Smallest Moodle server - with Raspberry Pi #Moodle #MooPi | Moodle and Web 2.0 |

There is a misconception among people that Moodle, the most popular LMS, can be used on all big capacity servers only but have you ever thought of testing Moodle on the smallest devices available in the market nowadays like Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi.

Recently, I stumbled upon a forum thread which took me to another interesting project developed by Paul Verrall which I thought to share with my readers. The project named MooPi shows that it is possible to run Moodle on Raspberry Pi 2 model B with no external resources. The project MooPi also proves what can be made possible by carefully looking at the software stack for the resources and the configuration to extract the maximum juice out of your resources.

PiThe MooPi project website also contains the information about the configuration, the Software stack used for MooPi and other details. If you are interested in more information about MooPi, please check out the Official MooPi project website here.

Another Moodle community member George Varghese shared some snapshots of his Moodle setup with Orange Pi showing Moodle 3.1 and Debian Jessie 8.5 working without any fuss.

Via Miloš Bajčetić