JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Frontend Dependency Management with Browserify

Frontend Dependency Management with Browserify | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

With frontend development moving as fast as it does at Bitly, things can get pretty messy. We found ourselves with piles of unmanaged script tags and little indication of what was still being used in the app’s current iteration. There had to be a better way!

Enter Browserify! 

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Getting started with hapi 8 - tutorial

Getting started with hapi 8 - tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Getting started with hapi 8: request lifecycle, plugins and server methods...
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More Responsive Single-Page Applications With AngularJS & Socket.IO: Creating the Library

More Responsive Single-Page Applications With AngularJS & Socket.IO: Creating the Library | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this first tutorial, we'll learn how to build a Socket.IO library for AngularJS to help improve the responsiveness of your web application's user-interface. | Difficulty: Intermediate; Length: Medium; Tags: JavaScript, AngularJS, Web App, Web Development
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Node.js Security Tips

Node.js Security Tips | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Node.js is getting more and more mature, no doubt - despite this, not a lot of security guidelines are out there.

In this post I will share some points you should keep in mind when it comes to Node.js security.


* No eval, or friends
* Strict mode, please
* Static code analysis
* Testing
* Say no to sudo node app.js
* Avoid command injection
* Temp files
* Securing your web application
* Tools to use
* Stay updated

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Taunus - Micro Isomorphic MVC Engine for Node.js

Taunus - Micro Isomorphic MVC Engine for Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Taunus focuses on delivering a progressively enhanced experience to the end-user, while providing a reasonable development experience as well. Taunus prioritizes content. It uses server-side rendering to get content to your humans as fast as possible, and it uses client-side rendering to improve their experience.

While it focuses on progressive enhancement, usability and performance are both core concerns for Taunus. Incidentally, focusing on progressive enhancement also improves both of these. Usability is improved because the experience is gradually improved, meaning that if somewhere along the line a feature is missing, the component is still expected to work.

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catberry - a framework for fast and modular isomorphic web-applications using node.js

catberry - a framework for fast and modular isomorphic web-applications using node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Catberry was developed to help in creating "isomorphic" Web applications. Isomorphic applications are apps that use the same codebase to run from both server and client-side environments.

This means you write the code only once, and deploy it the way you want. Catberry handles all the differences between these two environments, and will make sure the normal JavaScript modules that would need a server-side environment to run will execute without errors inside a browser.

The application fits best when developing single-page applications (SPAs) and is also very well documented, helping developers new to the platform easily get acquainted to all of its features.

Catberry uses modern technologies like HTML 5, Browserify, Connect, and Express, works on most modern browsers, and can also be extended via dedicated packages.

Main features:
* Fast rendering engine
* Integrated the LinkedIn's Dust template engine
* Browser history via the HTML5 History API
* Dependency injection support
* Event-based routing
* SEO friendly code

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SailsJS and node-webkit

SailsJS and node-webkit | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I decided to write this article since I couldn't find any source that clearly stated how to integrate both projects. I recommend reading it completely (including references) before coding but then again, that’s your call.

Before we start I’m assuming that you have some previous node-webkit and SailsJS knowledge so I’ll focus in the basic integration rather than explaining how to work with them.

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Creating Isomorphic apps with React and Node.js

Creating Isomorphic apps with React and Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this tutorial I will show you how to use React and Node.js to create isomorphic apps. So, let's start.

We are going to emulate a blogging website. Our app should display a list of post titles on the homepage. Clicking on a title will take us to another page where we can see the content of the post. Remember when you request any page (either homepage or detailed post view) you will a get server rendered version. Subsequent interactions will use client side rendering.

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Building an EventStore with User Defined Projections on top of Postgresql and Node.js

Building an EventStore with User Defined Projections on top of Postgresql and Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

For most of the 2000’s my goto strategy for application persistence was to use some sort of object relational mapping to persist and read the object structures that I wanted to work with in my code. Sometimes I used hand rolled code to do the mapping, and other times my teams used NHibernate. In the past couple years I’ve been on projects that used the RavenDb document database with mixed success. I’ve also worked on a couple codebases that used an event sourcing strategy to persist meaningful business events, sometimes with RavenDb as the underlying storage engine and another project that uses an older version of NEventStore with Sql Server as the storage mechanism.

For various reasons, we’ve chosen to use a Node.js based stack to rewrite an old WPF application that is a suitable candidate for event sourcing on the backend.

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Swarm.js+React — real-time, offline-ready Holy Grail web apps

Swarm.js+React — real-time, offline-ready Holy Grail web apps | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Skipping collaborative apps, these days even a single user needs to sync his/her devices. The device landscape is getting predominantly mobile, so an average user has multiple powerful devices with unreliable internet connections.

Popular solutions suck for one simple reason: common sense fails us in distributed systems. Proper sync needs some math like a GPS device needs some relativity formulas. Yes, that is just a box that says your x and y. No, it can’t work by common sense alone; it needs math.

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A Simple CRUD with MEAN Stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js) + Sails.js on Windows

MEAN stack is a full JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust and maintainable production web applications using MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js.
Sails.js allows you to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps using the Model-View-Controller pattern to organize your code so it is easier to maintain.
New MEAN Stack = MongoDB+ExpressJS+AngularJS+Node.js+Sails.js = MEANS stack

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Protect Your Node App's Noggin With Helmet

Protect Your Node App's Noggin With Helmet | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Learn how to protect your Express Node application from cross-site scripting, script injection, clickjacking, insecure requests, and more by using a set of Express middleware provided by Helmet.
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How Node.js is changing the way we use JavaScript

How Node.js is changing the way we use JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

It’s very hard to predict the success of something, and probably even harder when it comes to development, and software engineering. Technology changes every day, but not everyone is capable of following the latest trends. I was pleased to see companies likeNodeGear open up to the public, giving more access to both developers and the curious to explore and learn.

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Manifests, plugins and schemas: Organizing your Hapi application

Manifests, plugins and schemas: Organizing your Hapi application - Nerds @ Zappos - Medium

If you’re building things for the web, love JavaScript and haven’t yet discovered hapi.js, you’re missing out. Billed as “a rich framework for building applications and services”, what you’ll find is a feature-rich, battle-tested and rapidly evolving foundation upon which to build your web application.

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Node.js - Building Web Apps on the MEAN Stack with OData in Microsoft Azure

Node.js - Building Web Apps on the MEAN Stack with OData in Microsoft Azure | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this article I’m going to show you that by using the MEAN stack, building create, read, update and delete (CRUD)-heavy applications can be fast and easy. I’m going to assume you have a basic conceptual understanding of AngularJS (, Node.js (, MongoDB ( and Express (

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How to Use npm as a Build Tool

How to Use npm as a Build Tool | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Last month I noted my opinions on why we should stop using Grunt, Gulp et al. I suggested we should start uing npm instead. npm's scripts directive can do everything that these build tools can, more succinctly, more elegantly, with less package dependencies and less maintainence overhead. 

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paypal/nemo-docs | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Nemo is a framework and set of conventions for automated testing of web and even native applications. How you use it is only limited by your imagination. A common starting point is to pair Nemo with a task runner (e.g. Grunt) and a test runner (e.g. Mocha). But if you have a different task and test runner, Nemo will work with that as well.

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Isomorphic JavaScript - The future of web app development

Isomorphic JavaScript - The future of web app development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Isomorphic JavaScript Resources: Libraries, Frameworks, Tutorials, Techniques, and more.
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Delving into Node.js and Express web framework

Delving into Node.js and Express web framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

will teach you how to take advantage of the MEAN stack in becoming a full-stack JavaScript developer.

Node.js was created by Ryan Dahl and it’s basically a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime called V8, whose greatest advantage over other JavaScript engines is the compiling of JavaScript code to native machine code before executing it. It uses an event-drivennon-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

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Node.js Performance Tip of the Week: Managing Garbage Collection

Node.js Performance Tip of the Week: Managing Garbage Collection | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this week’s post we’ll dive into the fundamentals of garbage collection (GC) in V8 and how it holds the “keys to the kingdom” in the optimization of Node applications. We will also look at some tools to triage GC and memory management issues in V8.

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JWT-Backed Authentication with Ember and Express

JWT-Backed Authentication with Ember and Express | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Our application will be split in two — a front-end web client written with EmberJS, and a JSON API powered by ExpressJS — each within their own self-contained project.

If you want to use JWT in your Ember Apps today there is a new extension by the team behind Blimp (Jose Padilla and Giovanni Colazzo) for the popular Simple Auth Add-on by Simple Labs.

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.NET vs. MEAN: Migrating from Microsoft to Open Source

.NET vs. MEAN: Migrating from Microsoft to Open Source | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Developer Michael Perrenoud describes what it's like for .NET developers who want to explore the MEAN stack -- MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJS, and Node.js

I was standing in the middle of a matrix I'd avoided for a very long time: Microsoft vs. The World. It was a decision I thought I'd never have to make. Here I was, 33 years old and feeling like a dinosaur. Don't get me wrong, the skill set I had wasn't so out of date that it was already dead, but I could feel the market shifting. I knew that if I didn't make a change, in 10 years, I'd be staring down that same barrel those COBOL friends of mine were right now.

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Node.js Best Practices

Node.js Best Practices | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |


  1. Always Use Asynchronous Methods
  2. Never require Modules Inside of Functions
  3. Save a reference to this Because it Changes Based on Context
  4. Always “use strict”
  5. Validate that Callbacks are Callable
  6. Callbacks Always Pass Error Parameter First
  7. Always Check for “error” in Callbacks
  8. Use Exception Handling When Errors Can Be Thorwn
  9. Use module.exports not just exports
  10. Use JSDoc
  11. Use a Process Manager like upstart or forever
  12. Follow CommonJS Standard
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Node.js Web Development Using Sails

End-to-end JavaScript web applications? Thanks to Node.js, this has become a reality, with the added benefit of massive scalability. Despite approaching server-side web applications differently than traditional MVC platforms (like ASP .Net MVC), frameworks have emerged to bridge the knowledge to Node.js. Using one of these frameworks, Sails.js, we demonstrate how the tried and true MVC pattern is applied in Node.js.

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A CPU Profiler for Node.js

A CPU Profiler for Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

async-profile gives you essential insight into the performance of your node.js programs, and can help you find and debug performance problems much more easily than with a traditional CPU profiler.

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