Writing a Fullstack Application with Javascript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications | Scoop.it

Writing apps should be fun. This is a statement I try to keep in mind when approaching any application development. When I first realised that a full stack of Javascript can be used to create an application I was very happy, since for me coding in Javascript is a lot of fun. I was soon quite eager to neglect the traditional Java server-side + Javascript client, giving up the Java server side "bliss" and the constant context switching, in favor of a full stack of Javascript whenever I could.

On October 29th 2013 I gave a talk at the "Javascript.everywhere" meetup event, in which I presented the development route of Youtube Remote Control Application with a "slave" player using Javascript stack all over (NodeJS, Socket.IO, ExpressJS, AngularJS, MongoDB). I'm pleased to share the presentation and video.