My path to the real-time Web | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Among other things in this blog post I’ll describe an example of how the usage of real-time can save you 99% of backend requests, while making your code simpler and your user interface snappier along the way.

Then, about a year ago, I stumbled across an old friend of mine who happens to be the author ofAutobahn, an open-source real-time framework for Web, Mobile & Internet of Things.

It took some time until I was convinced of the simplicity of his technology, but eventually I found that I did not need to understand the inner complications of sending messages over WebSocket from A to B in order to use Autobahn.

Once I had WebSocket working in my app, I was just a tiny step away from getting server pushed messages into the client browser. I very much liked this idea to get rid of those refresh buttons everywhere in the frontend. That was a low hanging fruit then and I quickly got some really nice changes in interface design (like live chat, object locking in the frontend and real-time refresh).