Web Application Starter Kit for .NET developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications | Scoop.it

This a solution (project) template of a typical single-page web application built on top of the following technologies:

* ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor)
* AngularJS client side framework by Google
* SQL Server database project with SSDT
* Entity Framework 5 with Database First
* Real-time web functionality with SignalR
* Enterprise Library 6.0
* Windows Azure SDK
* NuGet with Package Restore


You can use it to bootstrap your web and cloud app projects and dev environment. The main advantabe of building your app on top of it - is that you'll be able to pull and merge updates at any time in the future by using Git functionality.

The starter kit contains multi-project solution structure, a set of 3rd party libraries, tools and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo, open Source/Application.sln and you are ready to develop and test your application.