Experts Discuss The Most Common Mistakes In Measuring Social Media ROI | Latest Social Media News |

This blogpost is an extract of the interviews conducted for my master thesis on Social Media Business Usage with some of the world’s leading experts on social media.


You can find the first and second part of the interviews here: Are Your Marketing Efforts Really Aligned? World’s Leading Experts Answer and Leading Experts Discuss Social Media ROI


The questions are preceded by my initials KCP, Kelli-Carolin Parkja, and the experts’ answers are indicated with their names. To contact me, write to me on Twitter @kellicarolin


The interviewees:


Andrea Colaianni, Social Media Consulting Director, SAME SAME Agency,
David Meerman Scott, Marketing and Leadership Strategist,
Jay Baer, Social Media Strategist at Convince and Convert,
Jen McClure, Senior Director, Social Media Strategist at Thomson Reuters,
Michael Hopps, Social Media Specialist at Cisco Systems and
Peter Kim, Chief Strategy Officer at DachisGroup.


Read more:

Via Martin Gysler