JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Understanding ECMAScript 6

Understanding ECMAScript 6 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

* Introduction
Browser and Node.js Compatibility
Who This Book is For
Help and Support
* The Basics
Better Unicode Support
Other String Changes
Other Regular Expression Changes
Block bindings
Destructuring Assignment
* Functions
Default Parameters
Rest Parameters
Destructured Parameters
The Spread Operator
The name Property
Block-Level Functions
Arrow Functions
* Objects
Object Categories
Object Literal Extensions
Duplicate Object Literal Properties
proto, Object.setPrototypeOf()
Reflection Methods
* Iterators and Generators
What are Iterators?
Built-in Iterators
Advanced Functionality
* Symbols
Creating Symbols
Identifying Symbols
Using Symbols
Sharing Symbols
Finding Object Symbols
Well-Known Symbols

Arik Grinstein's curator insight, November 27, 2014 3:36 AM

Understanding ECMA6!

Native JavaScript Data-Binding

Two-way data-binding is such an important feature - align your JS models with your HTML view at all times, to reduce boilerplate coding and enhance UX. We will observe two ways of doing this using native JavaScript, with no frameworks - one with revolutionary technology (Object.observe), and one with an original concept (overriding get/set). Spoiler alert - the second one is better. 

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JS properties: enumerable, writable & configurable

JS properties: enumerable, writable & configurable | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Tutorial about how to create immutable, enumerable and cofigurable object properties in javascript.

Objects are one of the main parts of Javascript. JS syntax for Objects is really concise and easy to use, so we are constantly creating objects and using them as hashmaps effortlessly.

But, do you know that all the object properties in the example above are enumerable, writable and configurable? I mean:

  • Enumerable: I can access to all of them using a loop. Also, enumerable property keys of an object are returned using Object.keys method.
  • Writable: I can modify their values, I can update a property just assigning a new value to it: ob.a = 1000;
  • Configurable: I can modify the behavior of the property, so I can make them non-enumerable, non-writable or even non-cofigurable if I feel like doing so. Configurable properties are the only ones that can be removed using the delete operator.

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Superpower your JavaScript with 10 quick tips - For Beginners

Superpower your JavaScript with 10 quick tips - For Beginners | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Who doesn't love to write better code? In this article I will list 10 simple and quick JavaScript tips that will help beginners improve their code quality. You might know some of these already. In case you didn't feel free to buy me a beer later.

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Continuations | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
There is one abstraction that can be used to implement such apparently diverse concepts as exceptions, generators, coroutines and even the backtracking mechanism present in Prolog.

This article demonstrates how to use continuations to implement these constructs in a custom, small programming language. Then the implementation of an interpreter for that language is presented.

Finally a Java servlet is demonstrated. It uses continuations with server-side JavaScript to simplify writing complex workflows that hide the request/response cycle of HTTP.

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Calculating Standard Deviation with and Array.reduce, In JavaScript

Calculating Standard Deviation with and Array.reduce, In JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

I want to show the listens for each episode and then show the average range in which those listens are falling.

In order to show this, I need to be able to calculate the standard deviation based on the number of listens for each episode shown in the graph. And while I could reach for an existing JavaScript statistics library, like one of the many listed here, I decided it would be more fun to learn how to do this myself.

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Explorations In Automatically Fixing JavaScript Linting-errors

Explorations In Automatically Fixing JavaScript Linting-errors | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

FixMyJS (by Josh Perez) was created to try solving this problem. It aims to automatically fix linting errors in a non-destructive way. To an extent, it achieves this goal.

Under the hood the module uses Esprima for source parsing and Escodegen (from the Mozilla Parser API AST) to generate it back. While any form of automation code transformation should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism, FixMyJS is able to handle fixing basic JSHint errors fairly well. Some of what it supports includes:

  • Adding missing semicolons
  • Enforcing camelCase and snake_case conventions
  • Adding curly braces to statements
  • Removing debugger statements
  • Enforcing single and double quite styles
  • Adding the radix parameter to parseInt
  • Dot notation conversion
  • Handling extra trailing commas

and a few other common linting issues.

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Bringing Sanity to JavaScript UTC Dates with Moment.js and Ember Data

Bringing Sanity to JavaScript UTC Dates with Moment.js and Ember Data | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

One "neat" (awful) feature in JavaScript is that it automatically changes dates to be in whatever timezone the user's computer is set to.

This is great if you are building the online version of The Podunk Gazette and all your servers and users are in one town. Otherwise, it can introduce small inconsistencies between clients and your backend servers.

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Emerging Patterns in JavaScript Event Handling

Emerging Patterns in JavaScript Event Handling | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article looks at the past, present, and future of event handling in JavaScript.

Developers had already been taking sides on whether it is still “mandatory” to have all the logic confined to script files, or if it is acceptable or even preferable to inline selected parts of this logic into HTML. In this post, we will try to sort out this debate, going through the different patterns for error handling, and then weighting pros and cons of these alternatives.

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Start using closures with your AngularJS, EmberJS code, and other JavaScript.

Start using closures with your AngularJS, EmberJS code, and other JavaScript. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Closures are one of the most powerful tools in JavaScript; they can help you write faster, cleaner, and safer code. No matter if you are using AngularJS, EmberJS, JQuery or another framework, closures are an invaluable tool you should be taking advantage of. Lets review the how and why of closures, and give you some examples to play with on your own.

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How JavaScript Objects are Implemented

How JavaScript Objects are Implemented | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Eddy Bruel details how objects are implemented internally in SpiderMonkey as shape trees and slot vectors. This is done in order to minimize the memory footprint and obtain better JIT optimization with inline caching.
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Advanced objects in JavaScript

Advanced objects in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This posts looks beyond everyday usage of JavaScript’s objects. The fundamentals of JavaScripts objects are for the most part about as simple as using JSON notation. However, JavaScript also provides sophisticated tools to create objects in interesting and useful ways, many of which are now available in the latest versions of modern browsers.


  • getters and setters
  • defineProperty
  • defineProperties
  • Object.create
  • sealing objects, freezing them and preventing extensibility
  • valueOf and toString
  • Symbol
  • Proxy
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What you should know about JavaScript regular expressions

What you should know about JavaScript regular expressions | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Regular expressions in JavaScript may not always be intuitive. I aim to provide some clarity by providing examples about things I have found myself getting stuck on. This post covers a few topics including state in regular expressions, regular expression performance and various things that have tripped me up.

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Javascript & jQuery: A pragmatic introduction

A pragmatic introduction to JavaScript and jQuery.

Discovering DataTypes and jQuery functions.

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Javascript Engineering Best Practices

Javascript Engineering Best Practices | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Writing performant code is absolutely critical. Poorly written JavaScript can significantly slow down and even crash the browser. On mobile devices, it can prematurely drain batteries and contribute to data overages. Performance at the browser level is a major part of user experience which is part of the 10up mission statement.


* Performance
* Design Patterns
* Code Style & Documentation
* Unit and Integration Testing
* Libraries

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How to write a simple interpreter in JavaScript

How to write a simple interpreter in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Introduction to the compiling/interpreting process by making a simple calculator application in JavaScript.

This article will perform a basic overview of this process by showing how to write an interpreter for a simple language that we can use for a calculator application.

Step 1: The Lexer

Step 2: The Parser

Step 3: The Evaluator

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Fun with Named Functions in JavaScript

Fun with Named Functions in JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
  1. Declaring a named function binds the function to the name in its surrounding environment. That’s why we can use the function rank within the function officer. Likewise, officer is declared in the global environment, and that’s why we can use it on the Node command line (or wherever we’re testing this code).

  2. We can declare a named function anywhere and its binding can be usedeverywhere. That’s why we can declare rank at the bottom of the function, but use it at the top.
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JavaScript Architecture for the 23rd Century

JavaScript Architecture for the 23rd Century | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

For a long time it seemed like it was ok to just use a single file full of jQuery selectors and event handlers. This is just not a sustainable pattern. The Modern Web that we are entering here in the 23rd century demands a more thought out, and architected approach.

An architectural pattern is not something that you sit down and write. No one sits at their desk and thinks about how to write a new shiny pattern. A pattern is something that comes about as a discovery. Some problem is solved potentially multiple times and a pattern is extracted from the solution(s).

* Constructor
* IIFEs to prevent global leaks
* IIFE for the Revealing Module Pattern
* Organizing Files
* Browserify
* ES6
* Traceur

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HTML5 Form Validation Bubble Replacements

HTML5 Form Validation Bubble Replacements | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

By bubbles I mean the UI controls browsers display validation errors in. For whatever reason, we developers (or more likely our designer colleagues) have a deep-seated desire to style these things. But unfortunately we can’t, as zero browsers provide styling hooks that target these bubbles.

So what’s a developer to do? Well, although browsers don’t allow you to customize their bubbles, the constraint validation spec does allow you to suppress the browser’s bubble UI and build your own. The rest of the article shows you how to do just that.

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Refactoring single page app

Refactoring single page app | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The following is my step-by-step refactoring path, including close look at some MVC-ish solutions. You can use it to get ideas on revamping your own spaghetti app, and/or to see how to approach design of <canvas>-based app, specifically. Each step is made as a separate commit in repo on github.

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JavaScript Performance For The Win

JavaScript Performance For The Win | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

JavaScript performance is a very hot topic nowadays. There's a lot of information out there on what browsers do with JavaScript code in order to execute it faster. Let's go over some of the tips that will help you write faster JavaScript code.

* Tooling
* Non-optimizable code
* Using Local Variables
* Literals
* For-In
* Arguments

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Tips for writing third-party JavaScript

Tips for writing third-party JavaScript | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The unique challenges faced in writing third-party JavaScript revolve around the same-origin policy. Because the JavaScript file is based on a different domain to its host, inbuilt browser security places restrictions on cookie use and client-side/server communication. 

By using jQuery for prototyping, you will be deferring full browser support issues until a little later in the project timeline, but by then you should have gained a better understanding of the unique problems inherent when writing third-party JavaScript.

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Getting the Most out of JavaScript Stacktraces

Getting the Most out of JavaScript Stacktraces | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
JavaScript applications keep getting bigger, more complex, and harder to debug. Without stacktraces, how are we expected to find, decipher, and fix our bugs?
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JavaScript Memory Management Masterclass

Efficient JavaScript webapps need to be fluid and fast. Any app with significant user interaction needs to consider how to effectively keep memory usage down because if too much is consumed, a page might be killed, forcing the user to reload it and cry in a corner.

Automatic garbage collection isn't a substitute for effective memory management, especially in large, long-running web apps. In this talk we'll walk through how to master the Chrome DevTools for effective memory management.

Learn how to tackle performance issues like memory leaks, frequent garbage collection pauses, and overall memory bloat that can really drag you down.

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Dispatched and direct method calls in ECMAScript 5 and 6

Dispatched and direct method calls in ECMAScript 5 and 6 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

There are two ways to call methods in JavaScript:

  • via dispatch, e.g. obj.someMethod(arg0, arg1)
  • directly, e.g., arg0, arg1)

This blog post explains how these two work and why you will rarely call methods directly in ECMAScript 6.

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