How to Get Started With Longform Immersive Storytelling on WordPress | Flip the Media | How to find and tell your story |

"Ever since the New York Times published Snow Fall, the grand-daddy of immersive storytelling, other journalism outlets have tried to integrate highly produced stories featuring video, audio, graphics and photography in their online mix to show how journalism can look like in the digital age.

Up until recently, only well-funded organizations could pull off truly impressive longform story experiences and it still takes quite a bit of skill and money to do something great. But new and better (and cheaper) tools bring longform storytelling now well within the reach of bloggers and publishers with less time, money, and coding skill.

Here at Flip we took up the challenge and published a longer story on the digital nature of Taiwan’s sunflower revolution in a slighly experimental “immersive” format. Here is how we did it and some tips on how you can incorporate longform storytelling on your WordPress site."

Read the full article to see an example and find out how to set-up your own longform immersive story on a WordPress site using the Aesop Story Engine plugin.