JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Choosing Your Javascript Framework

Choosing Your Javascript Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The Model handles data and business logic
The View presents data to users through format and layout
The Controller receives user requests and calls back to the model to select a proper view

Allowing for clear separation between the presentation (UI) and application logic

Enabling easier maintainability and clarity.

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Gillie · A 4k JavaScript micro framework inspired in Backbone

Gillie · A 4k JavaScript micro framework inspired in Backbone | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Gillie is a lightweight MVC framework inspired in Backbone. It provides useful methods to perform RESTful HTTP requests and allows for a separation of concerns using models, views and handlers. On the other hand offers an events API with which you can make your views listen for model events and take the appropriate actions, following in that way the observer design pattern.

Gillie follows an MVC design, however, the controller is called handler. The idea behind the handler is to listen for DOM events, get their data, and pass it to the model to save it. Once the model finishes saving the data, will trigger an event that usually the view was listening for in order to repaint the DOM.

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Structuring jQuery with Backbone.js

One of the difficulties in building large jQuery applications is keeping code organized. It is very easy to get lost in a Christmas tree of doom-a deeply nested list of callback functions that seems to hold every single feature and interaction. The truth is that jQuery does not provide any guidance on organization or structure for code.

The good news is that you don't have to choose exclusively between jQuery and well-structured code that SPA libraries and frameworks help you to write. You can combine the simplicity and interactivity of jQuery-based applications with the building blocks of good structure from Backbone.js to create highly interactive pages that also have good code organization and structure.


From jQuery to Backbone.js: A Migration
It's tempting to jump straight in to Backbone.js at this point, but that would be a disservice to most developers. Starting from scratch is easy. The real challenge lies in taking existing code and migrating it to something else.
Taking a migration approach to Backbone.js does two things:
* Shows that Backbone.js can be added to existing projects, without an all-or-nothing re-write
* Shows the similarities and differences between writing jQuery on its own and using Backbone.js to structure jQuery


The Add form that was built with plain jQuery code will be migrated to Backbone.js, one step at a time. Before that can happen, though, you'll need to configure Backbone.js in your project.

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OJ - A JavaScript library to build websites with objects.

OJ - A JavaScript library to build websites with objects. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

OJ is a JavaScript library with the goal to make objects that create and live edit the web.

When making a website you have to keep in mind HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. In OJ, all three parts are unified into objects. OJ can render to HTML and CSS as well as bind JavaScript events.

The benefit is that OJ objects have no dependencies. There is no need to read the docs to be sure the HTML is correct, or see if the CSS is included. Everything just works.

* Abstracts the web into view objects that create and change websites
* Unifies templating of HTML, CSS and JS
* A library written entirely in JavaScript
* Backbone support built-in with two-way model and collection binding
* Includes the simple smart objects: List, Table, Button, and form elements
* A growing collection of plugins: VimeoVideo, AceEditor, and more!
* DOM manipulation client-side
* HTML and CSS creation server-side
* Node server-side support (in progress)!

Ampersand.js - A highly modular, loosely coupled, framework

Ampersand.js - A highly modular, loosely coupled, framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Ampersand.js splits things apart as much as possible. For example, ampersand-collection makes no assumptions about how you’re going to put data into it, what types of objects you’re going to store, or what indices you’re going to want to use to retrieve them. It follows the tiny module pattern.

But, what if you want that stuff?

Well, that’s easy, we just have another tiny module that layers in that functionality.

There’s a RESTful ampersand-rest-collection we just pre-bundle and publish it as a module for convenience, the code that combines them is hilariously simple.

You see the exact same pattern in ampersand-state and ampersand-model. “State” is the base object that “model” is built on. But model goes the additional step of including the RESTful methods.

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Tested various Javascript MV* frameworks

Tested various Javascript MV* frameworks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I wanted to try and compare some other popular Javascript MV* frameworks. I am aware that TodoMVC exists for this, but I wanted to implement the same thing (with encrypted local storage) that previously was created with AngularJS.

What to implement:
* Create a view that has a input[type=text] field
* When the user enters some text in the input, encrypt the text and save it in localStorage
* Instantly display the encrypted text and the decrypted text


The following code samples seems to do the right thing / achieve the same results. I have just included the code samples here, with a small summary for every frameworks with my own pros and cons.


* KnockoutJS
* VanillaJS (simple)
* VanillaJS (MVC style)
* BackboneJS
* EmberJS
* AngularJS

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Why Angular, Ember, or Backbone don't work for us

Why Angular, Ember, or Backbone don't work for us | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Moot is a special discussion platform with ambitious goals. While the server side is fanatically optimized for performance, the client has its own goals: simple API, small size, and quick release cycle. The code is written from scratch and is split into more than 50 files. A client side framework such as Angular or Ember were out of the question.

Here's why.

* API first
* Small size
* Full control
* Special needs
* Technology lock-in
* Why not Angular?
* Why not Ember.js?
* Why not Backbone.js?
* But jQuery leads to spaghetti, right?
* The results

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Giraffe - Barc's Backbone Framework

Giraffe - Barc's Backbone Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Giraffe's goal is to follow the Backbone philosophy of unopinionated simplicity to provide commonly needed features with few assumptions. It differs from other Backbone libraries like Marionette and Chaplin in its reduced scope and size, and it takes a different approach to the problems of route handling, object lifecycles, event aggregation, and view management.

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