The Maker Monday Challenge: Begin Each Week on a Creative Note | Into the Driver's Seat |
What if students began each week by making and designing and creating? What if kids stepped into the classroom each with a sense of wonder and excitement?

This is the idea behind Maker Mondays. It begins with a simple premise: start the week off with hands-on creativity. It might involve Scratch Video Game coding projects, a maker challenge, a Minecraft challenge, or a divergent thinking activity with random items. Students might blog or create videos and podcasts. They might do sketch animation videos. Or they might do circuitry, robotics, or fabrication.

There are so many options and opportunities. You don’t need the fanciest gadgets or high-tech machinery. It might be as simple as cardboard or duct tape or the smartphones we already have in our hands.

I realize that an hour each Monday morning isn’t enough. Creativity should be integrated into each subject each day. But this Maker Monday can be the creative spark that leads to something bigger.

Via John Evans