Tested various Javascript MV* frameworks | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications | Scoop.it

I wanted to try and compare some other popular Javascript MV* frameworks. I am aware that TodoMVC exists for this, but I wanted to implement the same thing (with encrypted local storage) that previously was created with AngularJS.

What to implement:
* Create a view that has a input[type=text] field
* When the user enters some text in the input, encrypt the text and save it in localStorage
* Instantly display the encrypted text and the decrypted text


The following code samples seems to do the right thing / achieve the same results. I have just included the code samples here, with a small summary for every frameworks with my own pros and cons.


* KnockoutJS
* VanillaJS (simple)
* VanillaJS (MVC style)
* BackboneJS
* EmberJS
* AngularJS