JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, ExpressJS, node.js, MongoDB

Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, ExpressJS, node.js, MongoDB | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

A boilerplate project for a complete web application written using Backbone.js & Marionette, node.js & ExpressJS, MongoDB & Mongoose, Handlebars, Grunt.js, Bower, and Browserify!

I created a super basic single page application (SPA) that is a simple Contacts manager. While this app is pretty simple, there’s actually a lot that’s involved. My goal with this article is to cover the entire stack of the application including; back-end, data, front-end, tools and testing. The stack consists of the following core technologies:

* Back-end: node.js and ExpressJS
* Data Layer: MongoDB and Mongoose
* Tools: Grunt, Bower and Browserify
* Testing: Jasmine, Karma, and PhantomJS
* Front-end: Backbone.js and Marionette.js


I’ll go into detail on each of the above components comprising the “full” stack. Again, because its such a simple app, not a whole lot of time will be spent covering the bells and whistles of the user interface or how the app works because that’s fairly obvious (nor did I spend a whole lot of time on the actual implementation, as I didn’t want it to distract from the core of the app). Instead, I’ll go into detail covering every aspect of how the app was built and the workflow process using the various tools.

The end goal is to have a code base to act as a boilerplate starter for any new projects down the road. The code should be fully functional and complete, yet easily digestible. Ultimately, after you read this article and have a solid understand of everything under the hood, you should be able to simply clone the repo and start building your app!

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Setting-up AngularJS, Angular Seed, Node.js and Karma

Setting-up AngularJS, Angular Seed, Node.js and Karma | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’ve used AngularJS for a few months, but I have no knowledge when it comes to testing AngularJS apps. I have a subscription to and wanted to go through their online video training course for AngularJS. Specifically with this course I want to learn how to use Karma to do testing.

I’m usually extremely happy with course, but in the beginning of this course I was somewhat disappointed. In Section 7 (“Angular Seed”) new technologies were introduced. The author introduced Angular-Seed, Node.js and Karma. I’ve worked with Node.js, but there are probably many people who have never used it. I believe the author took for granted that the student knew Node.js. For those who have never used Node.js this could be an obstacle.

Here are the high level step we will follow:

  1. Download and install Angular-Seed
  2. Download and install JetBrains WebStorm (Optional)
  3. Download and install Node.js
  4. Confirm Node.js is installed
  5. Run Karma Unit Tests – will fail because Karma is not installed
  6. Install Karma
  7. Run Karma Unit Tests again – Will fail because Chrome will not start
  8. Add System Variable to Windows
  9. Confirm System Variable Were Added
  10. Run Unit Tests again – should succeed
  11. Confirm that Units are being tracked by Karma
  12. Start Web Server by using Node.js
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