The JavaScript Minefield | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

How is JavaScript a minefield? Well, JavaScript has all sorts of pitfalls lurking for the developer. Each pitfall is like a mine in the minefield, silently waiting for you to accidentally step on it. Just like the minefield, JavaScript’s mines are hidden in plain sight. Entire books have been written about all the mines present in JavaScript. Maybe I’ll get into what some of those are in future blog posts. Now, if you are going to venture into a minefield, you need a way to avoid stepping on a mine. You need either a safe path through the minefield or a detailed map of all the mine locations.

Douglas Crockford was trying to provide a safe path through the JavaScript minefield when he wrote JavaScript: The Good Parts. He did an admirable job at laying out a subset of the language that was sufficient but avoided many of the mines. However, the problem with any safe path through a minefield is that if you ever stray from the path, it doesn’t help at all.

This article is Part 1 in a 6-Part Series.