Free Your Inner Voxel With Shapeways' ShapeJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

With math-based art, creativity is still an important part of the equation. Of course no one can become a Bathsheba Grossman or Paul Nylander overnight, but if you're interested in learning some of the techniques that make math-based art possible (and don't have $1000 to spend on a copy of Mathematica) then Shapeways has the tool for you.

ShapeJS is an in-browser, code-based geometry generator for 3D printing. Using a JavaScript framework, ShapeJS provides a powerful system to create math-based art with voxels. What is a voxel you may ask? If you play Minecraft you may already be familiar with the underlying concept. Think of a voxel as a pixel in 3D. In fact, the name voxel is derived from the words "volume" and "pixel".