Excellent PowerPoint On Feedback Promoting A Growth Mindset | Into the Driver's Seat | Scoop.it

by Larry Ferlazzo


"The Pajarao Valley Unified School District has an excellent collection of resources on Professor Carol Dweck’s work, and it’s been on The Best Resources On Helping Our Students Develop A “Growth Mindset” list for quite awhile.


"However, they created another related resource that, for some reason, I discovered is not on that list. It’s an exceptional PowerPoint presentation on how to provide feedback to students that promotes a growth mindset. And, in an added bonus, a portion of it speaks directly to parents.


"I’m adding to to both The Best Resources For Learning How To Best Give Feedback To Students and to The Best Ideas On How Parents Can Help Their Kids Succeed Academically."

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)