Intention behind chaining technologies like Ember.js + Sails.js +PostgreSQL is to foster the below best practices in our end-to-end web application development (i.e. both client-side & server-side development).

Best Practices
Ember.js goodies [Client-side]
  • Single-Page Application (SPA) on the client-side for improved user-experience
  • MVC pattern that structure’s + manage’s interaction between the client-side software artifacts
  • Convention-Over-Configuration to achieve productivity & understandability during development/maintenance phases
Sails.js goodies [Server-side]
  • RESTful architectural style for piping CRUD operation between client-side calls & server-side persisted datasets
  • Convention-Over-Configuration to achieve productivity & understandability during development/maintenance phases
PostgreSQL goodies [Server-side]
  • ORDBMS, so as to harness its technological maturity & operational performance

By focusing on the above goodies, our goal in this blog-post is to primarily showcase technical details on how to chain such technologies together and at the same time introduce you to the rapid web application development that are highly maintainable.