JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Ionic Framework Tutorial

Ionic Framework Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
What You Will Learn:
  • How to create and build (compile and package) an Ionic project using the CLI (Command Line Interface).

  • How to start from one of the Ionic starter apps

  • How to build a modern mobile UI using Ionic components such as side menu, cards, action sheets, etc.

  • How to create a service using the Angular resource module (ngResource) to access REST services

  • How to use controllers

  • How to use routing

  • How to login with Facebook, and publish information to your feed

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Building a Twitter App Using AngularJS

Building a Twitter App Using AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Preetish Panda teaches you how to create a basic Twitter app using AngularJS, The app includes a search feature to search a term in the user's timeline.

The application will let us log in via Twitter and fetch tweets from the user timeline. Besides, the application will feature a search box to let the user searching among the tweets shown. In this tutorial, you will learn about the usage of OAuth for the Twitter authentication, various functions to retrieve tweets, load more tweets through the use of a “Load more” button, and search tweets with the help of AngularJS two-way data binding.

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Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN

Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through the creation of a Reddit/Hacker News clone using the MEAN stack. By completing this tutorial, you will gain a basic understanding of the MEAN stack including building a REST interface with Express.js on top of Node.js and using that interface to perform CRUD operations on a database via an AngularJS frontend.

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AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Build a Real-Time Reddit Clone

AngularJS Tutorial: Learn to Build a Real-Time Reddit Clone | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

By building ang-news, you will learn how to develop CRUD (create, read, update, delete) services, securely authenticate users, access servers with $http, communicate with REST APIs using $resource, enable three-way data binding with your server, create directives for your user interface and more.

Once you have finished building the ang-news application, your users will be able to:

  • Sign up for an account on your site
  • Post links to the site, as well as delete their own links
  • Comment on links
  • Have a user profile with a picture and a list of user's posts
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Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS

Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

If you're reading this, you most probably tried to make a long and/or complex list of items using a ng-repeat directive, and after seeing how it performs in terms of speed, felt like AngularJS failed you. In some cases you might be able to avoid this problem by using paging or infinite scrolling, but sometimes that's just not good enough. For example, lists that are displaying only a few items at a time (like any kind of a log) would simply be very impractical from the users point of view. Another reason - you might be using libraries like SlyJS that load a whole list at once to calculate the size of the embedded scrollbar and to make list swiping and elastic bounds work properly. Ooooor - your client simply demands it. :)

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Let's Build an AngularJS App!

Let's Build an AngularJS App! | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I structured the talk so that I could easily go from start to finish in stages. In the PowerPoint deck you'll see I have actual git checkout commands that reference the various commits. This will enable you to roll forward to each step after you've cloned the repository. The result is a responsive health calculator app that scales well to a variety of page sizes, has built-in validations for inputs and provides you with basal metabolic rate (BMR), body mass index (BMI), and target heart rate zones (THR). The app was developed using a test-driven (TDD) approach with a total of 83 specifications. The GitHub repository has full source and instructions.

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AngularJS Tutorial: Learn Angular by building a Gmail clone

AngularJS Tutorial: Learn Angular by building a Gmail clone | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Get your feet wet with this popular Javascript framework in this hands-on introductory guide. You'll understand the basics and build your first Angular app, a Gmail clone.

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ng-course : AngularJS Deep Dive Course

ng-course : AngularJS Deep Dive Course | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
This course will teach you the AngularJS fundamentals and the internal. The course will cover directives, binding, filters, ngRepeat, testing, isolate scopes and much much more, with real-world examples. ng-course, the best course in israel.
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Developing a Large Scale Application with a Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS

Developing a Large Scale Application with a Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When you start to dig deep into the differences between a single-page application and an ASP.NET Master Page implementation, you start to realize that they actually are more similar to each other than different - being that a single-page application is simply a shell page to house content pages just like a master page, except that the shell page in a single-page application does not reload or execute like a master page does with each new page request.

Perhaps the name Single-Page Application is an unfortunate name  that may lead you to believe that the technology is not an appropriate choice for building web-based applications that need to scale to an enterprise-wide application that may consist of several hundred content web pages with thousands of users.

The goal of this article is to develop a single-page application that can be implemented with hundreds of content pages with all the functionality that an enterprise application needs to support thousands of users, including authentication, authorization and session state etc.

Marlon Saville, CAP's curator insight, August 19, 2014 2:38 PM

I have not read a word of this article...can somebody translate?


*Stretch it Out*!

Node webkit and Angularjs - A MovieStub App

Node webkit and Angularjs - A MovieStub App | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post, we will take a look at building Node webkit based desktop app using Angular js. By the end of this post, we are going to build a Movie Booking desktop application, where a user can see a list of movies and book tickets as per availability.

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Extending HTML with AngularJS's Directives

Extending HTML with AngularJS's Directives | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
The main thing about AngularJS is that it allows us to extend the capabilities of HTML to serve the purpose of today's dynamic webpages. In this article I will show you how you can use AngularJS's Directives to make your development faster, easier and your code more maintainable. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Medium; Tags: AngularJS, JavaScript
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Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS

Improving AngularJS long list rendering performance using ReactJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

f you're reading this, you most probably tried to make a long and/or complex list of items using a ng-repeat directive, and after seeing how it performs in terms of speed, felt like AngularJS failed you. In some cases you might be able to avoid this problem by using paging or infinite scrolling, but sometimes that's just not good enough. For example, lists that are displaying only a few items at a time (like any kind of a log) would simply be very impractical from the users point of view. Another reason - you might be using libraries like SlyJS that load a whole list at once to calculate the size of the embedded scrollbar and to make list swiping and elastic bounds work properly. Ooooor - your client simply demands it. :)

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Angular JavaScript Jumpstart for ASP.NET MVC

Angular JavaScript Jumpstart for ASP.NET MVC | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Rich-clients are back. But the new rich-client is the browser. No more plug-ins or ActiveX objects in sight. Instead you’ll find new, more powerful JavaScript libraries enabling you to more easily build large-scale applications directly in the browser. You’ll still need to be able to work with the disconnected nature of websites, but you no longer need to worry about a page-based model.

One of these libraries is AngularJS from Google. In this article, I hope to get you started by showing you how it works and hopefully why you should be using it.

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AngularJS For Everyone - YouTube Playlist

#0 Series Introduction - AngularJS For Everyone
#1 Two-way Data Binding - AngularJS For Everyone
#2 Repeating Over Data With ng-repeat - AngularJS For Everyone
#3 Basic Filtering In Angular - AngularJS For Everyone
#4 Our First Controller - Angular For Everyone
#5 Adding A Form Event - Angular For Everyone
#6 Controller As Syntax - AngularJS For Everyone
#7 Using Filters In Angular Templates - AngularJS For Everyone
#8 Conditional Classes With ngClass - AngularJS For Everyone
#9 ngIf vs ngShow & ngHide - AngularJS For Everyone
#10 Properly Including Images With ngSrc - AngularJS For Everyone
#11 Including Templates and Inline SVG with ngInclude - AngularJS For Everyone
#12 Adding External Modules - AngularJS For Everyone
#13 Animating With Angular Part 1 - AngularJS For Everyone

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AngularJS Tutorial

AngularJS Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
AngularJS Tutorial for beginners - Learn AngularJS in simple and easy steps starting from Overview, Environment Setup, MVC Architecture, First Application, Directives, Expressions, Conrollers, Filters, Tables, HTML DOM, Modules, Forms, includes, Ajax, Views, Scope, Services, Dependency Injection, Custom Directives, Internalization
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Completing Project Tracking website using AngularJS and Web API - Part VII

Completing Project Tracking website using AngularJS and Web API - Part VII | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this last part of our AngularJS and Web API series, we will perform Insert/Update/Delete operations in our Project Tracking Website by using of AngularJS Services and Controllers

Before starting with our article, we will first recap what we have covered so far in this series:

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Node Webkit, Firebase and Ionic Framework - A one to one chat client

Node Webkit, Firebase and Ionic Framework - A one to one chat client | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post, we are going to build a desktop application that is like your typical one to one chat client. Where, a user logs in, sees a list of other users. And can chat with any of them. This app is called Chatter.

As you can see from the above demo, we have used Firebase as our data store to manage the user’s presence and their chat messages. And also, if you did notice, when User B sent a new message to User A, a new chat window opened automatically, like a typical chat app.

We will take a look at how all the above can be achieved. So, let us get started on building Chatter.

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A Simple CRUD with MEAN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js) + Sails.js on Windows

MEAN stack is a full JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust and maintainable production web applications using MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js.
Sails.js allows you to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps using the Model-View-Controller pattern to organize your code so it is easier to maintain.
New MEAN Stack = MongoDB+ExpressJS+AngularJS+Node.js+Sails.js = MEANS stack

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AngularJS Tutorial: a comprehensive 10,000 word guide

AngularJS Tutorial: a comprehensive 10,000 word guide | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

AngularJS takes a different stance on how it delivers data-binding and other engineering concepts than frameworks such as Backbone.js and Ember.js. We stick with the HTML we already know and love, letting Angular hijack it and enhances it. Angular keeps the DOM updated with any Model changes, which live in pure JavaScript Objects for data-binding purposes. Once a Model value is updated, Angular updates its Objects which become a source of truth for the application's state.

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Uploading To S3 With AngularJS

Uploading To S3 With AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
How to upload files directly to AWS using AngularJS and the AWS JS SDK
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Creating An Application With Sails, Angular and Require.js

Creating An Application With Sails, Angular and Require.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

There are a lot of really good client-side and server-side JavaScript frameworks popping up, but there are not many in-depth articles on how they fit together. This series will look at a very specific stack and how it can be used to create an application.

Here is what we will cover:

* Starting The Sails Project
* Sails Server-Side Views
* Adding dependencies
* Angular Controllers
* Sails Models
* Syncing With The Server

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node-webkit and Firebase - Simple and Social Authentication

node-webkit and Firebase - Simple and Social Authentication | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this post, we will take a look at the Integration between Firebase Simple Authentication and node-webkit. We are going to use slush generators to scaffold basic apps for us. Then we will create and configure a Firebase account to manage Simple Authentication i.e. Email and Password and Social Authentication using Twitter, Google and Facebook services.

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AngularJS Tutorial

AngularJS Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

1. Introduction
2. Views And Directives
3. Events
5. Forms
6. Custom Directives
7. Modularization & Dependency Injection
8. Routes
9. Internationalization
10. Critique

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AngularJS: A Detailed Guide for Beginners

AngularJS: A Detailed Guide for Beginners | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article is designed to give a comprehensive knowledge of AngularJS, a structural framework for dynamic web applications, without reading a lot of unnecessary stuff. You will learn what AngularJS is, what its most compelling features are and how to get started with it.

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Angular and Polymer Data Binding, Together!

Angular and Polymer Data Binding, Together! | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This post shows you how to connect Angular-controlled components to Polymer-controlled elements via data binding. And we do it all in Dart.

Polymer excels at creating encapsulated custom elements. You can use those custom elements in any web app or web page, regardless if that app is built with Angular, Ember, etc. Angular excels at application engineering, with dependency injection, end-to-end testability, routing, and services.

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