JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Building minification-safe Angular.js applications

The first time I pulled up my text editor and starting working with Angular.js minifcation wasn't on my mind. Playing with Angular's cool features took precidence, and dependency injection was a very new concept to me. Of course, as my application grew and I began to think about compiling and compressing my javascript, I was presented with a fun plethora of javascript errors and missing providers. What happened? It all comes down to dependency injection and the way Angular handles internal dependencies.

You see, when you create a controller, directive, modules, service, etc. (basically anything where you can inject dependencies) Angular runs the parameters of your function through its registered components and looks for matches.

This is how most of us learn to use Angular, and it works great until we try to run it through uglify or minify to compress the code. If you know how minifcation works, it should be pretty obvious what happens. The first example above may compile to look a little like this (I've expanded the code back to readable JS to make it readable) ...

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Debugging Modern Web Applications

Debugging Modern Web Applications | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

As JavaScript-centric web applications continue to become the standard, and the browser continues to evolve into a full-featured web application platform, developers need powerful debugging tools to help quickly troubleshoot issues and fix them efficiently. Issues can range from HTML/CSS browser inconsistencies, JavaScript exceptions, and a myriad of performance issues that range from DOM access to network latency.

There a number of tools that web developers can use to help make debugging front end applications less painful.

In this tutorial, we will walk through the top tools available and how to use these tools by addressing some of the most common issues faced in modern web application. This is a beginner to intermediate level tutorial for web developers getting started with debugging the web, or programmers coming from other languages who want to better understand how to troubleshoot client side JavaScript, the DOM, performance, and network calls.

As JavaScript-centric web applications continue to become the standard, and the browser continues to evolve into a full-featured web application platform,...

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Node.js and JavaScript coding and development guidelines

Two years ago I wrote about “How to get started with Node.js”: I think most of the information there are still valid… even the book Node.js in Action is still a MEAP (this time planned for release this month, August 2013).

This summer I’m planning on revising, during my holidays, the architecture of OpenROV, and given the huge number of people that are starting to use it, I want to inject" a bit more of “better ALM” in the mix, so I started to look around for coding conventions, development guidelines and how to do unit testing, continuous integration, build and so on: this post is a collection of some link that I found useful.

* Coding and development guidelines

* Testing framework

* CI and build

* Deployment

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Kickstart Your AngularJS Development with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower

Kickstart Your AngularJS Development with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Whether you love or hate it, there’s no denying that AngularJS is the framework on every developer’s lips. It may not be for everybody, but AngularJS has a quirky, efficient and powerful feature set. Couple that with a few useful development tools like Yeoman, Grunt and Bower and you’ve got yourself an incredibly fast rapid prototyping process.


This AngularJS tutorial will cover:

* Generating a bare bones AngularJS app with Yeoman

* Using Grunt to speed up development and help perform repetitive tasks

* Using Bower to add third party plugins/frameworks

* Making minor changes to your AngularJS app

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AngularJS + TypeScript : Workflow

A introductory video on quickly creating AngularJS applications using TypeScript and how you can organize your project. 

This video shows you how you can organize your project so you can rapidly create new Controllers / Directives / Services / Filters with minimum dependency management and file path awareness. 

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Plato - JavaScript Introspection

Plato - JavaScript Introspection | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JavaScript source code visualization, static analysis, and complexity tool

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Continuous Deployment with Yeoman and Jenkins

Continuous Deployment with Yeoman and Jenkins | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Whenever a new commit is pushed to the master branch, our internal Jenkins server picks it up and runs not only the test suite, but the complete grunt pipeline. It also installs all the bower components before that, as those are not part of our repository. There are conflicting opinions on whether committing your components to the repository is a good idea or not. In our case we haven’t seen any negative side-effects. If the build and test suite passes, Jenkins updates or initializes a new git repository in the dist folder that the grunt build created and pushes the complete content to a dedicated deployment remote. After that, Jenkins kicks off capistrano which checks out the deployment remote on the staging server.

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Grunt, the perfect tool for Require.js

Grunt, the perfect tool for Require.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

RequireJS is a really powerful tool to deal with modules and dependencies. It also provides a great optimizer, which allows you to have your entire application (or part of it, as needed) in a single file. It even can uglify the code, which means your code will no longer be human readable.

However, when your project gets complex, it can be very, very difficult to deal with the configuration. Although it is always possible to come up with a solution for your project, sometimes, you just need to add extra configuration only for the optimizer.

Grunt can help you do that, because it must be reminded that this tool is "only" a Nodejs application. This characteristic will allow you to interact with your project...

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Speed Up Your Web Development Workflow with Grunt

Speed Up Your Web Development Workflow with Grunt | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In a series of tutorials, I’m going to help you get started with Grunt, an open source JavaScript task runner that will automate some of your web development tasks.

This nifty JavaScript library will notably speed up and improve your web development processes, and also help you sidestep common human errors.

My intention with this Grunt tutorial series is to get you to experience the same productivity and efficiency improvements I’ve gained through this useful, but little-known open source JavaScript tool.

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Bower components

Bower components | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Bower is a package manager for the web.
Components are self-contained packages of different kinds of assets, but most often JavaScript.

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Building Apps With the Yeoman Workflow

Building Apps With the Yeoman Workflow | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

What Is Yeoman? Trick question. It's not a thing. It's this guy: Basically, he wears a top hat, lives in your computer, and waits for you to create. As an example, scaffolding a web application would look something like this: ...

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Pipefish - Our Single Page Application development stack

Pipefish - Our Single Page Application development stack | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

On our journey through Node.js we encountered several new problems that were either not a problem or were easily solved back when we were on Ruby on Rails. But I suppose this is to be expected when moving into a platform that's the first server-side implementation of its kind. When making the decision to move to Node, we evaluated a lot of different requirements we had for building our Single Page App, namely:

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Moving Ember.js Handlebars templates into Rails the asset pipeline

Well, after getting the basics to work I decided to clean up the mess that was quickly becoming of the HTML and found the wonderful HandlebarsAssets gem that promises to compile Handlebars down to JavaScript and serve it through the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline. After doing so I can say with confidence I managed to hit every single stumbling block along the way so I decided to write down where I went wrong. Hopefully this helps some other poor soul before he has to dive deep into the bowels of Ember like I had to :).

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Rolling your own Meteor js environment

Rolling your own Meteor js environment | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Use Meteor's hosted solution


You can use “meteor deploy” in your project root directory to spin up your app in a development environment that’s maintained by the awesome folks at Meteor. It’s a simple process. The problem is that it is explicitly stated that this is not for Production apps and you don’t get multiple hosts. So pretty quickly, you’ll need to find a new solution once you go live.

Note: Meteor’s hosting platform Galaxy is coming to beta in the coming months. It’ll likely stay in beta for a while with a disclaimer that it’s not for Production apps. When it’s ready, it’s going to be glorious, but until then, you’ll have to find an alternative solution.


Use a node.js platform hosted solution


Use “demeteorizer” to bundle up your application as a standalone node app and deploy it to one of the several Node hosting platforms like Heroku, Nodejitsu, or Modulus. This will certainly work if you only need one server (dyno, servo, or whatever each person calls it). But once you need to scale beyond that, you’ll bump up against the fact that none of them offer sticky sessions in a way that your Meteor app needs.

Don’t let their marketing fool you. Some claim to offer sticky sessions. They are lying and when you run into problems and in the face of proof (an ip log showing the same visitor hitting multiple servers), they’ll shrug their shoulders and say, “we don’t know Meteor”.


Roll your own solution on the cloud platform of your choice


If none of this sounds attractive to you, then you do have another option. It’s the place we ended up at: we just rolled our own stack. And it was easier than you might think.

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Choosing Between npm, Bower and component

Choosing Between npm, Bower and component | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

There is still no best answer to client-side package managers and dependency management. We still have to cobble together the solutions that work best in the context of each project, but at least we’re not downloading js/css manually through the browser, using wget or writing bash scripts to download/update our client-side dependencies.

We have better options.

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Web Tracing Framework by Google

Web Tracing Framework by Google | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Rich tools for instrumenting, analyzing, and visualizing web apps.
Make your app jank-free at 60fps! Squeeze every drop of performance out of your code.

* Rich Tracing
Choose what methods to trace and add custom data to each event. Track asynchronous flows and actions.

* Slick Visualization
Smoothly dig through millions of events in an awesome UI. See patterns and understand your code like never before.

* Extensible Framework
Write extensions to capture more data or visualize it in new ways. Write small node.js scripts to process traces and pull out useful data.

* Canvas & WebGL
Capture and replay HTML5 <canvas> and WebGL content. Write tools to analyze and test your drawing.

* Track Memory Usage
Find every byte allocated by every function via heap tracking. See not just the what but when and who of every allocation.

* Remotely Trace Android
Grab captures and analyze pages running on Chrome for Android using a simple remote controller.

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Using Grunt to Simplify Build Processes

Using Grunt to Simplify Build Processes | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Here are some of the things we wanted to do originally:
* Preprocess the index.html template
This lets us distinguish between builds for different platforms. E.g. Android vs. iOS vs. Web
* Compile the templates into a single template file
Less requests means faster load times. The single most important load time to minimize is the first one.
* Minify the CSS and JS
Both are interpreted languages which parse and run faster when there’s less characters to be parsed.
* Lint the existing codebase for semantic gotchas
A standard software engineering practice that catches subtle kinks in the code before they get out of hand.
* Run shell tasks as build phases
Handy for moving files around or further automation during intermediary stages of a build process.
* Connect to the PhoneGap Build system
We used this system in the early stages of the app to keep things relatively uniform across Android and iOS platforms.

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Yeoman, Express and AngularJS

Yeoman, Express and AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I already used yeoman for AngularJS applications: now I want to build a NodeJS/Express application powered by AngularJS with all the goodies provided by yeoman.

And... before searching for and trying an existing express-angularjs yeoman generators I'd like to do it by hand, just for fun and for diving into NodeJS/grunt & co.

  • AngularJS setup with yo
  • Express initialization
  • Express integration with AngularJS
  • Fix grunt build
  • Grunt server and livereload

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Integrating a JS Build Process Into MSBuild in Visual Studio 2012 Express

Integrating a JS Build Process Into MSBuild in Visual Studio 2012 Express | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I’ve been working with ASP and ASP.NET for about ten years now, starting with ASP classic and settling on .NET 2.0 as my favorite. My new year resolution this year (2013) was to upgrade my .NET work to .NET 4.0 using Visual Studio 2012 Express and really get to grips with MSBuild, so that I can concatenate and minify my JavaScript files as part of the normal build process of a .NET project, in Visual Studio.

I wanted a non-trivial project to demonstrate this process, because I find the devil is in the details. I have often faithfully followed an overly-simple tutorial or introduction to an unfamiliar subject, then discovered that the tutorial did not prepare me for when you want to do something even slightly difficult. So, in this tutorial we’ll be attempting to marry Knockout.js and jQuery UI. We will also be using a JSON file with a hierarchy of data to define a menu.

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Advanced Grunt tooling

Advanced Grunt tooling | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Grunt has made web development more enjoyable. By automating repetitive tasks, it has allowed web developers to focus on building features rather than copying, compiling, and configuring.


In this post, I will share some advanced tooling with Grunt which will help you use it to its full potential.

* Bash functions
* Loading all grunt tasks automatically
* Aliasing tasks
* Verbose mode & debugging
* Invest in a good watch
* Using variables in your configuration
* Running individual test specs
* Plugins to check out

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Getting Started with RequireJS Library

Getting Started with RequireJS Library | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

One of the most commonly used JavaScript libraries today is RequireJS. In every project that I’m involved with lately, we use RequireJS or I suggest to add RequireJS. In this post I’m going to describe what RequireJS is and some of its basic scenarios.

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Get started with ember.js in 5 minutes

Get started with ember.js in 5 minutes | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Create an Ember.js application in 5 minutes using Yeoman and its associated tools. This Ember tutorial gets you up and running fast.
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Developing a mobile app with Phonegap, AngularJS and ExpressJS Part I

Developing a mobile app with Phonegap, AngularJS and ExpressJS Part I | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The gist of the application is to allow users to sign up and be able to share financial tips. I will document my journey along for others who are thinking of travelling down the same road, starting with my choice of technologies, this being my first attempt at building up the whole architecture from the ground up and since I am a front end developer and I wanted to leverage that experience to build a mobile app instead of going native.

When deciding on the initial approach to building the app, I initially thought about using Sencha Touch. I had tried Titanium before but had found it unwieldy although I like the whole integrated IDE to production setup. I work with ExtJS on a daily basis so I figured Sencha Touch would be a natural complement but after working with AngularJS, I really did want to keep getting better at it and not have to duplicate my learning by both doing Angular and Sencha Touch at the same time so i settled on PhoneGap.

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Diving into Ember.js - Part 1

This article is a part of the tutorial on Ember.js framework. The goal is developing of the js application: neither too complex, nor too trivial. We are going to build it up from scratch, without using bootstrapping tools. Be free to look into the source code to feel the idea. Note: i’m going to create js application in the context of the Padrino; actually, only js files will matter by now. Let’s go!

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Create and Deploy an Ember App in 5 Minutes

The ember-rails gem is a great way to get started with Ember.js in a Rails project. Another approach is to create and serve an Ember app on a static webpage, totally decoupled from the backend environment. It would be great to have some of the modern front-end development tools we get with something like Rails in a static web environment. A great project to consider for this is Middleman.

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