I decided to dedicate this series to building a test-driven application that would allow me to create a Grocery List. I figured it will be a small enough application to not get muddled down in large, complex requirements and several moving parts but still provide a real-life example of a CRUD-based application.

A Grocery List application is also something I have wanted to make for some time. We still, as a household, create a grocery list with pen and paper and take it in hand to the store. Nothing wrong with that, aside from the general user error of a)forgetting the list at home, and the user experience oversight of b) not being able to split up and cover parts of the list as a group. So, I thought it may be handy to have a web-based application that my family could add to, remove from and have available on the one thing we never leave the house without: attitudes. No. smartphones.


* Part I – Introduction
* Part II – Feature: Add Item
* Part III – Feature: Mark-Off Item
* Part IV – Feature: List-Item-Controller
* Part V – Feature: List-Controller Refactoring
* Part VI – Back to Passing
* Part VII – Remove Item
* Part VIII – Bug Fixing
* Part IX – Persistence
* Part X – It Lives!