Concern

What kind of Boss should you be? Daniel Goleman shared research finding that "shows that the caring boss not only enhances employee engagement and loyalty, but decreases turnover. People are less likely to quit if they like their boss."
Pavel Barta's insight:
Do your employees feel that you really care about them?
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Finding Peace, Joy, and Success through Identifying and Living up to Your Values.

Do you have a long-term personal vision? Do you know who you want to become in sufficient details?  In Lewis Carol’s “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland” – Alice asks for a direction t
Pavel Barta's insight:
Identify your values, here. 
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Values | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
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Pavel Barta's insight:
Values Values Values - And it is our emotions that often teach us about what we care about the most in life. The next time you experience a strong emotion, instead of judging yourself whether or not you should feel that way, ask yourself 'what is this emotion telling me about me, about what I really care about? What other emotions are hidden behind this one, and what do they teach me about what is happening ... ?' Emotions can be signposts leading to greater self-awareness. Having said that, that should not mean that we should allow them to define us in terms of who we are and what we do. Often, emotions can mislead, misfire, and exaggerate! We are more than our emotions. Though it is valuable to know what we feel, we should always remain conscious of the fact that we do not need to obey - or believe in - what we feel. Learn to stay in the driving seat ... do not allow your emotions to manipulate you. Use your values and aspirations to drive your decisions, not your emotions. Clear and peaceful conscience is one of the greatest gifts that this life gives, and it is when I remain true to my personal values that I have the privilege of experiencing such a mindset.
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The surprising dark side of empathy & the saving power of compassion

The surprising dark side of empathy & the saving power of compassion | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others by imagining oneself in their place.

But researcher have found that if you are too in tune with other people's emotions too much of the time, it can lead to exhaustion, apathy, and even aggression and cruelty.

Video by Yasmeen Ismail
Animation by Danielle Rhoda
Pavel Barta's insight:
Compassion fights empathy fatigue
Jessica Starkman's curator insight, July 12, 2022 1:43 PM
Interesting take on empathy and creating boundaries
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How psychological hardiness can help to protect against burnout

How psychological hardiness can help to protect against burnout | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
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Pavel Barta's insight:
Three components make up your hardiness level: 
1. Seeing change and new experiences as opportunities to learn and develop. 
2. Control: Belief in one’s ability to control or influence events and outcomes. 
3. Commitment: A tendency to see the world and day-to-day activities as interesting, meaningful and having purpose.
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Daniel Goleman on LinkedIn: Be Angry, in a Smart Way | 279 comments

Daniel Goleman on LinkedIn: Be Angry, in a Smart Way | 279 comments | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
A well-guided anger, the Dalai Lama says, can be useful. Moral outrage can drive positive action. But anger becomes destructive when we lose self-control, get… | 279 comments on LinkedIn
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Perception and Self-Control

Pavel Barta's insight:
We do have a choice!
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Where is your focus?

Pavel Barta's insight:
Relationships, Life, Feel
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Effective Conversations - Tips

Great conversations can be compared to establishing, growing, and maintaining a partnership or relationship, where both parties carry 50% responsibility for its success. 

Pavel Barta's insight:
Here are some tips on how to hold great conversations
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Carl Jung - How To Own Yourself (Jungian Philosophy)

Carl Jung - How To Own Yourself (Jungian Philosophy)

Step 1 - Meet Your Shadow
Step 2 - Accept Your Shadow
Step 3 - Integrate Your Shadow

Pavel Barta's insight:
Embracing Your Shadow: A Path to Personal Growth and Fulfillment


In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, there lies a hidden and often unexplored aspect of ourselves - the shadow. The shadow represents the parts of us that we may not like, feel ashamed of, or have been rejected by society. Denying this shadow can hinder our progress and lead to unexpected outbursts. Instead, we should embrace and understand our shadow, allowing it to guide us towards becoming a more integrated and fulfilled individual. 

 1. Meet Your Shadow 

The first step in understanding the shadow is acknowledging its existence. It consists of dark, unwanted, and unpopular traits that we often push aside or try to suppress. However, denying its presence will not lead to growth; rather, it might manifest itself unexpectedly. To control the shadow, we need to get to know it better. The key lies in recognizing and accepting these aspects of ourselves. 

Projection Onto Others 

One way the shadow manifests is through projection - projecting our own weaknesses onto others. We may find ourselves harshly judging others, displaying bias or prejudice, and taking offence easily. These negative reactions often stem from unresolved issues within ourselves. To address this, we should engage in introspection and explore why we react strongly to certain situations and individuals. 

 Practical Techniques 

To gain a deeper understanding of our shadow, we can utilize various practices: 

 • Meditation: Regular meditation helps us delve into our subconscious and connect with our true selves, enabling us to identify hidden aspects that need attention. 
• Journeying: Embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking insights and answers within your subconscious mind. 
• Drawing: Art can serve as a therapeutic outlet to express and explore your emotions and inner thoughts. 
• Self-reflection: When faced with strong reactions, ask yourself why you felt that way and what triggered such emotions. 

 2. Accept Your Shadow 

Acceptance is the key to unlocking personal growth and finding balance within ourselves. Embrace your true self, flaws, insecurities, etc.. Instead of denying these aspects, acknowledge them openly. Write down your shortcomings and confront them with a sense of self-compassion. Understanding Origins It's essential to investigate why we feel the need to hide certain aspects of ourselves or why we fear being less likable when showing vulnerability. Understanding the origins of these feelings can provide valuable insights into our behavior. 

 3. Integration for Growth 

Integration is about allowing the conscious and unconscious parts of ourselves to coexist harmoniously. Embrace your weaknesses, recognizing that they offer valuable lessons for personal growth. Ask yourself what behaviors your best self would exhibit and strive to align your actions with that ideal. 


Embracing your shadow is an empowering journey of self-discovery and growth. By facing the aspects of yourself that you might have avoided or denied, you can find a newfound sense of freedom and self-assurance. Acceptance and integration of your shadow will lead to a more authentic and fulfilled life, allowing you to unlock your full potential and embrace your true self. Remember, growth often comes from embracing your weaknesses and transforming them into strengths. So, embark on this transformative journey today, and witness the growth and self-awareness that await you.
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James Allen - As A Man Thinketh Audiobook

James Allen - As A Man Thinketh Audiobook

"As a Man Thinketh" is a literary essay by James Allen, published in 1903. It was described by Allen as "... dealing with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. Allen has tried to make the book simple, so that all can easily grasp and follow its teaching, and put into practice the methods which it advises. It shows how, in his own thoughtóworld, each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life, and that, by working patiently and intelligently upon his thoughts, he may remake his life, and transform his circumstances. It was also described by Allen as "A book that will help you to help yourself", "A pocket companion for thoughtful people", and "A book on the power and right application of thought.

James Allen - As A Man Thinketh Audiobook

Pavel Barta's insight:
An incredibly interesting book that brings insights into how thoughts may affect us. http://eileap.weebly.com/blog/thoughts-matter
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Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it
Acts of kindness that feel small to us have a big impact on others. Research: kids and adults underestimate how tiny acts of generosity lift others' moods. There's no easier way to make someone's day than to offer a compliment, give a little gift, or send a handwritten note. (Adam Grant)  Illustrated by Daniel Abrahams https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7071887110051389440?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Pavel Barta's insight:
Compassion should be our goal, not judgement
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What Is Alexithymia and How Does It Affect People’s Emotional Lives?

Alexithymia, not being able to express feelings or understand other people's emotions, can have a huge emotional impact. Learn about treatments and coping strategies.
Pavel Barta's insight:
Susan David "Though alexithymia is not an official clinical diagnosis, it is a difficulty that affects millions of people on a daily basis. It carries very real costs that impact our working relationships, wellbeing, capacity to move forward with our goals, and ability to navigate a complex world. This article by Stacey Colino explores what alexithymia is and how we can cope with it."
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Compassion Fatigue

What is often referred to as "compassion fatigue" is not caused by too much compassion for others. Rather, it tends to be caused by difficulty in setting boundaries, struggling with emotion regulation, denying ourselves the very compassion we extend to others, systems that demand the impossible, and similar. This is a crucial distinction. The remedy for "compassion fatigue" is not to reduce compassion. When we reduce compassion there is actually more - not less - likelihood that we will get burned out and experience lower wellbeing. The creation of a disconnect between us and others, and us and ourselves - our values, our humanity, our flaws - does not support a culture of emotional health.   

'Susan David, Ph.D.View Susan David, Ph.D.’s profile • 1st Psychologist. Harvard Medical School. TED Speaker. Author of the #1 WSJ bestseller Emotional Agility. Co-Founder of Institute of Coaching' 
Pavel Barta's insight:
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Dealing with an ocean of emotions

Words of Wisdom from  Sly Stallone
Pavel Barta's insight:
Keep Juggling!
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Steve Jobs @ MIT 1992 - "What's the most important thing that you personally learned at Apple...?"

Student asks Steve Jobs "What's the most important thing that you learned at Apple that you're doing at NeXT ?"

Jobs says "Good Question" then pauses for a bit.

"I now take a longer term view on people"

Paul Mangione
Fort Schuyler Advisors

#teams #teamwork #apple #NeXT #jobs #stevejobs #business #computer #macintosh #technology #innovation #people
Pavel Barta's insight:
Tasks Vs People - Short Vs Long-Term View! People matter, and making mistakes is not the biggest problem. Mistakes are there to teach us. Let people learn ...
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What are the emotional intelligence lessons you draw from the Will Smith / Chris Rock conflict @Oscars?

What are the emotional intelligence lessons you draw from the Will Smith / Chris Rock conflict @Oscars? | Emotional and Social Intelligence | Scoop.it

What are the emotional intelligence lessons you draw from the Will Smith / Chris Rock conflict @Oscars?

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