College Applicants Can Use ZeeMee to Show As Well As Tell | Into the Driver's Seat |

"As rising Seniors start their college applications, they have another option available to enhance their submissions: ZeeMee, a thriving tech start-up that will be making major upgrades on August 1st to both its free-to-students ZeeMee Story platform and its paid-by-colleges ZeeMee Community offering.


"Where I work, at Drew University, we use ZeeMee because we know students are more than the sum of their grades and test scores. We value all the different dimensions they bring to a true residential community where we guarantee housing for all four years and seek a vibrant collection of personalities and talents; moreover, Drew was founded 150 years ago with a powerful mission of social justice and giving back to the community, and some stories are well told via videos as well as through essays and interviews.


"We use ZeeMee in order to make better-informed decisions about all the attributes our applicants have to offer.


"With our use of their platform in mind, I wanted to learn more about ZeeMee and how it can benefit students, so I asked the founders some questions:"

Via Dr. Susan Bainbridge, Yashy Tohsaku