How to Avoid the 17 Deadly Sins of  Flipped Learning Technology Selection | Into the Driver's Seat |
Course description

Nothing can kill a flipped learning program more quickly than the selection of expensive, complex technology that is poorly suited to flipped learning. Education technology graveyards are littered with the remains of tools, programs, and gizmos that teachers couldn't or wouldn't use. If teachers, administrators, IT staff and school districts had only known how to identify the best and simplest technologies for flipped learning. Now they can.

This one-hour, free course was created to empower you with the ability to avoid the 17 biggest mistakes educators routinely make when choosing flipped learning technology. When you're done you'll have the ability to distinguish between the good, the bad and the ugly in flipped learning technology. You'll also receive a certificate to prove that you've been trained in this vital skill.

Via Kim Flintoff, Miloš Bajčetić, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD