JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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TypeScript: Scaling Up JavaScript

TypeScript: Scaling Up JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JavaScript has grown from a webpage toy to being used in large-scale deployments both on the server and in the browser. This rapid growth has outpaced the growth of the language itself, which lacks features that allow teams to communicate requirements and build applications safely. This session will describe TypeScript, a modern superset of JavaScript built for the needs of modern JavaScript development. We'll explore features in the language and demonstrate how these features work together with tooling to avoid common pitfalls and enable a pleasant developer experience.

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Learning Advanced JavaScript

This tutorial contains code and discussion from the upcoming book Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig.

1) Our Goal
2) Defining Functions
3) Named Functions
4) Functions as Objects
5) Context
6) Instantiation
7) Flexible Arguments
8) Closures
9) Temporary Scope
10) Function Prototypes
11) Instance Type
12) Inheritance
13) Built-in Prototypes
14) Enforcing Function Context
15) Bonus: Function Length!

Large-scale JavaScript Application Architecture

Large-scale JavaScript Application Architecture | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Developers creating JavaScript applications these days usually use a combination of MVC, modules, widgets and plugins for their architecture. They also use a DOM manipulation library like jQuery.

Whilst this works great for apps that are built at a smaller-scale, what happens when your project really starts to grow?

In this talk, I present an effective set of design patterns for large-scale JavaScript (and jQuery) application architecture that have previously been used at both AOL and Yahoo amongst others.

You'll learn how to keep your application logic truly decoupled, build modules that can exist on their own or be dropped into other projects and future-proof your code in case you need to switch to a different DOM library in the future.

Jan Hesse's insight:

kinda old but still worth a look to get a refreshed overview

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Generate Knockout Viewmodels using T4 templates

Generate Knockout Viewmodels using T4 templates | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Use a T4 template to generate Knockout-viewmodels based on .NET classes.

This article describes a solution to this problem by using T4 templates to generate the JavaScript Knockout models automatically based on the .NET classes. The resulting Knockout models are extendable so as to be able to add additional functions and (computed) properties client-side. Finally, I also added an IsDirty feature that can indicate if the model has been modified since it's data was set.

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JavaScript Training Course - Mr.Bool Courses

JavaScript Training Course - Mr.Bool Courses | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The purpose of this JavaScript Training Course, as the name implies, is to cover the details of the JavaScript language. The reason we need this is that JavaScript is a core language for web development, and it is mostly misunderstood. There are many powerful features in JavaScript that many developers are not aware of. Also, learning the core concepts of the language will make libraries such as jQuery easy to understand. We use JavaScript on the client side of our web development to make calculations, create menus, and validate user data before the form is submitted to the server. These are few of the JavaScript features. We will be using Firefox and its tools to test and debug the JavaScript code.

Jan Hesse's insight:

for beginners: 32 chapters all with video explanations

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Private data for objects in JavaScript

Private data for objects in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JavaScript does not come with dedicated means for managing private data for an object. This post describes five techniques for working around that limitation:

* Instance of a constructor – private data in environment of constructor

* Singleton object – private data in environment of object-wrapping IIFE

* Any object – private data in properties with marked names

* Any object – private data in properties with reified names

* Single method – private data in environment of method-wrapping IIFE


The following sections explain each technique in more detail.

Required knowledge: While everything is explained relatively slowly, you should probably be familiar with environments and IIFEs [1] and with inheritance and constructors [2].

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TubeSchool.NeT | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Free video tutorials on programming, mathematics, science and political science.
Jan Hesse's insight:

Links directly to Web Technologies Video Tutorials

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Cargo-Culting in JavaScript

Cargo-Culting in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Cargo-cult programming is what a programmer does when he or she doesn't know a particular language or paradigm well enough, and so ends up writing redundant and possibly harmful code. It rears its head quite often in the land of JavaScript. In this article, I explore the concept of cargo-cult programming and places to watch out for it in JavaScript.

Cargo-culting is sometimes defined as "the extreme adherence to the form instead of content." The form, in programming, being the syntax, paradigms, styles and patterns that we employ. The content being the abstract thing that you are seeking to represent through your code — the very substance of your program.

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How to write a login form that doesn't suck, using Ember.js

How to write a login form that doesn't suck, using Ember.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When using frameworks such as Ember.js, we often find ourselves forgetting the main reason why we chose to use the framework. We don’t do it because it’s cool, or at least we shouldn’t. We don’t do it because somone told us we have to use Ember (unless your boss doesn’t have much brains). We do it because want to make the user experience better. I won’t go into details about server side implementation, this is purely about UX.

Ember allows us to do a lot of things quite easily, which leads to the turbo mode of development. This most often happens after watching some cool screencast where they did this cool thing in about 5 minutes, and you start thinking wow I can write my whole app in one day using this technique/framework/library. But the cold truth is, you can’t.

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Getting Started with Backbone.js

Getting Started with Backbone.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Unlike its web development peers, JavaScript has never really had much in the way of frameworks to provide structure. Thankfully, in recent years, that’s beginning to change.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Backbone.JS, a sweet little library that makes the process of creating complex, interactive and data driven apps so much easier. It provides a clean way to surgically separate your data from your presentation.

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Getting Into Ember - 5 part series

Getting Into Ember - 5 part series | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In my previous tutorial, I touched on how to use Ember.Object to define your models and work with datasets. In this section, we’ll look more closely at how Ember uses the Handlebars templating framework to define your app's user interface.


* Getting Into Ember.js

* Getting Into Ember.js: The next steps

* Getting Into Ember.js: Part 3


* Getting Into Ember: Part 4

*  Getting Into Ember.js: Part 5

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How the FinancialTimes WebApp was made

How the FinancialTimes WebApp was made | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Tutorial 4: "Putting the web back into web app"
How to build on our existing offline demonstration web app to make use of the HTML5 History API in order to make the web app render both on the server and the client so that it starts up fast whilst still being able to work offline.


Tutorial 3: "‘Fixing’ the application cache with an iframe"
One of the most important aspects of the web is the URL, and the direct connection between a URL and a single item of content. So far in this tutorial series we've delivered the whole experience through a single URL. To fix this we need to deal with the problem with the application cache which caused us to adopt a single URL in the first place.


Tutorial 2: "Supporting both IndexedDB and WebSQL on a cross platform web app"
How to make a Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iOS, IE10, Opera, Playbook & Android offline HTML5 web app that even loads on pre-HTML5 browsers, including IE6 to IE9. In part 2 of our FT style web app tutorial series we will get our app working everywhere and make it more responsive on touch devices.


Tutorial 1: "How to make an offline HTML5 web app, FT style"
A beginner's guide to building HTML5 web apps. In this tutorial we will build two versions of an offline website in order to demonstrate how to add functionality to an existing offline website in such a way that existing users won’t get left behind using an old version.

Jan Hesse's insight:

Explains how parts of the FinancialTimes WebApp was made.

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JavaScript Course - Free lessons

Welcome to this JavaScript course.
JavaScript is ubiquitous on the World Wide Web. You can use JavaScript to make your Web pages more interactive, so that they react to a viewer's actions, and to give your Web pages some special visual effects.
JavaScript allows you to add additional features that a static HTML page can't provide without some script code.
The JavaScript lessons of this course are free and a good start for beginners, they offer the necessary elements to learn the JavaScript programming language and working with JS code.

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