JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Ember.js Tutorial with Rails 4 - part 2

Ember.js Tutorial with Rails 4 - part 2 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The first post in this series, Ember.js Hello World, shows Ember working without a persistence backend. This post covers setting up Rails4 as the persistence engine behind that example, plus adding and deleting records. The amount of Ember and Rails code to make this example is almost completely included in this article. It’s that tiny!

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Authentication in ember.js

Authentication in ember.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When we started our first project with ember.js at Scoreloop, the first thing we came across was how to implement authentication. While all of us had implemented authentication in “normal” Rails apps several times we initially weren’t sure how to do it in ember.js. Also information on the internet was scarce and hard to find.

The only more elaborate sample project I found was the ember-authplugin. While that seemed to be very complete and high quality it is also very heavy weight and I didn’t want to add such a big thing to our codebase only to implement simple authentication into our app. So I rolled my own implementation.

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Ember.js Tutorial with Rails 4

Ember.js Tutorial with Rails 4 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The first post in this series, Ember.js Hello World, shows Ember working without a persistence backend. This post covers setting up Rails4 as the persistence engine behind that example, plus adding and deleting records. The amount of Ember and Rails code to make this example is almost completely included in this article. It’s that tiny!

I put many more details in this comprehensive screencast of how to go from a brand new Rails 4 app to an Ember.js app deployed on Heroku.

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11 Ember.js resources to get you started

11 Ember.js resources to get you started | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Recently here at Remarkable Labs, we began working on a web application which required a more desktop look and feel. After evaluating several frameworks, we decided on using Ember.js. Here is a list of resources we used to get started.
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Ember.js and Flot charts

Ember.js and Flot charts | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Ember js databings can help you create a very nice flot chart that automatically updates itself.
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Ember at Embedly: Introduction to Ember Development

Ember at Embedly: Introduction to Ember Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Every time I see Ember on Hacker News it’s being trashed, like MongoDB trashed. It sucks for an open source project when the herd mentality kicks in and it becomes cool to hate. Sadly, I’m not one of the cool kids.

Ember is excellent. We use it extensively here at Embedly for our developer dashboard. While none of us here are JavaScript experts, Ember has made us incredibly productive.

We are going to do a series of posts on Ember at Embedly. Mostly tips and tricks that have made us successful. These are not aimed at the pro, but the amateur.





Jan Hesse's insight:

Blog Series consisting of:

- Tools: Yeoman/Grunt, Bower

- Application

- Views and Controllers

- Templates and Routers

- Models and EmberData

Minh-Hoang Nguyen's curator insight, May 24, 2013 10:39 AM

It's great for testing scoop!!

How to write a login form that doesn't suck, using Ember.js

How to write a login form that doesn't suck, using Ember.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When using frameworks such as Ember.js, we often find ourselves forgetting the main reason why we chose to use the framework. We don’t do it because it’s cool, or at least we shouldn’t. We don’t do it because somone told us we have to use Ember (unless your boss doesn’t have much brains). We do it because want to make the user experience better. I won’t go into details about server side implementation, this is purely about UX.

Ember allows us to do a lot of things quite easily, which leads to the turbo mode of development. This most often happens after watching some cool screencast where they did this cool thing in about 5 minutes, and you start thinking wow I can write my whole app in one day using this technique/framework/library. But the cold truth is, you can’t.

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Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 3

Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 3 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Last week I created a new single page application using Ember.js as the client framework (see Part 1 and Part 2). Today, I finish up the application by adding Windows Azure Mobile Services for data storage.

Mobile Services is a preview feature of Windows Azure.

To wire Mobile services to Ember, I used ember-model. Why? It provides a basic framework with the assumption that you will bring your own data access; you just implement the create/save/etc. functions that are already stubbed out.

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Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services

Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Last week I created a new single page application using Ember.js as the client framework (see Part 1 and Part 2). Today, I finish up the application by adding Windows Azure Mobile Services for data storage.

Mobile Services is a preview feature of Windows Azure, so you may need to enable the preview for your account. Once you've done this, perform the following steps to create a new service and get the HTML and JavaScript code to add a client to the application.

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Writing an Ember.js App From Scratch (Part 2) | Drew Schrauf

Writing an Ember.js App From Scratch (Part 2) | Drew Schrauf | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In part 1 of this tutorial we began to make a very simple todo app which used Ember to handle all of the logic. If you haven’t read it yet, check it out!

Our little todo app is now displaying a couple of prepopulated Todo items with a little counter at the bottom that shows the number of incomplete items. Obviously, a todo app isn’t very useful if you can’t add your own items to it so that’s what we’ll dive into next.

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Dynamic Binding in Ember.js Using Observers

Dynamic Binding in Ember.js Using Observers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Creating bindings in Ember.js at run-time can be challenging. A pair of observers, instead of a direct binding, alleviated some of our problems.
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Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 1

Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 1 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Over the next few blog posts I'll go through the process of creating a single page blogging application using Ember.js that uses Windows Azure Mobile Services for data storage, and then deploy it to a Windows Azure Web Site.


Single page applications normally have an .html page that acts as a container for the JavaScript that is the brains of the application. This JavaScript is responsible for generating the information displayed in the browser based on templates, and handles routing you between 'pages' (really just loading different templates) and communicating with data sources such as a remote REST API to retrieve data used by the templates.

Ember.js provides an model-view-controller (MVC) approach to designing a single page application, where the model and controller are implemented in JavaScript and the view is implemented in Handlebars, a templating language.

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Modern Ember.js Application Workflow with Yeoman and Mocha

Modern Ember.js Application Workflow with Yeoman and Mocha | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The following tutorial will provide an overview for building Ember.js applications with Yeoman. Keep in mind, Yeoman is a framework agnostic collection of tools, used to manage the workflow of any JavaScript application or plugin. For the sake of this tutorial, we have chosen to focus on Ember.js, as a case study.

Our workflow would not be complete without also setting up our testing strategy, so we will also include a standard BDD (Behavior Driven Development) setup with the Mocha testing framework.

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Ember.js Views and Live Templates with Handlebars.js Part 2

Ember.js Views and Live Templates with Handlebars.js Part 2 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In my previous tutorial, Ember.js Views and Live Templates with Handlebars.js Part 1, we explored the Handlebars.js template library when used with Ember.js views, the Handlebars API, the capabilities of Handlebars expressions and helpers, and how to write your own Handlebars helpers.

In Part 2, you will learn more about the capabilities of the Ember view layer, and how to use ember-testing and QUnit to test your views.

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AngularJS vs Ember

AngularJS vs Ember | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Recently I got together with some local developers to discuss client side MVC frameworks. We ended up discussing many of the differences between AngularJS and Ember.

There is evidence that AngularJS is beating out Ember in terms of developer mind share: there are more Stack Overflow questions dedicated to AngularJS. AngularJS has more stars and forks on Github.

I have a good idea now why AngularJS is gaining momentum: it is simpler. There is a lot less to the framework and as a consequence it’s easier to learn. If I were to rank the amount of tools various client side MVC frameworks give you, Angular seems to exist somewhere near the half way point between Backbone and Ember.

Jan Hesse's insight:

really long detailed insight

FollowUp answer from AngularJS side:

from the viewpoint of WebComponents:

Mike Ball's curator insight, June 17, 2013 10:53 AM

This review seems focused more on how the developer feels rather than real facts

Jan Hesse's comment, June 26, 2013 7:59 AM
here is the answer by an AngularJS Dev:
Jan Hesse's comment, June 27, 2013 4:55 AM
another reaction taking into concern WebComponents was made here:!

Getting Started with Ember.js

We wanted to build our dashboard in JavaScript to separate the both front-end and back-end development as well as leverage the power of Balanced’s RESTful API. We chose Ember.js as our framework. It’s an exciting technology and we’ve had fun picking it up. There are a few rough edges, so our first article is about some few things which we’ve learned along the way.

Since Ember is structured differently than many web-based MVC frameworks, one of the most important things to learn is how to structure your applications.

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Ember Time

Ember Time | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

A friend recently asked about the best approach for implementing a particular feature in Ember. They wanted to use moment.js to show createdAt times in ‘time ago’ format -- and wanted them to update each minute.

This is a common feature, but it’s not covered in Ember’s guides and appears to fall slightly outside of the golden path. So let’s try implementing it, and hopefully we’ll get a chance to use some of the lesser-known tools in Ember’s API.

First up, let’s figure out how we want to use this in our templates...

Via Saleh Souzanchi
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Ember.js Views and Live Templates with Handlebars.js Part 1

Ember.js Views and Live Templates with Handlebars.js Part 1 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is an exploration of Handlebars.js template library when used with Ember.js views. Many of the Handlebars.js tutorials on the web discuss the Handlebars API, but not in the specific context of using Handlebars with Ember.js. In addition to filling that void, I'll also give a brief background of JavaScript templating in general to provide perspective as to the problems it is solving.

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Plans for supporting Web Components in AngularJS and Ember.js

Web Components [1] are an upcoming standard for custom HTML5 user interface elements. Those UI elements will eventually become interchangeable between frameworks. Now the people behind AngularJS and Ember.js have described their plans for supporting Web Components.

Below, you’ll see mentions of Google’s new framework, Polymer [1]. It is built directly on top of Web Components. One of Polymer’s goals is to help refine and fully figure out that standard.

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Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 4

Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 4 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In the previous posts (1, 2, 3) I covered creating an Ember.js-based single page application, then wiring it up to Windows Azure Mobile Services for data storage. But currently it allows everyone to post anonymously. I at least want some basic authentication so I can verify the user is a real person and maybe hold them accountable for things they post.

Windows Azure Mobile Services makes it trivially easy to set up authentication using Facebook, Google, Microsoft account (formerly LiveID), or Twitter as the authentication provider.

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Ember.js + Rails

Ember.js + Rails | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I recently created my first web application using Ember.js and Ruby on Rails. I just wanted to write a little bit about the process, and give some information about the problems I encountered, and how I solved them.

The biggest difference between Ember then and now is the size and activity of the community. There are so many Ember resources out there now, I almost feel resentful… I had to learn Ember without screencasts and tutorials… Everybody today is so spoiled! But I digress, the point of all this is that, I’m not really an Ember newbie.

I am however, a Rails newbie. I learned Rails for the project I’m going to describe. This brings me to what I think is a very important point. Ember.js is not hard to learn. Rails is not hard to learn. Hell, Cocoa (Touch) is not hard to learn. Object-Oriented Programming is hard to learn and MVC is hard to learn. If you’re struggling to learn a framework, it’s probably not because the framework is hard to learn. It’s probably because you don’t have a clear understanding of the paradigms or structural forms that the framework employs.

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Effortless Abstraction with Ember.js

Ember.js has gotten a lot of attention recently for being confusing or hard to get started with. I’ll definitely admit that getting started with Ember took more than its fair share of code-reading, as the guides and documentation didn’t provide enough detail for building real-world apps, but for the most part, I’ve been amazed at how easy it is to build sophisticated applications with Ember. This post explores one critical feature of Ember that enables this: pervasive data binding.

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Writing an Ember.js App From Scratch (Part 1) | Drew Schrauf

Writing an Ember.js App From Scratch (Part 1) | Drew Schrauf | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’ve recently been using Ember.js to streamline my javascript workflow. While I feel that it has cut right down on development time and I’m sure that maintenance will be a tonne easier, the ramp up time to becoming familiar and productive with it is certainly a lot longer than the old jQuery approach. The thought process for planning out an app is certainly a lot more involved but the resulting architecure virtually removes the capacity for spaghetti code.

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Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 2

Web-client development with Ember.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services - Part 2 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Today I continue building the application started in Part 1 by adding navigation and some basic routes and templates.

At this point, the application has a few static pages, a controller to handle submission of new forms, but that's about it. In the next post I'll wire up Windows Azure Mobile Services to store blog posts, change the posts.hbs to display a list of posts, and add a route and template to handle displaying individual posts.

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Infographic - Why you should consider using Ember.js

Infographic - Why you should consider using Ember.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Read the entire content here. (Why you should consider using Ember.js
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